Chapter 379

Qin Chao knew that Shen Ze wanted to be a teacher, teach and educate people, and lead an ordinary life.

But he didn't expect that Shen Ze really planned to retire in a few years and then live like that.

"Young master, I don't believe you are not pursuing so much."

In Qin Chao's eyes, Shen Ze is a man with pursuit, ambition and ambition.

"If you sit in this position, both the country and the people will feel at ease."

"If you step back, there may be some trouble."

Speaking of this, Qin Chao's face is the emergence of a touch of worry.

"There are many people harbouring evil intentions. Once the young master retreats, they will surely come up like a vicious dog."

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

However, in only four years, Shen Ze ascended to the top of the Dragon Kingdom and became the first person in the Dragon kingdom.

It is obviously impossible to say that Shen Ze is not envied, scared and guarded.

In addition, Shen Ze has always gone his own way. He has a hard hand and is decisive in killing. It's hard to avoid having a problem with others.

Some people think that Shen Ze has been sitting in his present position.

And some people can't wait to see him fall to the altar, lose his reputation, and then give him a good kick.

There is a saying that how high you climb, how miserable you fall.

On the day of Shen Ze's retirement, we can imagine what disaster he will face.

Shen Ze is very clear about this, Qin Chao is very clear about it, and many people in Longguo are very clear about it.

It is precisely because he knows this that Qin Chao is even more reluctant to see Shen Ze retreat.

Shen Ze knows and understands Qin Chao's heart and mind.

But he didn't want to be coerced, he wanted to do what he wanted.

Of course, he will consider the actual situation and make a prudent decision.

Shen Ze raised his head, slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at the brilliant sun.

He said softly, "I can only fight. It's a peaceful and prosperous time. I don't need to fight."

Qin Chao can't help but curl his mouth when he hears the speech.

Who doesn't know you are good at both literature and martial arts, young master?

To say that you only know how to fight seems modest on the surface, but in fact, you are pretending to be forced.

Can't help abdominal Fei after a few words, Qin Chao tone sonorous mouth said: "young master, you are peerless, crown the world."

"The whole dragon Kingdom, even the whole world, can't find a few people who can be compared with you."

"Don't be modest."

"It's the most suitable place for you to sit now, but there is no one more suitable than you in the whole dragon kingdom."

Qin Chao usually likes to flatter Shen Ze, but at this moment, he is from the bottom of his heart, to tell the truth.

Shen Ze also knew that Qin Chao didn't flatter him, so he fell into silence.

He didn't know what to say.

After a while, perhaps because of looking at the sun for a long time, his eyes were sore and sour, so Shen Ze took back his sight.

Then he turned around and his cold eyes fell on Qin Chao.

Shen Ze looked at Qin Chao with deep eyes and said softly, "don't talk about it now. Let's talk about it when it's time to retire."

Qin Chao looks at Shen Ze Lengjun's determined face, showing a trace of fatigue. He swallows back what he is going to say.

Qin Chao nodded, but after all, he didn't say anything more.

Shen Ze seems to have suddenly thought of something. As soon as the topic turns, he asks: "Ning Yansong leaves his post. Is there anything that people from the national court and the Presbyterian Council say?"

Qin Chao shook his head and replied, "none."

There was a trace of disdain on Qin Chao's face, and then he said with disdain: "those guys in the national court and the Presbyterian Council should be afraid of offending the new Huang Shiping. They just want to protect themselves and dare not make a noise."

When Shen Ze heard the words, he frowned.

Shen Ze has always respected Ning Yansong, the first person in the Presbyterian Council.

Because Ning Yansong is the kind of good leader who really serves the country and the people, and will put into action and do practical things.

In Shen Ze's opinion, when Ning Yansong leaves his post now, it is necessary for his colleagues to stand up and wish him well, instead of choosing silence and ignoring Ning Yansong.

Even to avoid suspicion, there is no need to do so.

Shen Ze hardly hesitated and said, "in my name, send a wish."

"Good." When Qin Chao heard the speech, he immediately nodded.

Qin Chao knows what kind of person Shen Ze is.

Shen Ze didn't feel surprised and surprised that he came out to wish Ning Yansong good luck when everyone avoided suspicion.

Of course, for Shen Ze to do so, he has great admiration and respect.

After Shen Ze explained the matter, Qin Chao went to work.

After Qin Chao left, Shen Ze's mood became a little complicated.

"It's really ironic that the unparalleled statesman who has made great contributions in the end turns out to be a man walking in the tea cooler."

Shen Ze thought of Ning Yansong's current situation and couldn't help but express such emotion.

Under the leadership of Ning Yansong, the Dragon Kingdom successfully resisted foreign enemies for more than ten years and became powerful and prosperous. Now it occupies an important position in the world.

Ning Yansong's achievements are well-known and praised by the world.

Now, when Ning Yansong leaves his post, his colleagues in the national assembly and the Presbyterian Council have not made any sound, and the media have not reported and publicized it.

Just like Ning Yansong did not exist at all, he completely withdrew from the stage of history.

According to the current situation, it will not be long before Ning Yansong will become history and be forgotten by the world.

People walk tea cool, just four words, can be generalized.

It must be sad and helpless for Ning Yansong!

From Ning Yansong's body, Shen Ze seems to see what will happen on the day when he retreats.

Shen Ze is not a sentimental person.

Although he was affected by Ning Yansong, he didn't think much about it.

After a while, Shen Ze was in a good mood.

According to Shen Ze's meaning, Qin Chao, in the name of Shen Ze, issued Shen Ze's praise to Ning Yansong both internally and externally.

Unparalleled, for the country and the people!

These eight words are Shen Ze's comments and praise on Ning Yansong.

Shen Ze not only announced his praise for Ning Yansong, but also presented the eight words "unparalleled in the country, for the country and the people" to Ning Yansong as a plaque.

On the issue of Ning Yansong's resignation, when everyone chose to be silent, Shen Ze's high-profile speech undoubtedly caused great repercussions.

Whether within the national court or among the people.

If someone takes the lead, someone follows.

After Shen Ze publicly praised Ning Yansong, someone in the imperial court did the same thing.

In the folk, the world also praised Ning Yansong one after another.

For a while, Ning Yansong's resignation was a hot topic in the whole country.

The name Ning Yansong resounds in the hearts of all the people of the Dragon kingdom!

The country is unparalleled, for the country and the people.

These eight words have become hot words and are remembered by the world.