Chapter 371

Wu Xiang still knelt on the ground, but straightened up.

He raised a pair of eyes full of blood, staring at Mu Ling.

He was emotional and said in a tone that seemed to be crying: "Mr. mu, I really know I'm wrong. Please give me another chance!"

"Mr. mu, please take back your decision. Don't fire me. I kowtow to you!"

As soon as the words were finished, Wu Xiang was stunned and really kowtowed.

Seeing Wu Xiang pleading so humbly in order not to be expelled, there was a complex emotion in the hearts of the people present.

If you had known that, why did you have to do it in the first place?

Seeing Wu Xiang kowtow and beg again, Mu Ling frowned.

In doing so, Wu Xiang obviously means to be a bit stubborn.

Mu Ling didn't like it.

At the same time, she also felt that Wu Xiang did not need to do so.

Wu Xiang's humble begging, in addition to make himself more humiliating, let others see jokes, has no effect.

Because Muling won't change her mind.

Mu Ling looked at Wu Xiang calmly and said indifferently, "Wu Xiang, you don't have to ask me any more. I won't change my mind."

Hearing what Mu Ling said, Wu Xiang, who was kowtowing, suddenly became stiff and did not move again.

After a moment, he raised his head and turned his eyes to Wang Hua, who was sitting in front of him.

"Vice president Wang, please plead with Mr. mu for me and ask her not to fire me."

Wu Xiang looked at Wang Hua with a look of help and begged in a low voice.

Wang Hua is Wu Xiang's immediate superior. He is Wu Xiang's noble man and has brought Wu Xiang to the position of personnel manager.

In the group, Wu Xiang and Wang Hua have the best relationship.

At this time, the only person Wu Xiang could ask for help was Wang Hua.

He thought that Wang Hua could stand up at this time to help him in their friendship.

Wang Hua is a vice president of the group, with an unusual status.

If he comes forward to plead for Wu Xiang, it will have some effect.

At the moment, in Wu Xiang's eyes, Wang Hua is the last straw he can grasp.

After the words of begging were uttered, Wu Xiang looked at Wang Hua eagerly with a look of hope and desire.

At this time, Wu Xiang is like a pug.

Wu Xiang thought that Wang Hua would look at their relationship and stood up to ask for it for him.

However, he thought too much.

Wang Hua didn't mean to stand up for Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang violated the regulations of the group and used his power for personal gain.

Now she was expelled from public by Muling, which is a mistake.

As Wu Xiang's immediate superior, Wu Xiang was fired. Obviously, he would also be implicated and more or less punished.

This is not what Wang Hua wants.

Wang Hua is angry with Wu Xiangxin. How can he plead for Wu Xiang?

However, although Wang Hua didn't want to intercede for Wu Xiang, he still thought of their love, didn't reprimand Wu Xiang, and directly refused Wu Xiang's request.

He didn't mention the matter of intercession, but advised: "Wu Xiang, if you still want to leave a last face for yourself, don't intercede and leave quickly!"

As soon as Wu Xiang heard Wang Hua's words, he knew that the latter had no intention of pleading for him.

He was like being poured a basin of cold water, his expression was dull and his heart was cold.

If Wang Hua doesn't help him, who can help him?

Wu Xiang couldn't find another person.

He was expelled from the Mu group, as if it was a foregone conclusion, can not be changed.

Wu Xiang wants to cry without tears.

Just like the dead in his family, his face became very ugly.

Seeing Wu Xiang like this, Wang Hua sighed in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, got up and went to Wu Xiang.

"Get up!"

Wang Hua reached out and helped Wu Xiang up.

Later, he said to Wu Xiang in a low voice, "leave yourself some dignity and go through the resignation procedures."

Wu Xiang, with a stiff face, nodded after a moment of stupefaction.

Wu Xiang has no other way to change the situation.

And if he continues to stay here, he will only continue to make people laugh and humiliate himself.

Just as Wang Hua said, it is his best choice to leave here with some dignity.

After figuring this out, Wu Xiang's face was more ugly than crying.

After PI xiaorou stopped laughing for a while, Wu Xiang turned around and looked at Shen Ze, who was quietly sitting on the chair, with venomous eyes.

Although Shen Ze closed his eyes, he was keenly aware of Wu Xiang's fierce eyes full of resentment.

However, he pretended to find nothing and ignored Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang stares at Shen Ze for a moment, then walks out of the room like a walking corpse.

Looking at Wu Xiang's back, they were speechless one after another, sighing in their hearts.

After Wu Xiang left, Mu Ling swept around the conference room.

"I hope all of you here will take a warning about Wu Xiang and don't make the same mistakes as him and do anything harmful to the interests of the group," she said

"What Mu always said is."

"I'll take a warning."

As soon as Muling's words spread, the group leaders in the meeting room echoed Muling and expressed their attitude.

We have done what we need to do, and we have achieved what we want to achieve.

Without any hesitation, Mu Ling immediately preached, "OK, let's finish the meeting."

After paying homage to Muling, the group leaders present left the conference room one after another.

After a while, only Shen Ze and Mu Ling were left in the conference room.