Chapter 362

Compared with fighting and killing on the battlefield, Shen Ze prefers to live a leisurely life.

Go to bed and get up early every day, eat three meals regularly, go out to relax, enjoy the scenery and eat delicious food.

Picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely see Nanshan.

Although the days are plain, the years are quiet.

In my heart, I still like the quiet Shen Ze. I enjoy this kind of life and enjoy it.

Of course, while enjoying the wonderful life, Shen Ze never dared to forget the past.

Today's peaceful and prosperous times, the country is peaceful and the people are prosperous and strong, which is the result of countless soldiers' blood.

Cherish the present.

And in his position to seek his politics, even if he is in a corner, he has to look at the world.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao practiced in the back garden for nearly three hours.

He took a hot bath and went to the kitchen to make lunch for Muling.

Shen Ze didn't make any big meals, so he made some home cooked dishes.

It took him an hour to make a shredded pork with green pepper, a scrambled egg with tomato and a small vegetable.

After packing the food, Shen Ze then set out to go to Mu's building.

He said he would cook lunch and deliver lunch himself, so Shen Ze drove his own car instead of calling Qin Chao.

At about 11:30 noon, Shen Ze arrived at Mu's building.

He was dressed in black casual clothes, carrying a lunch bag, and looked like a take away boy.

"Shen Ze!"

Shen zegang walked into Mu's mansion a few steps later, and a slightly surprised cry came.

When Shen Ze heard this, he stopped subconsciously.

Then he turned and went.

Shen Ze was surprised to see a tall, well-dressed young woman in white business clothes, walking towards him in a pair of silver high heels.

So coincidentally, I met an acquaintance again.

Shen Ze picks his eyebrows.

Obviously, he knew this young woman in white business dress, who was a bit of a beauty.

The young woman's name is carambola. She is a senior high school classmate of Shen Ze.

"Shen Ze, it's really you!"

Carambola went to Shen Ze and looked at his face carefully. Then he felt a little emotion.

I haven't seen you for many years. It's really surprising to meet you here today.

"It's me." Shen Ze didn't have any mood ups and downs, and his tone lightly responded.

After confirming that he was really his high school classmate Shen Ze, carambola looked Shen Ze up and down again.

He was as handsome as before, and he became more mature and charming.

It's just an ordinary cheap dress with a meal bag in hand. It doesn't look good?

Carambola thought to herself that Shen Ze didn't mix as well as she did. She could not help straightening her waist and was full of confidence.

She took back her gaze, then raised her head and asked Shen Ze with a smile, "Shen Ze, do you also work in Mu's group?"


Shen Ze shook his head and said truthfully, "I'm here to deliver food."

It's really a food delivery man.

After listening to Shen Ze's answer, carambola suddenly confirms her previous judgment of Shen Ze.

Shen Ze was at the top of his class at that time. He was very independent and intelligent. How could he be so poor now?

Actually did the bottom job of delivering food!

Carambola can't help sighing.

At the beginning, Shen Ze had excellent grades, intelligence and talent. In addition, he had a unique temperament and was handsome. She was very popular with the female students in the school.

At that time, carambola also made a secret promise to Shen Zefang and confessed to him.

Of course, Shen Ze refused carambola.

Apart from being classmates, they did not develop more relationships.

The boy who was so dazzling in his eyes and favored by him has now become a bottom figure, which is really unexpected.

At the beginning, carambola was rejected, but she still had some resentment towards Shen Ze.

At the moment, she is very glad that Shen Ze refused her at the beginning, rather than promised her.

Otherwise, if she really followed Shen Ze and got along so badly, it would be really bad luck.

Now she is more beautiful than Shen Ze.

My boyfriend is the manager of the personnel department of Mu's group, earning millions a year.

And she is a recruiter in the personnel department of Mu's group, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands.

The work is easy, the salary is good, the life is very moist.

When she was rejected by Shen Ze, carambola thought she was rejected by Shen Ze.

Beautiful as she is, she has poor grades and no talent.

At that time, carambola humbly felt that she and Shen Ze were not from the same world.

At this moment, she had such a strong idea again.

Now, she and Shen Ze are not from the same world.

There is no comparability between heaven and earth.

Shen Ze didn't know what carambola was thinking, and he didn't know that there were so many dramas in the latter's mind.

Of course, he didn't care.

He only cares if Mu Ling can eat hot food.

Although he is a high school classmate, he is not familiar with me, and he hasn't seen me for many years.

Shen Ze didn't have anything to say to carambola, so he said, "if it's nothing, I'll deliver the meal first."

After that, Shen Ze plans to go around the carambola and walk towards the building.

"Shen Ze, wait!"

When carambola heard Shen Ze's words, she came back from her thoughts.

As she spoke, she moved her body to block Shen Ze's way.

Looking at the woman blocking the way, Shen Ze frowned and asked unhappily, "what else can I do for you?"

See Shen Ze face so serious, carambola smile, said: "Shen Ze, I want to help you."

"Help me with what?"

Shen Ze was puzzled and thought, "what can I do for you?"?

"Help you find a good job."

After explaining the meaning, carambola then said: "I am a recruiter in the personnel department of Mu's group, mainly responsible for recruiting employees for the group."

"And my boyfriend is the manager of the personnel department of the Mu's group. If I talk to him, I can accommodate you and let you work in the Mu's group."

When carambola said these words, he was in high spirits and had a sense of showing off.

Shen Ze is indifferent to the display of carambola and has no mood fluctuation.

As for carambola want to help him find a job, help him into the Mu group, he is not cold.

If he wants to work in Mu's group, he only needs one word. Why do he need other people's help?

See Shen Ze listened to his words, fell into silence, and completely did not mean heart, carambola frowned.

Why, you take Miss Ben's kindness as a donkey's liver and lung?

Or do you have been smoothed out by life, you have no ambition, and you don't want to have a better job and get a better life?

Whatever it is, it's scornful.

For a time, carambola suddenly looked down on Shen Ze.

When you are young, you have no ambition. What's the difference between that and a salted fish?

What a waste!