Chapter 382

Wu Xiang is not a fool, but a man who can be the manager of the personnel department of Mu's group.

He listened to the words of carambola, was the first time to guess the mind of carambola.

"You just want to keep your job, don't you?"

Wu Xiang glared at the carambola and said angrily, "carambola, I'll tell you."

"If you don't help me get back at Shen Ze, I'll not only make you lose your job, but also make you more miserable!"

Wu Xiang looks ferocious, red fruit threat carambola.

"Angkor, I can't help taking Shen Ze..." she said

Carambola is telling the truth.

Shen Ze completely ignores carambola. She really can't help it.

Realizing this, Wu Xiang frowned and his face became more and more gloomy.

After a while, Wu Xiang seemed to make a sudden decision. His eyes flashed fiercely, and he said coldly, "I have come up with a way to use it."

The carambola smell speech, open mouth ask a way: "what method?"

Wu Xiang raised his eyes and stared at the carambola darkly. He said coldly, "I kidnap you and force Shen Ze to stand up."

"You kidnapped me?"

Carambola smell speech, the face showed the color of surprise.

For Wu Xiang's proposal, carambola out of instinct resistance, she whispered: "Angkor, can this method work? Will it lead to other things? "

"No, we're not here for real."

Wu Xiang said: "I just want to use this method to lead Shen Ze out."

"I'm going to call my friends in the street and do it with me."

"At that time, as long as the boy Shen Ze is brought out, I can deal with him severely."

In the end, a ferocious look appeared on Wu Xiang's face.

Carambola heart straight drum, vacillating: "Angkor, this is really OK?"

"Now I can't think of any other good way. No matter whether it can be done or not, I'll try it first."

Wu Xiang stares at the carambola coldly and says in an indisputable tone: "do what you say. We will do it in the afternoon."

Carambola was still suspicious of Wu Xiang's method and did not agree to it at the first time.

Wu Xiang didn't care whether carambola agreed or not.

"Follow me!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Xiang took the carambola to the BMW.

"Angkor, where are we going now?"

Seeing that Wu Xiang really wanted to take action, carambola was very worried.

"Find a place and kidnap you." Wu Xiang directly expressed his true thoughts.

Carambola smell speech, a pale color appeared on the cheek, eyes showed a strong color of worry.

Carambola is very reluctant to be kidnapped by Wu Xiang, because she doesn't know whether Wu Xiang will do other extreme things.

But at the moment, she had no choice but to comply with Wu Xiang.

After a while of heart building, carambola humbly begged Wu Xiang: "Angkor, I can cooperate with you, but don't hurt me."

Wu Xiang said impatiently, "I won't do anything to you. Don't talk nonsense. I don't want to hear you chattering here!"

In the face of Wu Xiang's rebuke, carambola was wronged. She didn't dare to retort. She just shut her mouth and fell into silence.

Wu Xiang drove to the suburbs and came to an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

After parking the car, Wu Xiang got off first.

He glanced at the abandoned factory and nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Xiang plans to use the abandoned factory as a place to "kidnap" carambola.

Lead Shen Ze to this place, and then clean up Shen Ze.

"Carambola, I kidnap you in this place."

Making up his mind, Wu Xiang turned around and said to the carambola in the co pilot's seat.

The carambola smell speech, the heart liver son violently shakes.

A woman's face is pale, and her teeth are biting her red lips without making a sound.

"I'll call my friend over now."

Wu Xiang doesn't care what carambola thinks at all. He takes his eyes away from carambola.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Brother Nan, this is Wu Xiang. Are you free now?"

Wu Xiang said that the other party is his friend. In fact, he and the other party just know each other. There is no special friendship.

And the other side is mixed on the road, and in Haicheng local is a dignified little man.

His name is Yan shaonan, and his status is a little higher than that of Wu Xiang.

"Wu Xiang?"

Yan shaonan didn't know who Wu Xiang was for the first time, but he thought that Wu Xiang had his personal phone number, so he asked in a neutral tone: "what's the matter?"

"Brother Nan, I'd like to ask you a favor."

Wu Xiang then said all his plans.

"Brother Nan, please help me teach that boy a lesson."

"If Nanko can help me, I'm willing to pay 300000."

Yan shaonan didn't do less to collect money and help others to eliminate disasters.

In Yan shaonan's opinion, Wu Xiang's help is not difficult.

It's easy for him to teach a person a lesson.

Besides, Wu Xiang's reward of 300000 is not a small sum.

It's not big. There's money to make. Why not?

"Yes, I can help you."

Yan shaonan hesitated for a while and agreed.

"Thank you, Nang!"

Seeing Yan shaonan's promise, Wu Xiang was very happy, with a look of joy on his face.

Then Wu Xiang sent Yan shaonan the address of the abandoned factory.

After Yan shaonan received the address information, he took people to the abandoned factory.

After he hung up the phone and put away his mobile phone, Wu Xiang went to the car and yelled at the carambola sitting in the car: "come out!"

Carambola was in a daze. She was startled by Wu Xiang's sudden roar, and her body trembled violently.

"It's useless!"

Seeing that carambola was startled by his own scolding voice, Wu Xiang teased her angrily.

Then he yelled, "come down quickly!"

Carambola's face was pale, and her eyes looked at Wu Xiang fearfully.

She bit her lip wrongly, then slowly opened the door and got out of the car.

"Don't dawdle

Wu Xiang took a long and thick rope from the car, and then reached out and grabbed the arm of carambola.

He would be forced to drag the latter, together toward the abandoned factory inside.

Carambola knows that Wu Xiang is going to take action and kidnaps her.

Her reluctance was very strong.

But at this moment, she dare not disobey Wu Xiang's meaning.

This is the wilderness here. If Wu Xiang is really annoyed and made to do something unfavorable to her, then she is not saying that she shouldn't do it every day, that the land is not working, and that she can only be slaughtered?

Carambola dare not resist, can only follow Wu Xiang's meaning.