Chapter 377

"Angkor, what are you going to do?"

Out of curiosity, carambola asked.

Wu Xiang raised his eyes, staring at the carambola coldly and sharply.

He did not answer carambola's question, but said in an unquestionable tone: "I want you to help me revenge Shen Ze."

"Let me help you revenge Shen Ze?"

Carambola was obviously reluctant to do what Wu Xiang meant, and his face was in a dilemma.

She whispered, "Angkor, I have no money and no power. I'm just a weak woman. I can't help you."

Wu Xiang said coldly, "I need a woman to help me. You are just right!"

Seeing that Wu Xiang seemed to have plans, carambola asked, "Angkor, what are you going to let me do?"

Wu Xiang said indifferently, "I want you to seduce Shen Ze and lead him to take the bait."

"Let me seduce Shen Ze?"

The color of embarrassment on carambola's face became more intense. She resisted and said, "Angkor, this is not good!"

"I've never done anything like that. I can't seduce men."

Wu Xiang smell speech, white carambola one eye.

"You're just a little fox. You're very good at seducing men."

"I know this very well. Don't cheat me here!"

The reason why carambola and Wu Xiang are dating each other is that carambola was like a fox at the beginning and took the initiative to hook up with Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang couldn't hold it, so he let the carambola get entangled.

For carambola's ability to hook up with men, Wu Xiang knows very well.

Carambola wrongly said: "Angkor, people are not fox spirit..."

Wu Xiang gave carambola a sneer with a cold hum.

What kind of goods are you? Don't you count in your heart?

"Don't tell me anything else!"

Wu Xiang didn't want to talk to carambola. He said in a strong and domineering voice, "this time, I was expelled by Muling mainly because of you. Anyway, you need to do what I mean!"

"That's settled. When I leave the hospital, we'll start to implement it!"

"Angkor, I don't want to do that."

"Angkor, I'm your girlfriend. How can you let me seduce other men?"

After expressing his reluctance, carambola begged in a low voice: "Angkor, I beg you, don't let me do that."

Although carambola is not a good woman, it still has self-esteem and pride.

To do the shameless thing of seducing men, she instinctively resisted and could not accept it.

"I don't want you to do anything with that boy. You just need to hook him up."

Wu Xiang said impatiently, "you have to do it if you don't want to. There's no room for negotiation."

"If you don't do what I want, so that I can't get back at that boy, I'll be angry with you!"

As soon as the words were finished, Wu Xiang was fierce and looked at the carambola fiercely.

The carambola shrinks its neck in fright and swallows back the unspoken retort.

Carambola feels aggrieved and helpless.

At the moment, she was shocked to regret that she came to the hospital with her.

She thought that being with Wu Xiang would make Wu Xiang miss her and appreciate her.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xiang completely ignored her wishes and feelings and forced her to do things she didn't like and didn't want to do.

Carambola is very disappointed, she deeply feel blind, wrong person.

Wu Xiang not only wanted to beat and scold her, but also forced her to do things she didn't want to do.

If she had known that Wu Xiang was such a man, even if she had a successful career and some wealth, she would not have colluded with the former.

There is no regret medicine to sell, carambola now regret, obviously useless.

This time, Wu Xiang was expelled from the group, which had a direct and great relationship with her carambola.

She in the heart plan, bear reluctantly, help Wu Xiang revenge Shen Ze, in order not to owe Wu Xiang.

After helping Wu Xiang get back at Shen Ze, she broke up with Wu Xiang and had nothing to do with her ever since.

As for Wu Xiang's remaining wealth, she no longer cares about it.

Wu Xiang didn't know what carambola was thinking, and he didn't care at all.

Wu Xiang has always looked down on carambola, he and carambola together, just to play.

He regarded carambola as a plaything, so naturally he didn't care about the idea of a plaything.

Wu Xiang said to the carambola in the tone of command: "I'm hungry, go and buy me some food to come back!"


Carambola gave a hum, and then she got up and walked out of the ward.

After a while, carambola bought a fried rice.

"You're buying me this shit?"

When Wu Xiang saw that the food he bought from carambola was fried rice, he was furious.

Wu Xiang yelled at the carambola, "I want to eat the set meal in a high-end restaurant. If you don't eat this kind of junk fried rice, you can go out and buy it for me!"

The carambola held back her tears and did not dare to say a word.

She immediately went out and bought a set meal at an upscale restaurant.

After that, Wu Xiang enjoyed the food alone.

As for whether carambola is hungry or not, he doesn't care at all.

As Wu Xiang was not seriously injured, he was discharged the same day.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, Wu Xiang began to plan how to retaliate against Shen Ze.