Chapter 400

For he Jiadong's insincere desire to stay, Muling is not only disgusted, but also speechless.

People are shameless. They are invincible.

In fact, he Jiadong also despises and hates his cheeky persistence.

But in the face of Mu Ling, he could not think of a better way, so he could only choose this shameless way which did not conform to his identity.

He Jiadong didn't leave, and Mu Ling didn't do anything to drive people away.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became a little dull.

Because of the influence of he Jiadong, Mu Ling suddenly lost the mood of eating.

She was glumly staring at the food on the tea table.

He Jiadong sat awkwardly on one side.

Only Shen Ze, as if nothing had happened, sat on one side as if nothing had happened, just like a spectator watching a play.

The more depressing the atmosphere is, the more embarrassing it is for he Jiadong.

Because, among the people present, he is regarded as an outsider.

In order to avoid this embarrassment, he Jiadong took the initiative to stir up the topic.

"Sister Muling, don't you want to eat this meal?"

He Jiadong just like hissing and asking for warmth, proposed: "otherwise, I'll take you out to have a big meal!"

"You must have a good lunch, or you will not be able to work in the afternoon."

Hearing the speech, Muling couldn't help saying: "I don't want to eat this meal, but because some people have affected my eating mood."

The implication of Mu Ling's words is that you, he Jiadong, have affected her mood of eating.

After listening to Mu Ling's words, he Jiadong's face suddenly froze, and his face was very embarrassed.

He Jiadong's face changed. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said to Muling apologetically, "sister Muling, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to affect your mood when you eat."

"Forgive me. Don't be angry."

In order to catch up with Muling, he Jiadong obviously did not hesitate to put down his dignity and face, and tried his best to please Muling.

For he Jiadong's apology, Muling didn't want to accept it very much. She snorted and didn't say anything.

He Jiadong's eyes twinkled. He seemed to think of something suddenly. He had an idea and said to Muling, "sister Muling, I'll invite you to have a big meal. I'll make amends to you."

"I don't want to go."

When Muling saw that he Jiadong had asked her to have a big meal, she had to respond and explicitly refused the latter.

Once again, in front of Shen Ze, the outsider, Mu Ling mercilessly refused. He Jiadong couldn't keep his face. His face turned red and white. He was very embarrassed.

Damn it, I didn't see the almanac when I went out today. Everything is not going well!

He Jiadong's eyes are gloomy. He can't help complaining in his heart.

And at this time, has been silent Shen Ze opened his mouth.

He stares at he Jiadong with light eyes, and says in a neutral tone: "ling'er needs to have a good meal. If you have self-knowledge, you should feel like leaving immediately."

He Jiadong originally hung his head. When he heard Shen Ze's words, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Shen Ze with hostile eyes.

He Jiadong is obviously very unhappy and dissatisfied with Shen Ze's remarks.

It's none of your business to tell me what to do!

He Jiadong glared at Shen Ze angrily and said harshly, "boy, who are you?"

"You don't have to talk here. If you know your face, just keep your mouth shut!"