Chapter 338

Brother Ze, will we be like this all our lives?

Shen Ze couldn't respond to Mu Ling's sudden question.

After he was stunned, he said with a smile, "of course, we will have a good relationship like now all our lives."

Muling stared at Shen Ze and asked, "like a friend?"

Shen Ze read other meanings from Mu Ling's eyes, but he pretended not to see them. He replied with a smile, "like brother and sister."

"Like brother and sister..."

Muring repeated what Shen Ze said, and the little girl's eyes flashed a trace of loss.

Shen Ze rubbed Muling's head and said in a low voice, "don't think about it. Let's go on!"


Mu Ling nodded. She hid her lost emotion as if there was nothing.

The little girl turns around and habitually reaches for Shen Ze's arm.

Immediately, they raised their feet and went on for a walk.

"Brother Ze, do you want to come to work in Mu's group?"

"Muling said," I think you have nothing to do. You can come to work and pass the time

Mu Ling seemed to suddenly think of something, and then said with a smile, "I lack an assistant. I think brother Ze is very suitable."

When Shen Ze heard this, he said with a smile, "I'm good at war. I'm engaged in business. I don't know anything about it. I'm not qualified for the job of assistant president."

Muring said, "it's OK. The job of the assistant president is very simple. Once you learn it, you can learn it."

In fact, Muling just wants to spend more time with Shen Ze. She doesn't care whether Shen Ze is qualified for the job of assistant to the president.

Shen Ze said with a smile, "I still don't want to give you any trouble."

Although Shen Ze didn't understand women's mind very well, he could guess what Mu Ling thought.

He thought this kind of thing was troublesome, so he insisted on refusing.

Seeing that Shen Ze's attitude didn't change, it was hard for mu Ling to say anything more. She could only say with a loss, "OK, then I won't force you."

Muling soon put herself in a good mood, and then she asked, "brother Ze, what are you going to do next?"

Shen Ze thought about it and said, "I'm going to play in Haicheng for a while, and then go back to my mother's hometown at Qingming."

Mu Ling knows that Shen Ze's mother has been dead for many years. She knows that Shen Ze went back to her mother's hometown to visit her mother's tomb.

Muring said, "brother Ze, I also want to see my aunt. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I'll go back to Hangzhou with you."

Hangzhou is the hometown of Shen Ze's mother.

When Muling wanted to go, Shen Ze would not refuse. He nodded and replied, "OK."

Seeing that Shen Ze agreed, Mu Ling said happily, "that's a happy decision!"

Shen Ze and Mu Ling chatted and strolled along the beach.

Unconsciously, the setting sun, the sunset red the horizon and the sea.

At about 7 p.m., the sky was dim, so they left the seaside and drove to yueyawan restaurant.

Crescent Bay restaurant is not far away from the beach. It's not long before it arrives.

After getting off the bus, Mu Ling said with a little embarrassment, "brother Ze, I see that when people eat candlelight dinner, men will buy a bunch of flowers for women. Can you also buy a bunch of flowers for me?"

After these words, a blush appeared on her small face, and she was very shy.

Looking at the little girl's coy but expectant look, Shen Ze couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded, "I'll buy flowers, you go to the restaurant with Qin Chao first."


Seeing that Shen Ze agreed to buy flowers, Mu Ling almost jumped up happily.

Later, Shen Ze went to the nearby florist to buy flowers, while Muling and Qin Chao went to the yueyawan restaurant.

The flower shop is not far away from the restaurant. Shen Ze walked for a few minutes.

Into the florist, Shen Ze directly came to the counter.

After seeing Shen Ze, the woman owner of the florist sitting behind the counter asked with a smile and a soft voice, "Sir, what kind of flowers do you want to buy?"

Shen Ze replied, "rose."

The female boss then asked, "what color do you want?"

Shen Ze thought that Mu Ling liked pink better, so he asked, "do you have pink?"

The woman boss thought about it, and then said, "it seems that there is one last bunch of pink roses left."

"Just a moment, sir. I'll look for the flowers."

After explaining to Shen Ze, the female boss went to find the pink rose.

Shen Ze had nothing to do, so he put his hands in his pocket and looked at the flowers in the florist's shop to enjoy them.

At this time, a young man in a white suit, with an inch in his head, who looked like he was in his early twenties, and a young woman in a black miniskirt, with heavy makeup, who was also in her twenties, walked into the florist side by side.

This pair of men and women like to come to their own home, as soon as they enter the florist, they have a very loud communication.

The man in white suit asked carelessly, "honey, what flower do you want?"

The woman in the black miniskirt said in a sweet voice, "honey, I want pink roses."

The white suit man nodded, "OK, I'll buy you a bunch of pink roses!"

Then, the white suit man exclaimed, "boss, I want to buy a bunch of pink roses!"

The female boss went to the inner room to look for him. She didn't respond to the man in white suit for the first time.

Without a response, the man in the white suit showed his displeasure and began to clamor again.

"Boss, where the hell did you die?"

"I want to buy flowers, get out quickly!"

The young man in white suit looks like a dog, but his character is not very good. He has a lot of dirty words and his mouth stinks.

It's a little harsh to hear the foul language of the young people in white suits, plus their loud voice.

Shen Ze, who was enjoying the flowers, was disturbed and a trace of displeasure appeared in his eyes.

However, although he was not happy, Shen Ze did not say or do anything.

As the young man in the white suit clamored louder, the female boss who was looking for flowers in the inner room heard it and responded, "just a moment, sir, I'll come out right away!"

The young man in white suit has a bad temper. After listening to the female boss, he scolded, "I'm waiting for you to be paralyzed, dawdling and bothering me!"

"Husband, take it easy. Don't scold me."

Black miniskirt women seem to think that it's not good for white suit youth to curse like this, so they put their arms around the latter and try to persuade the latter to stop swearing.

White suit young people eat black miniskirt woman this set, he endured the heart of the discomfort, did not abuse.

The florist quieted down.

After a while, the woman boss came out with a bunch of pink roses in her arms.

The woman in the black miniskirt saw the pink rose in her boss's hand and said, "Wow, I want this bunch of pink roses!"

"All right, honey, I'll take this bunch of pink roses."

The young man in the white suit hugged the waist of the woman in the black miniskirt. Then he said to the woman boss in an indisputable tone, "I want this bunch of pink roses. You wrap them for me!"