Chapter 364

See Shen Ze a word also don't say, also don't have any other expression, carambola also very speechless to him.

You guy, why don't you have eyes?

Or, I haven't learned any of the principles of being a human being?

Don't you know how to thank us for helping you?

Do you want to prove how different you are by acting like you don't care about yourself?

Carambola suddenly understood why Shen Ze was so good at the beginning, but now he is so bad.

It's because I don't know how to deal with people, and I'm not smooth at all, that's why I'm so bad.

Shen Ze's attitude made carambola regret to help Shen Ze.

She thinks that Shen Ze is hopeless, there is no need to help, should let Shen Ze continue to be so down.

However, what she says is like water splashed out. Carambola doesn't want Shen Ze to think that she is talking big.

Therefore, the matter of helping Shen Ze has to continue.

"Shen Ze, what did Angkor ask you? Answer quickly

Carambola is like an old mother's son who can't see things. She looks at Shen Ze with her eyes that hate iron but not steel.

Shen Ze respectively took a look at carambola and Wu Xiang, and then said: "I don't need to work in Mu group, you don't have to talk about it any more."

You don't need to work in the moose group?

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Wu Xiang and carambola both look dull, showing an incredible expression.

Why doesn't this kid play according to common sense?

As a matter of principle, Shen Ze should be eager to have the opportunity to join the Mu group.

Why not?

Is this kid out of his mind?

Wu Xiang and carambola have such questions in their hearts.

"Go first."

Shen Ze was afraid of further delay, and the food was cold.

So, after he said this, he raised his feet and walked towards the building.

For Shen Ze's answer, Wu Xiang and carambola are very surprised, two people a time Leng in situ.

Only when Shen Ze walked into the elevator did they come back to their senses.

"This boy is really ungrateful. He dares to be ungrateful, a fool!"

Wu Xiang and carambola both feel that they are teased by Shen Ze.

Wu Xiang scolded Shen Ze.

"He was kind enough to help him. He didn't know how to be grateful and put on airs."

"In the end, I said that I didn't need to work in the Mu group. I can't get on the wall with mud!"

"This kind of goods is only suitable to be a cheap food delivery man!"

Wu Xiang is very angry and reproaches Shen Ze.

At the moment, carambola's face has become very ugly.

She is obviously dissatisfied with what Shen Ze has done.

Although she wants to show her superiority and ability in front of Shen Ze, she still helps Shen Ze find a good job after all.

No matter what, Shen Ze should be grateful for her kindness.

Shen Ze never took it seriously from the beginning to the end. He put on airs and had a bad attitude.

Finally, light Piao Piao said no need to leave.

Is this playing her like a monkey?

If you don't need it, you can't say it earlier. Why wait so long?

"That guy is a hopeless waste. If I had known that, I would not have been kind enough to help!"

"It's a waste of my time!" the carambola complained

"That boy is a rubbish. He can only be a bottom person all his life!"

Wu Xiang said to the carambola in an indisputable tone: "peach, if you meet that boy again in the future, you will directly regard it as if you don't know him."

"You two are not in the same world at all. You don't have to have anything to do with each other!"


Carambola nodded and said with approval, "in the future, I will not know him."

"I feel sick now when I think that I used to be a classmate with him!"

Carambola said here, showing a very dislike and disgust expression.

At the moment, she suddenly scolded in her heart that she was blind at the beginning, and she even took a fancy to Shen Ze.

She regretted her confession to Shen Ze.

Now, it's a complete disgrace to her!

"Damn, I'm in a bad mood when I meet such a naughty boy!"

Because of Shen Ze, Wu Xiang's mood suddenly became not wonderful.

"Angkor, it's all my fault. Don't be angry."

Carambola shook Wu Xiang's arm to persuade him not to be angry.

Wu Xiangchang let out a breath, and then he waved his hand, "don't talk about the stinky rice deliverer."

"Let's go to lunch."


Carambola nodded, then she took Wu Xiang's arm and walked out of the building.

"Angkor, let's have a big meal," carambola suggested as she walked

"All right."

Wu Xiang nodded: "I have to have a good lunch today, to adjust my mood."


See Wu Xiang agreed, carambola face showed a sweet and happy smile.

At this moment, carambola is once again glad that it did not come together with Shen Ze.

Otherwise, she can't live such a good life now.

Shen Ze doesn't know what carambola thinks.

Shen Ze didn't pay attention to what just happened, which naturally didn't affect him.

Shen Ze took the elevator to the top floor of the building, the 66th floor.

Mu Ling knew that Shen Ze was coming at noon, so she called a female secretary to wait at the door of the elevator.

When the elevator reaches the sixty sixth floor, Shen Zeyi comes out.

The female secretary asked him, "is that Mr. Shen?"

Shen Ze nodded.

The Secretary said, "Mr. Shen, I'll take you to the general office of mu."

Shen Ze said, "thank you."

"Follow me, please."

Then, the female secretary took Shen Ze to the president's office.

Mu Ling has just finished her work, and now she is leaning back on her seat and closing her eyes.

The female secretary took Shen Ze into Mu Ling's office and asked, "Mr. Shen is here, general manager mu."

Hearing the sound, Mu Ling opened her eyes.

Seeing Shen Ze with a bag in her hand, Mu Ling's face was filled with joy.

"Xiaoxue, go and help yourself!"

Mu Ling first waved to the female secretary and dismissed her.

Then, she stood up from her seat and rushed to Shen Ze. With a smile, she said, "brother Ze, I didn't expect that you really brought me food!"

At the moment, Mu Ling was surprised and happy.

"I promised you, and I will do it."

Shen Ze smiles at Mu Ling. Then he puts the bag on the tea table and takes out the food.

Shen Ze waved to Mu Ling: "hurry to eat. If you don't eat, the food will be cold."


Muling happily like a little girl, hopping to the sofa next to the tea table to sit down.

After that, Mu Ling was very happy to eat the food made by Shen Ze.