Chapter 408

He Jiadong is just like riding a roller coaster. His heart just rushed to the top of the cloud, and then fell to the bottom of the valley.

He Jiadong first heard Mu Ling's suggestion, only asked him to apologize to Shen Ze, and then knelt outside the office for an afternoon.

This is very acceptable to he Jiadong.

Because in his opinion, it's much better to lose one's life and family and let the family suffer.

Even if it's a disgrace to him, it's probably the best outcome for him.

He Jiadong thought Mu Ling's proposal would be considered by Shen Ze.

But he didn't expect that Shen Ze immediately vetoed it. He thought that Muling's proposal was too cheap for him.

Then, after hearing Shen Ze's words, he Jiadong felt as if he had been poured a basin of ice water.

Kill it!

Shen Ze means to kill him!

Let he Jiadong die. How can he accept it?

No one is afraid of death, and he Jiadong is obviously no exception.

He didn't want to die. When he heard that Shen Ze wanted to kill him directly, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley and he fell into a panic.

He Jiadong is afraid that Shen zezhen will kill him.

So, in a hurry, he asked for mercy again and said, "Lord Dragon God, please spare my life!"

"I don't want to die, please let me go!"

"As long as I can survive, you can let me do anything!"

He Jiadong was anxious and his voice trembled.

At the moment, he couldn't calm down at all. Some of him lost his mind and his body was shaking badly.

Shen Ze is indifferent to he Jiadong's entreaties.

He lowered his head and gazed at the teacup without making a sound, completely ignoring he Jiadong's plan.

Sitting beside Shen Ze, Mu Ling looks at he Jiadong, who is lying on the ground like a dog begging for mercy.

She frowned and her face became a little dignified.

In Mu Ling's eyes, he Jiadong is a cynical boy with bad conduct.

She doesn't like he Jiadong at all, and even hates the latter.

But she still had compassion and didn't want to see he Jiadong killed.

Muling is not stupid. She can figure out why he Jiadong just provoked Shen Ze.

It's only because she has a close relationship with Shen ze that she deliberately targets Shen Ze.

This entanglement, and her involvement is not small, and even has the biggest relationship.

Mu Ling, who is kind-hearted, is surprised not to see he Jiadong lose his life because of her reasons.

Although Mu Ling didn't want to influence Shen Ze's thoughts and decisions, she still spoke after hesitating for a moment.

Muling gazed at Shen Ze's side face and asked in a low voice, "brother Ze, who do you want to kill?"

Hearing this, Shen Ze looked up at Muling and replied, "I have this consideration."

After hearing the speech, Mu Ling bit her red lip with her scallop teeth.

Shen Ze said, "if you have anything to say, just say it."

Muling pondered for a moment and said, "brother Ze, I don't think he Jiadong has committed any serious crime or any serious mistake, so he won't be killed, will he?"

Instead of answering, Shen Ze asked, "are you pleading with him?"

Mu Ling was stunned when she heard the speech.

After a moment, she nodded and said, "yes, I think so."

Shen Ze smell speech, nodded, "OK, see in you for his sake, spare him a life."

"But the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime can't escape."