Chapter 389

In Yan shaonan's opinion, even if Qin Chao is a warrior in the peak period after tomorrow, he can't avoid bullets, let alone stop them.

See the bullet stop in Qin Chao's forehead, and still.

Yan shaonan was shocked and confused for the first time.

And also see this scene of carambola, is also extremely shocked to stare at the pupil, his face emerged a thick color of disbelief.

Stop the bullet. What's that?

It's incredible. I can't believe it!

Qin Chao saw that the bullet stopped in front of his forehead and smirked triumphantly.

"It's still the young master's bully!" Qin Chao said with emotion.

Because Shen Ze shot, let the bullet stop.

At this moment, Qin Chao's heart is beautiful.

It's a great honor for anyone to ask Shen Ze to help.

How can we not make people happy and happy?

Hear Qin Chao mention young master again, Yan shaonan impressively is reaction come over.

Is the young master in Qin Chao's mouth, let the bullet stop?

Think of just Qin Da Da roared a young master to save me, then the bullet stopped.

So the young master in his mouth stopped the bullet!

How terrible is the strength of martial arts to achieve such a thing? What kind of existence?

What is the sacred young master in Qin Chao's words?

Yan shaonan has a lot of ideas, and he makes himself confused and nervous.

Yan shaonan's face is constantly changing. For a moment, he is in the same place and doesn't know what to do.

Qin Chao reached out and caught the bullet suspended in front of his forehead.

Then, he looked at Yan shaonan playfully, elated and sarcastic: "don't you mean that I want to die, to help me? Why not? "

Qin Chao now is to get cheap also sell good, give a person a kind of cheap feeling.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Yan shaonan was so angry that his face was livid and angry.

He stared at Qin Chao with gloomy eyes, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

"Screw you!"

Since he became a figure in Haicheng, Yan shaonan never suffered the humiliation of today's chiguoguo.

He became angry and angry.

In addition, in the fist to fist confrontation with Qin Chao, his fist couldn't bear it. All five fingers were broken and the pain was unbearable.

Moreover, the strong Qi intruded into his body, which made his blood surge and his whole body feel uncomfortable.

All of these make Yan shaonan lose his mind and look crazy.

After the abuse, he pulled the trigger again.

This time, Yan shaonan pulled the trigger continuously and fired five shots at Qin Chao.

"Bang Bang..."

The deafening gunfire rang out one after another.

"Whew, whew..."

The bullets roared one after another.

The air vibrated violently.

Qin Chao was still standing in the same place, but he still yelled to help me again.

A wonderful breath appeared in the field again.


Time and space seem to solidify suddenly.

As before, the five bullets stayed in front of Qin Chao's forehead again.

Seeing this scene, Yan shaonan's face was as black as carbon, and his eyes were full of anger.

On the other hand, the carambola, which was tied to the pillar, seemed to be staring out of its eyes.

What happened in front of her was just like the Arabian Nights, too shocking and incredible!

At the moment, even Wu Xiang, who was in pain all over, stopped rolling.

His eyes were round and staring at the five bullets suspended in front of Qin Chao's head.

This is your mother. How can this happen?

What kind of monster can stop the bullet from the muzzle?

"Ha ha, young master, I'm a bull!"

Looking at the five bullets floating in front of his forehead, Qin Chao was in a good mood and couldn't help laughing.

"It's a good thing that I'm dawdling about doing something. I'm playful?"

As soon as Qin Chao's words came to an end, a voice with a little sense of blame rang out in the room.

At the same time, the space in front of Qin Chao suddenly twisted, and a figure slowly emerged.

This is a young man, his hands back, a white casual wear, tall and straight, cool face, dignified.

A stranger is like a jade.

This young man is no other than Shen Ze!

Seeing Shen Ze in front of him, thinking of what Shen zegang said, Qin Chao was embarrassed and had to smile at Shen Ze, honoring him as "young master."

Shen Ze stares at Qin Chao coldly and says, "what's wrong with you

Qin Chao smelled the speech and laughed awkwardly.

Then, he forcibly explained, "young master, the other side has a gun. I can't solve it for a while."

Shen Ze snorted coldly and said, "you can't solve it, you don't want to solve it."

"Next time you do that, you'll be killed."

Shen Ze's implication is that Qin Chao will solve this problem by himself next time he encounters today's problem, but he won't help.

Today, it's a Pediatrics for Qin Chao. He can think of a solution, at least to save his life.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao didn't dare to disobey. He immediately nodded and obeyed: "yes, young master, I'll listen to your instruction. I won't do it next time."

Shen Ze gave Qin Chao a deep look and said nothing more.

With a wave of his hand, the five bullets suspended in front of Qin Chao's head suddenly turned into powder and floated in the air.

Then he turned and looked at Yan shaonan and Wu Xiang without expression.

Shen Ze first appeared in front of Qin Chao out of thin air, then waved his hand and turned five bullets into powder.

For Wu Xiang and carambola, the two means he showed are things that they dare not even think about.

At the moment, in their eyes, Shen Ze is just like a god man with special functions.

Because, what Shen zegang has just done is unrealistic for them, just like a dream, which is not real at all.

Not to mention what kind of identity Shen Ze has, this ability alone is not something that ordinary people can provoke!

At this moment, both Wu Xiang and carambola are very sorry to provoke Shen Ze again.

Both of them are green with regret.

At the same time, both men became extremely uneasy.

What will happen to them if Shen Ze goes into liquidation?

In this regard, Wu Xiang and carambola are very worried.

For a moment, they were just like grasshoppers on the hot pot, confused and agitated.

After Yan shaonan saw Shen Ze's methods, he was also shocked. He set off a huge wave in his heart. He couldn't calm down for a long time.

After Shen Ze appeared, Yan shaonan's face became extremely gloomy and cursed his mother in his heart.

Wu Xiang, you are such a fool that you have provoked such existence!

If you want to die, Why drag me into the water?

Yan shaonan was very angry and scolded Wu Xiang's ancestors for 18 generations.