Chapter 366

After making up her mind, Mu Ling immediately called the Secretary to let her know.

Before going to work in the afternoon, gather the senior management of the group to hold a temporary meeting.

The notice of the interim meeting went on, causing some small shocks, but that's all.

As a miss of the Mu family, it is not unusual for mu Ling to hold a high-level meeting as the president of the Mu group on her first day.

Of course, some people think that this is not simple.

It is the so-called three fires when a new official takes office.

Some people think that there must be something important about the sudden high-level meeting held by Mu Ling.

Even if it's not a big thing, it's certainly not a small thing.

Wu Xiang and carambola wanted to have a big meal and enjoy their world.

However, before going to work in the afternoon, the senior management of Mu's group needed to attend a temporary meeting held by Mu Ling. Wu Xiang's mood was not wonderful all of a sudden.

As the personnel manager of the group, Wu Xiang is also a small senior member of the group. Naturally, he wants to attend this meeting.

"Taotao, we need to go back to the group."

After reading the news on his mobile phone, Wu Xiang suddenly became unhappy.

"Angkor, is something wrong?"

Seeing that Wu Xiang was not happy, carambola asked.

Wu Xiang said: "today, general manager mu, who just took office as the group president, issued a notice to hold an interim meeting before going to work in the afternoon, and all the company's senior managers should attend."

Carambola smell speech, tone some helplessly said: "Oh, that can't continue to eat."

When Muling held the meeting, it was obvious that no one in the top management of the whole Mu group dared not to attend.

"Damn, you can't eat a good meal. It's a piece of shit."

Wu Xiang's face was ugly and he could not help complaining.

Before that, Shen Ze and carambola were in a bad mood because of his troubles.

Also said to eat a good meal, enjoy food, make up for the mood.

But I didn't expect that, because the temporary meeting was blocked.

"Angkor, don't be angry."

Yang taoquan said, "we didn't eat well at noon. We'll eat it in the evening."

Can not continue to eat a big meal, which is also an unpleasant thing for carambola.

However, in order to appease Wu Xiang's mood, she endured the attack.

Carambola saw that there was still half a table of delicious food left to eat, and she sighed in her heart.

It's a pity that so much food is wasted.

Don't want to delay Wu Xiang's meeting, carambola in the heart complained two, then stood up, walked to Wu Xiang's side.

"Angkor, let's go!"

As she spoke, carambola put her hand around Wu Xiang's arm.


Wu Xiang stood up reluctantly and walked out of the restaurant with carambola.

Of course, they didn't forget to check out at the front desk.

"Beauty, we have to leave because of something, and we still have half of the food to eat. Can we get a discount on this consumption?"

Carambola thinks that they still have half of the food to eat, so they can give the restaurant a discount.

The beauty front desk shook her head and said with a smile: "Miss, our restaurant orders are not refundable, can't discount."

"We haven't touched half of the food. Your restaurant can recycle it. Why can't we have a discount?"

Carambola is a poor family's children, used to poverty, but also develop a love to take advantage of the habit.

She is very willing to do such things that can save money.

"Miss, our restaurant doesn't recycle food, even if it hasn't been moved by customers." The beauty receptionist explained patiently.

Carambola smell speech, displeasantly said: "your restaurant is too wasteful and too unreasonable, things are so rigid!"

Carambola this theory, the front desk beauty to make some embarrassment, but she still took the initiative to apologize.

"I'm sorry, miss. It's a restaurant rule. I can't help it."

"Why is there no way?"

Carambola seems to be in a mood all of a sudden, quite a kind of to and front desk beauty bar on the meaning.

At this moment, Wu Xiang said impatiently, "OK, stop it!"

Wu Xiang was in a bad mood at the moment, so when he said this, he yelled loudly.

Both carambola and the beauty at the front desk were startled.

Carambola looked at Wu Xiang wrongly. Then she closed her mouth bitterly and didn't dare to say anything more.

Wu Xiang immediately said nothing and settled the meal fee.

After checking out, Wu Xiang shook off the carambola and took the lead to walk out of the restaurant.

See Wu Xiang do not want to pay attention to themselves, carambola more aggrieved.

"Angkor, wait for me."

Carambola eyes a red, after a cry, toward Wu Xiang chase up.

One in front of the other, they walked out of the restaurant.

Then, one after another, he entered the car.

Wu Xiang had a black face and didn't want to pay attention to carambola.

After he got in the driver's seat, he started the engine and drove back to the moose building.

Carambola sat in the co pilot's seat. She tilted her head and looked at Wu Xiang, who was obviously angry. She was silent and didn't dare to say a word.

Because Wu Xiang is rich, the status of carambola in front of Wu Xiang is obviously lower.

Wu Xiang is often more powerful, carambola is more vulnerable.

Although carambola felt aggrieved at the moment, she did not dare to complain and vent her emotions with Wu Xiang.

After a while, carambola asked in a low voice, "Angkor, why did you ignore me? Are you angry with me?"

Wu Xiang, who had never made a sound, turned his head and glared at the carambola.

Then, he said angrily, "how many times have I told you that you should not be greedy outside and do things that are detrimental to my face. How can you not have a long memory?"

Wu Xiang was so scolded, carambola instant is red eyes.

"Angkor, I don't want to do anything to lose your face," she said

"You didn't want to do it?"

Wu Xiang raised the volume and asked, "what were you doing?"

"Who asked you to bargain with the front desk?"

Yang Tao is obviously blaming Wu Xiang.

With tears in her eyes, Hua'er said in a choked voice, "Angkor, I just want to save money for you."

"I don't need you to save me money," Wu said in an unquestionable voice

"If you do such a disgraceful thing to me in the future, you'll go away!"

Wu Xiang said in a bad voice, with a heavy emphasis.

Wu Xiang's meaning is very obvious. If carambola does something that he thinks is humiliating next time, he will dump it.

Understanding Wu Xiang's meaning, carambola can't help crying.

Tears are like broken beads, pattering down.

But in the twinkling of an eye, carambola became a tearful person.

"You smelly girl, you only know how to cry every time you encounter something!"

"You cry for your mother!"

"Don't cry the fuck!"

Wu Xiang was very upset. He was even more upset when he heard the cry of carambola. He yelled at him and denounced carambola.

"If you don't stop crying, I'll throw you out of the car!"

Wu Xiang has really done something to drive the carambola out of the car.

Listening to Wu Xiang, carambola was afraid that the former would drive her out of the car, so she had to hold back her tears and stop crying.