Chapter 358

The old man in Tang costume lay in the pit for almost half an hour, then walked out of the pit with Qin Liang's body on his back.

Then, carrying Qin Liang on his back, he walked towards the Mu family mansion.

Shen Ze said hello, so the old man in Tang costume walked out of Mu's mansion with Qin Liang on his back.

As soon as they arrived outside the Mujia mansion, the three masters who were guarding outside the Mujia mansion jumped out for the first time.

Just now, hearing the huge noise in the Mu family mansion, the three martial arts masters wanted to rush in.

However, because it was a matter of great importance, and Shen Diaolong was the man inside, they did not dare to act rashly without Qin Liang's direct instructions.

In the end, it is still to bear the impulse to stay outside the Mu family mansion.

"What's the matter with Mr. Qin?"

At this moment, I saw the ragged, bloody Tang suit carrying the motionless Qin Liang came out.

The three martial arts masters frowned and their faces changed constantly.

The old man in Tang costume pondered for a moment and said truthfully, "Mr. Qin was killed by the Dragon God."


Three martial arts masters smell speech, all is shocked to stare big pupil, brow twisted together.

"What is to be done?"

The faces of the three martial arts masters all became very gloomy in an instant.

Qin Liang was killed, and the four of them were not well protected.

The Qin royal family will certainly blame them.

All of a sudden, they fell into a bad situation.

"Don't think so much now, we need to go back to King Qin's house immediately," said the old man in Tang costume

A master of martial arts said in embarrassment: "we didn't protect Mr. Qin well. If we go back to Lord Qin's house, we will be blamed."

"If the old man is angry, we can't bear his anger."

"Brother Qi is right."

The other two martial arts masters nodded in agreement.

The martial arts master, who was called brother Qi, then said, "let's not go back to King Qin's house to reply. Let's go away."

The other two martial arts masters didn't say anything this time, but their attitude was like acquiescence.

Only the old people in Tang costume hold different opinions: "we are all cultivated by Prince Qin's residence, and the affairs of Prince Qin's residence need to have a beginning and an end."

"If we run away today, will we not plunge ourselves into injustice?"

"What's more, this is a voluntary plea, maybe it can avoid death. If you escape, there is no turning back. It is very likely that you will seek your own death."

"We should all know the strength of the royal family. Even if we want to escape, we may not be able to escape."

The words of the old man in Tang costume are quite sincere.

After hearing this, the three martial arts masters were silent one after another, showing a thoughtful look.

"The three of you think for yourself, and Mr. Tang takes the lead."

The old man in Tang costume was not in the mood to dally with the three martial arts masters. After saying this, he raised his feet and left with Qin Liang on his back.

The three martial arts masters looked at each other.

After a moment's hesitation, the three finally keep up with the pace of the old man in Tang costume.

After leaving Mu's mansion here, the old people in Tang Dynasty took a private plane to return to Yanjing.

At noon of that day, they returned to the palace of King Qin.

The old man in Tang costume carries Qin Liang's body from beginning to end.

After returning to the palace of King Qin, the old man in Tang costume met Qin Xiong with Qin Liang's body on his back and the other three martial arts masters.

When they saw Qin Xiong, they knelt down on their knees and kowtowed.

"We didn't protect Mr. Qin well. Please punish him!"

Qin Xiong thought that Qin Liang had dealt with Qin Yu's affairs, and captured Qin Yu's murderer.

But I didn't expect to wait for the news that Qin Liang was also killed.

Qin Xiong couldn't believe it if he hadn't seen Qin Liang who had become a cold corpse.

"How could that be?"

"How could my son have been killed?"

"Who killed my son?"

Mr. Qin, who has always been steady, is not stable at the moment.

He was emotional, his eyes were splitting, and his face was ferocious. He was like a roar, and asked the old man in Tang costume.

The old man in Tang costume was lying on the ground, facing Qin Xiong's angry voice, his heart filled with endless bitterness.

After pondering for a while, he said in a very hoarse voice: "master, it was Shen Diaolong who killed young master Qin Yu."

"Mr. Qin went to Shen Diaolong to talk about it and was killed by him."

"The old slave was defeated by Shen Diaolong and failed to protect Mr. Qin."

After listening to the words of the old man in Tang costume, Qin Xiong twisted his white brows together.

"Did Shen Diaolong kill yu'er?"

"Qin Liang went to Shen Diaolong to discuss the story, and was killed by him?"

Qin Xiong couldn't believe the answer of the old man in Tang costume.

The old man in Tang costume said in a positive tone: "old man, what the old slave said is true, and there is no empty word."

When Qin Xiong heard the speech, his eyebrows turned up, and his old face became a little twisted.

Shen Diaolong killed Qin Yu and Qin Liang!

No wonder the other party is so bold that they dare to kill the children of the Qin royal family.

If the other party is Shen Diaolong, all this really makes sense!

Qin Xiong doesn't know Shen Ze either, but he has heard about the most famous people in the Dragon Kingdom, such as sun Zhongtian, and knows a lot about them.

Shen Diaolong is not only the Grand Marshal of the Army Department, but also the Dragon God. He has the supreme status and status.

This half man and half god level existence, with mixed reputation, hard-blooded wrist and cruel heart, is known as the living king of hell.

Really do this kind of thing to kill the children of the royal family!

"Unexpectedly, it was Shen Diaolong who killed yu'er."

Knowing this, Qin Xiong's mood suddenly became very complicated.

The murderer is Shen Diaolong. How can we get revenge?

Shen Diaolong is the first person in the Dragon Kingdom, and his power and status are at the top.

Even if the royal family of Qin had a great career, they did not dare to provoke each other easily, let alone seek revenge!

But, this revenge does not revenge, how can be willing?

How can the evil spirit in this heart disappear?

Before that, the other party only killed Qin Yu, but now it has killed Qin Liang.

But two days later, two children of the Qin family died in a row.

And these two people are his own sons and grandchildren of Qin Xiong.

If you don't get revenge, it's hard to calm your mind!

Qin Xiong thought more and more, and his face became more and more gloomy.

In Qin Xiong's eyes, red blood gradually appeared.

After a while, Qin Xiong's eyes turned red.

He suddenly raised his head, glared at the four old men in Tang costume, and roared: "I found that the other party was Shen Diaolong, why didn't I be reported?"

The old man in Tang costume said bitterly, "Mr. Qin doesn't want to report."

When Qin Xiong heard the speech, his eyelids jumped violently.

Then he clapped his hand on the tea table.

Bang, the tea table broke.

Then, Qin Xiong said: "you four don't protect people well. What's your face to come back to see me alive?"

"You all die for me!"

Qin Xiong was furious and tried to kill four of them.