Chapter 430

Qin Chao sat opposite Shen Ze consciously.

"Here, tea."

Zhang Zilan handed the two cups of tea to Shen Ze and Qin Chao.

Then she sat down beside Shen Ze.

Zhang Zilan looked up and down at Shen Ze, and then she said with a smile like a little fan: "ah Ze, you are whiter than before and more handsome!"

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he laughed and said nothing.

He knew his aunt and was not surprised by Zhang Zilan's "infatuation with flowers".

Shen Ze picked up the cup as if nothing had happened and tasted the tea carefully.

Zhang Zilan looked at Shen Ze with an appreciative look. After a moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something. She stared at Shen Ze and asked, "why didn't she bring her girlfriend back this time?"

When he came back last year for Qingming Festival, Shen Ze, under Zhang Zilan's hard work, promised the latter that he would bring his girlfriend back this year.

At that time, Shen Ze had already married Su Shiman.

What he thought at that time was to bring Su Shiman back on this year's Qingming Festival.

It's a pity that things are changeable. He has divorced Su Shiman, and naturally he can't bring Su Shiman back today.

Afraid that Zhang Zilan would keep on asking, Shen Ze answered, "I haven't found a girlfriend yet."

When he said this, Shen Ze couldn't help thinking of Su Shiman.

If he hadn't divorced Su Shiman, he would have brought Su Shiman back to see Zhang Zilan today.

Thinking of these, Shen Ze had a bitter taste in his heart.

After listening to Shen Ze's reply, Zhang Zilan's face showed a trace of resentment.

Zhang Zilan seemed to complain and muttered, "aze, didn't you promise your aunt last year that you would bring your girlfriend back this year?"

Shen Ze put down his tea cup, then apologized to Zhang Zilan and said, "I'm sorry, aunt. I've broken my promise."

Zhang Zilan heard the speech and sighed.

She regards Shen Ze as her own son. She is shocked that Shen Ze is old and has no girlfriend.

Parents always want their children to get married.

Zhang Zilan is no exception.

Although Zhang Zilan complained, he didn't blame Shen Ze.

After pondering for a moment, she waved her fist to Shen Ze, deliberately showing a ferocious look, and said in an indisputable tone: "you stinky boy, go and find me a girlfriend quickly!"

"When you come back next year, if I don't see you bring your girlfriend back, I won't let you into Zhang's house!"


Shen Ze knew that Zhang Zilan was concerned about himself and said these words with the meaning of joking, so he immediately nodded his head and agreed.

First stabilize Zhang Zilan's mood, as for whether he can find a girlfriend, this can only be said separately.

Zhang Zilan didn't give up. Then she talked about her girlfriend for a while in Shen Ze's ear.

Shen Ze listened to Zhang Zilan's wordiness without interrupting.

It's normal for elders to urge their marriage. Shen Ze takes it lightly.

After listening to Zhang Zilan's wordiness, Shen Ze asked Zhang Zilan, "little aunt, what happened just now?"

Zhang Zilan smell speech, as if thought of unhappy things, face suddenly become a bit gloomy.

Zhang Zilan pondered for a moment, said: "just that group of people are Hangzhou local big consortium, the wind far group."

"Fengyuan Group takes a fancy to our Fengxiang village and wants to carry out demolition planning here."

"However, the demolition contract given by Fengyuan Group is the overlord contract. We want to squeeze Fengxiang village without bottom line."

"The villagers of Fengxiang village naturally disagreed, so they had a dispute with the people of Fengyuan Group."

"Fengyuan Group wanted to demolish our Fengxiang village before, because the villagers of our village came out to block, they did not succeed."

"Today that group of people came again, trying to force us to sign the overlord contract."

Zhang Zilan said something about it.

After listening to Zhang Zilan's words, Qin Chao was outspoken and said angrily, "this Fengyuan Group dares to commit such a mischief. It's really suicidal!"


Zhang Zilan sighed, then said with a bitter face: "Fengyuan Group is the top financial group in Hangzhou, with strong financial resources and huge power."

"It has the capital to do mischief at home. There is no way to take it."

For the villagers of Fengxiang village like Zhang Zilan, Fengyuan Group is a giant they can't shake at all.

In the face of the strong power of Fengyuan Group, there is nothing else to do except to fight hard.

It's a deep sense of powerlessness.

Just as her husband was beaten into hospital by Cai Quan, Zhang Zilan couldn't do anything.

She did not dare to talk to Fengyuan Group, and even feared that Fengyuan Group would continue to attack Zhang family.

Just facing Cai Quan and them, she was really angry, so she was determined to argue, not compromise, and even had a direct conflict with each other.

Referring to Fengyuan Group, Zhang Zilan thought of what just happened.

She turned her head and looked at Qin Chao sitting opposite. She said anxiously, "little brother Qin, you just broke Cai Quan's right hand. He is willing to take revenge on you."

"If you don't pay attention to Fengyuan Group, I'm afraid Fengyuan Group will also be hard on you."

"I suggest you leave Hangzhou as soon as possible to avoid the wind."

In Zhang Zilan's opinion, although Qin Chao has some skills, he is not the kind of person with power.

The financial power of Fengyuan Group is huge, which is not something Qin Chao can contend with.

For the sake of Qin Chao's safety, Zhang Zilan suggested that he avoid Fengyuan Group and not give Fengyuan Group the opportunity to retaliate against him.

Qin Chao waved his hand to Zhang Zilan and said with a cool smile, "it's OK. Fengyuan Group can't do anything about me."

"Auntie, you don't have to worry about my safety."

Seeing Zhang Zilan's worried expression, Qin Chao added.

As for Qin Chao's words, Zhang Zilan was dubious.

She looked at Qin Chao with suspicious eyes and asked seriously: "brother Qin, can you really cope with Fengyuan Group?"

Qin Chao nodded without hesitation: "can handle."

Qin Chao is confident that in his own capacity, Fengyuan Group does not dare to do anything about him.

Moreover, there is Shen Ze behind him. Does Fengyuan Group dare to touch him?

Seeing that Qin Chao didn't seem to be joking, Zhang Zilan couldn't say anything more.

However, she was still a little uneasy.

Because, in her eyes, Fengyuan Group is a behemoth that can turn over its hands to cover the clouds and rain in Hangzhou.

She is not sure Qin Chao can cope with Fengyuan Group.

Zhang Zilan impressively wants to tell Shen Ze in private, and let the latter persuade Qin Chao not to be impulsive, but to avoid the edge.