Chapter 420

Mu Ling knew that Shen Ze would return to Hangzhou tomorrow, so she finished her work early and went back to Mu's mansion.

After learning that Shen Ze was in the back garden, Mu Ling went directly to the back garden.

At this moment, the sun is setting and the world is covered with soft rays.

The breeze is gentle and refreshing.

When Mu Ling came to the back garden, she saw Shen Ze standing alone in the pavilion with her hands down.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the setting sun in the west, looking sad.

Without thinking about it, Muling knew that Shen Ze was feeling sad for his old friend.

Now Shen Ze needs to be alone and not to be disturbed.

Thinking of this, Muling didn't step forward and go to Shen Ze's side. Instead, she stood more than ten meters away and watched Shen Ze quietly.

You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery. The people who watch the scenery upstairs are watching you.

Shen Ze and Mu Ling are just like two sculptures, standing still.

Time goes by.

Unconsciously, the setting sun sets on the horizon.

The sky was dim and night fell.

Looking at Shen Ze, who had not recovered for a long time in grief, Mu Ling sighed in her heart, and her mood became very melancholy.

Because, she can't help but also think of her father mu Yunbin who left her not long ago.

The death of the closest person is always sad.

At this moment, although she can't feel the same, she can feel Shen Ze's mood very well.

Mu Ling doesn't want to disturb Shen Ze, but it's not good to think of a person who has been in mourning.

So, after hesitating for a moment, she walked quietly behind Shen Ze.

"Brother Ze..."

Looking at the figure of the man with a sense of loneliness and desolation, Mu Ling felt a little distressed. Her voice was low and she gave a gentle cry.

When Shen Ze heard this, he suddenly came back to himself.

At once, he became calm and calm.

Shen Ze turns around and his eyes fall on Mu Ling.

Looking at the little girl's obvious worry about herself, Shen Ze smiles and asks: "why, who makes you unhappy? Why are you taut?"

Mu Ling knew that Shen Ze was joking. Instead of answering this question, she asked, "brother Ze, you were just thinking about your aunt?"

Being told by Muling, Shen Ze didn't deny it and nodded to admit it.

Muling has never met Shen Ze's biological mother, but from Shen Ze, she learned a lot about Shen Ze's biological mother.

Shen Ze's biological mother has a nice name, Zhang Ruoyun.

Zhang Ruoyun's hometown is Hangzhou, a second tier city.

At the beginning, when Zhang Ruoyun went to university in Yanjing, he met Shen Yu, Shen Zesheng's father, who was in the same school.

They know each other and love each other.

Shen Yu wants to marry Zhang Ruoyun, and Zhang Ruoyun also wants to marry Shen Yu.

However, Zhang Ruoyun was born in the countryside with an ordinary family, while Shen Yu was a son of the royal family with a prominent family background.

The whole Shen family did not agree that Shen Yu married Zhang Ruoyun.

According to the Shen family, Zhang Ruoyun is not qualified to marry into the Shen family.

As the Shen family strongly opposed, Zhang Ruoyun failed to marry Shen Yu.

However, the two people who love each other very much are the crystallization of love Shen Ze.

Due to his lack of fame, Shen Ze lived with Zhang Ruoyun in the countryside of Hangzhou from birth to the following years.

Because not married, but have children, this is a troublesome thing for a woman.

At that time, Zhang Ruoyun and Shen Ze's mother and son were often gossiped by the villagers.

However, Zhang Ruoyun was more open-minded and ignored the gossip.

At that time, although Zhang Ruoyun was relatively young, his thought was very transparent, and he was not bothered by the words of outsiders.

However, Zhang Ruoyun is equal to gossip, but he is not equal to things from Shen Yu.

Less than two years after Zhang Ruoyun gave birth to Shen Ze, Shen Yu married other women.

Although Shen Yu was not willing, he married other women under the pressure of his family.

But this is unacceptable to Zhang Ruoyun.

Zhang Ruoyun can accept that he does not want to be famous or marry Shen Yu.

But she can't accept Shen Yu marrying another person.

Shen Yu married other women. In Zhang Ruoyun's eyes, Shen Yu betrayed her.

Even though Shen Yu still loved her, and never changed from beginning to end.

Because Shen Yu married other women.

The relationship between Zhang Ruoyun and Shen Yu broke down.

Zhang Ruoyun unilaterally broke all ties with Shen Yu.

Although Shen Yu only loves Zhang Ruoyun from the beginning to the end, he knows that if he marries someone else, he can't let Zhang Ruoyun accept it.

He felt guilty and had no face to seek Zhang Ruoyun's forgiveness.

From this, they have a sense that their love is broken and they don't communicate with each other.

Zhang Ruoyun was so sad because of Shen Yu's marriage that he fell ill and died of depression a few years later.

That year, Zhang Ruoyun was only 25 years old.

Young, in the prime of life, in the most beautiful age.

In addition, it still ends in hatred.

It can be said that it is extremely desolate!

In Mu Ling's eyes, Zhang Ruoyun, Shen Ze's mother, is a poor woman.

Because of love, he buried his life.

However, she also admired Zhang Ruoyun for being so magnanimous and daring to love and hate.

And maybe she can't do this, can't be very brave in love, so I admire Zhang Ruoyun very much.

At this moment, Mu Ling can't help but think about Shen Ze's mother. She is very sad.

It is not only the feeling for Zhang Ruoyun's short life, but also the heartache for Shen Ze.

Shen Ze was only four years old when Zhang Ruoyun lost his fragrance.

You can imagine the pain of losing your biological mother at such a young age.

The bitterness and pain are not enough for human beings.

Shen Ze stares at Mu Ling, noticing the change of the latter's expression.

Seeing the little girl showing a sullen look, he asked with concern: "how come it's getting more and more unhappy?"

Hearing the words, Mu Ling suddenly recovered from her memory.


The little girl took a long breath, then raised her chin slightly and looked at Shen Ze.

Instead of saying why she was in a low mood, Mu Ling comforted Shen Ze and said, "brother Ze, don't be too sad about your aunt."

Mu Ling knows that Shen Ze has always been very concerned about Zhang Ruoyun's death.

It is also because of this that Shen Ze has great opinions on his biological father Shen Yu.

Of course, Shen Ze still loves Zhang Ruoyun more.

After all, no child wants his mother to die early.

"I know. You don't have to worry."

Shen Ze knew that Muling was worried about him, so he nodded and responded.


Mu Ling knew that Shen Ze was an extremely determined person. After listening to Shen Ze's words, she said nothing more.