Chapter 393

For a series of things that happened today, it's not a big deal for Shen Ze.

In his opinion, it's just some trivial things.

His mood was as unaffected as if nothing had happened.

After he came out of the abandoned factory, he relied on his car to smoke.

After Qin Chao came out, they boarded the car and drove away.

After Shen Ze and Qin Chao had left for a long time, Yan shaonan and carambola were relieved.

Yan shaonan takes off his clothes and ties up the broken wrist. Then he takes the lead to stand up from the ground.

Carambola also stands up from the ground.

Although Shen Ze and Qin Chao have left, Yan shaonan and carambola dare not disobey Qin Chao's instructions.

They didn't say a word, but they started to act in tacit agreement.

According to Qin Chao's orders, Yan shaonan and carambola buried Wu Xiang's body.

Then they drove away from the abandoned factory.

Wu Xiang died, so carambola was driving Wu Xiang's BMW.

On the way back to the city, carambola was always in a state of mind.

What happened today is too shocking and exciting for her to forget all her life.

The carambola, who is still in a state of shock, is not at ease until she returns to her home.

After a bath, the carambola sat on the sofa.

She held her legs in her hands and buried her head between them. Then she began to think about what happened in the past two days.

For Shen Ze is the Dragon God Shen Diaolong, carambola is still in a state of shock in retrospect.

When she ran into Shen Ze in Mu's mansion, carambola thought that Shen Ze was a lowly rice delivery worker.

Later, I learned that Shen Ze had a different identity and had a lot to do with Mu Ling.

Until today, I know that Shen Ze is the Dragon God Shen Diaolong.

Carambola is like a dream, but what happened told her that it was all true.

It's not a dream, it's a reality!

It turns out that Shen Ze, who had been in the spotlight at school, didn't lose his ideals and ambitions, and didn't have a salted fish.

But always ambitious, maintain a far superior ability, from beginning to end are very good, outstanding.

Back then, we were still on the same starting line.

However, in a few years, Shen Ze has become the most dazzling and magnificent figure in the contemporary era!

It's really irritating to compare people!

Carambola regrets that if she doesn't treat Shen Ze as a rice delivery worker, she will not show her superiority and ability in front of Shen Ze.

Can she get in touch with Shen Ze as an old classmate?

Shen Ze is a Dragon God, Shen Diaolong. If she can get in touch with him, can't her carambola soar to the sky?

Even if she can't fly to the sky, it's a great honor for her.

That's one of the greatest characters in the world. Who doesn't want to have a little relationship with it?

Carambola had this opportunity, but she destroyed it herself.

In the world, the most regretful thing is not not that I didn't do it, but that I got it by instinct but destroyed it by myself.

Carambola at the moment is really regret, regret intestines are clear!

Of course, it's a foregone conclusion. It's no use regretting any more, so carambola didn't let itself fall into it.

After packing up a good mood, carambola got off the sofa and went to the French window.

This tall, pretty woman raised her head and looked up at the brilliant sunset in the West.

With a tone full of pride and relief, the woman murmured to herself, "I didn't miss my eyes at the beginning. That teenager has always been the best and the best!"


In the afternoon, he dealt with Wu Xiang's affairs. In the evening, Shen Ze and Mu Ling had dinner together.

After dinner, Shen Ze and Mu Ling take a walk together.

During the walk, Shen Ze talked to Mu Ling about Wu Xiang.

For Shen Ze's easy handling of Wu Xiang's affairs, Mu Ling was not surprised.

Both of them didn't say much, so they turned the matter over.

Then, it seemed that Mu Ling suddenly thought of something and said, "brother Ze, carambola was also a member of Mu's group under the influence of Wu Xiang."

"Now that Wu Xiang's abuse of power for personal gain has been found out, the group should also dismiss carambola."

Mu Ling wanted to know Shen Ze's opinion, so she asked, "brother Ze, what do you think of Carambola?"

"What do you think I think?" Shen Ze asked

"She's your old classmate, don't you want to help her?" muring said

Hearing these three words of old classmate, Shen Ze has a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

He couldn't help thinking of that summer night when he was a sophomore in high school a few years ago.

Dressed in school uniform, though green and astringent, carambola, which has begun to take on a beautiful look, drags Shen Ze to the playground at the end of the evening self-study.

That night, the moonlight was bright and the starry sky was brilliant.

Under the cover of Yuehua, the girl, with a red face and a shy look, said to the boy in a thin voice: "Shen Ze, I like you. Can I be your girlfriend?"

In the face of the girl's sudden confession, the boy is a little confused.

After a long pause, the boy shook his head at the girl.

The boy said no.

The girl didn't know whether she was aggrieved or sad. In a flash, her eyes were red, and the pear blossomed with rain, sobbing in a low voice.

The boy who is most afraid to see others crying is at a loss when he sees the girl crying. He doesn't know what to do, so he just stands in the same place and looks at the girl crying.

See the boy also don't coax oneself, the girl more think more sad, more cry more energetic.

In the end, I don't know whether it's because I'm thin skinned, embarrassed after being rejected, or because I'm too angry.

After crying for a while, the girl was angry and said to the boy with gnashing teeth: "Shen Ze, I hate you!"

Then the girl turned and ran.

The boy watched the girl run away sad, he still stood in the same place, did not chase.

After that night, the girl regarded the boy as her enemy, and they never met again.

The clever boy knows that the girl always has a grudge against him.

Now we meet by chance. What happened is more or less related to the rejection in those years.

Thinking of this, Shen Ze asked Mu Ling, "how about the working ability of Carambola?"

"It's not bad, it's outstanding in working ability," she replied truthfully

Shen Ze nodded, and then said, "let her continue to work in Mu's group."

Hearing this, Muling took a deep look at Shen Ze.

She did not ask Shen Ze why to intercede for carambola, but did not hesitate to nod, promised: "good."