Chapter 426

Qin Chao obviously wanted Cai Quan to kneel down and apologize to Zhang Zilan, and then allowed the latter to leave.

When Qin Chao opened his mouth, the murderous gas released from his body enveloped Cai Quan and the young man in black suit.

Qin Chao's murderous spirit is magnificent, just like the essence.

When Cai Quan and the young man in black suit were enveloped in this murderous atmosphere, they felt as if they were falling into an ice cellar, cold and stiff.

The legs are like lead. They can't move any more.

Both Cai Quan and the young men in black suits were shocked in their hearts, and their faces were frightened.

How could the murderous spirit released by this young man be so terrible?

How can a normal person release this kind of murderous gas?

At this moment, in the eyes of CAI Quan and the young man in black suit, Qin Chao is like death, which makes them fear.

Don't say you can't walk because you can't walk.

Even if they can move, Cai Quan and the young people in black suits dare not go.

Although Qin Chao didn't make any other unnecessary moves, they have no doubt that as long as they dare to raise their feet again, they are likely to fall into a hopeless situation.

The person who can release this kind of murderous spirit must be a murderous character.

Moreover, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit have seen Qin Chao's skill, so they dare not move any more.

Two people a time pestle in place.

"Mr. Cai, what should we do now?"

The young man in the black suit showed a thick color of fear and worry. He asked Cai Quan in a low voice.

At the moment, Cai's mind is like a paste. He doesn't know what to do.

So, instead of making a sound, he fell into silence.

Cai Quan, the leader, did not speak, and the young man in black suit could not make a decision, so he fell into silence.

At this time, Qin Chao, who was staring at their backs, said faintly, "get back and kneel down to apologize!"

Qin Chao's tone is plain, but it is full of an unquestionable meaning, very strong and overbearing.

When Cai Quan and the young man in black suit heard this, their faces sank and became very ugly.

Although Qin Chao didn't say to whom they would kneel down to apologize, neither of them wanted to accept it.

Kneel down and apologize.

This is a great shame for both of them.

They couldn't accept it and didn't want to do it.

Because he didn't want to, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit were as stunned as if they hadn't heard the check.

Seeing the two pretending to be deaf and dumb, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in Qin Chao's eyes.

His tone became gloomy and cold in vain. "I don't have much patience. If you don't come back immediately and kneel down to apologize, I'll send you to hell."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Chao's murderous spirit suddenly became much stronger, and his eyes suddenly became sharp as a blade.

In a flash, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit felt more pressure and felt uncomfortable.

They felt as if they had been targeted by a wolf. Their scalp was numb, their hair was creepy, and their bodies could not help shaking slightly.

At this moment, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit were all shrouded in the shadow of death.

The two fell into extreme fear.

They dare not doubt what Qin Chao said.

If they don't go back and kneel down to apologize, they will be sent to hell by Qin Chao!

Realizing this, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit looked at each other.

Both men saw the color of surrender in each other's eyes.

Compared with death, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit obviously chose to kneel down and apologize.

With a choice in mind, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit turned around at the same time.

Then, they look at Qin Chao in fear.

For kneeling down to apologize, whether it is Cai Quan or the young man in black suit, it is obviously not willing.

As a member of Fengyuan Group, it is always others who kneel down to apologize to them. When will they kneel down to apologize?

Compared with young people in black suits, Cai Quan didn't want to kneel down and apologize.

One is that his status is higher than that of the young man in black suit. The other is that he was torn off by Qin Chao.

Qin Chao is the enemy to him.

It's almost impossible for a normal person to kneel down and apologize to his enemy.

Although Cai Quan stares at Qin Chao with a look of fear, he hates Qin Chao to the bone and is extremely angry.

He stifled his anger and stared at Qin Chao. In a very low voice, he said, "who do you want us to kneel down and apologize to?"

Qin Chao glanced at Cai Quan faintly. Then he reached out to Zhang Zilan and said, "to this lady."

"Kneel down and apologize to her?"

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit all set their eyes on Zhang Zilan standing on one side.

They were ugly, and their faces became more gloomy.

In the eyes of CAI Quan and the young man in black suit, Zhang Zilan is a humble peasant woman, who has no right to make them kneel down and apologize.

When Qin Chao asked them to do so, it was obvious that they were bullied to the end?

It was humiliating enough to kneel down to apologize, but it was also necessary to kneel down to apologize to a low status peasant woman, which made Cai Quan and the young man in black suit even more unacceptable.

To kneel down and apologize to Qin Chao, a strong man, can make sense.

To apologize to Zhang Zilan, a cheap peasant woman, is really incomprehensible.

Cai Quan hesitated for a moment. Then he gritted his teeth and said to Qin Chao, "we just didn't do any substantial harm to this lady. We don't need to kneel down and apologize to her, do we?"

"I don't care if you do any substantial harm."

Qin Chao looked at Cai Quan coldly and said in an unquestionable tone, "just do what I mean. Don't talk nonsense."

In the face of Qin Chao's domineering and superior attitude, Cai Quan and the young man in black suit are very uncomfortable.

Their faces became more and more gloomy, and their faces seemed to drip ink.

Cai Quan still couldn't accept it. Then he couldn't help but ask Qin Chaozhi, "is it too much deceiving for you to force us to kneel down and apologize to a lowly peasant woman?"

"We are all from Fengyuan Group."

"I'm here today on behalf of Fengyuan Group."

"If you let us do what you want, you're playing the face of Fengyuan Group."

"Do you think Fengyuan Group will not trouble you?"

In the last sentence, Cai Quan didn't say it too directly, but his meaning was expressed.

If Qin Chaozhen forced Cai Quan and the young man in black suit to kneel down and apologize to Zhang Zilan, it would be equivalent to hitting Fengyuan Group in the face.

Afterwards, in order to find face, Fengyuan Group is very likely to deal with Qin Chao.