Chapter 445

Hearing Qin Chao's hearty voice, Zhang Ting suddenly releases Shen Ze's arm and turns around.

See Qin Chao intact into the living room, Zhang Ting surprise pick eyebrows.

"Brother Qin, are you ok?"

Qin Chao went to Zhang Ting and said with a smile, "it's OK."

Then, Qin Chao turned his head and looked at Shen Ze sitting on the chair. He bowed and said with great respect and gratitude, "thank you, big brother!"

Seeing that Qin Chao thanks Shen Ze, Zhang Ting is the second master in law. She can't figure it out. It's very strange.

"Brother Qin, why do you thank brother zege?" Zhang Ting asked suspiciously.

"Big brother helped me. Of course I want to thank him." Qin Chao stood up straight and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Ting frowned and said, "brother Qin, where did brother Ze help you?"

"He just sits here and does nothing."

Zhang Ting gave Shen Ze a look of resentment in her eyes, and then said: "just now I've been lobbying him for 100 years, and I want him to go out and help you."

"But he's sitting here all the time. He doesn't mean to go out and help you at all."

"Zege is not loyal at all. He is not helpful at all."

"Not only should you not thank him, but you should also scold him!"

Previously, it was Qin Chao who rescued Zhang Ting from their hands.

Therefore, Zhang Ting is very grateful to Qin Chao.

For just Qin Chao in danger, Zhang Ting is very worried, very want to help Qin Chao.

As she is only a weak woman, she can't help Qin Chao, so she wants to ask Shen Ze for help.

But Shen Ze didn't pay attention to her and didn't help.

This makes Zhang Ting dissatisfied with Shen Zesheng. Therefore, she is in a little mood at the moment.

Zhang Ting did not know that Shen Ze was a master of martial arts.

Even if separated by a certain distance, can also use the means.

She didn't know that Shen Ze had helped Qin Chao a lot.

However, Qin Chao himself is very clear.

If it wasn't for Shen Ze, he would have been killed by the middle-aged man.

Shen Ze not only helped him, but also helped him a lot. He saved his life.

"Tingting, big brother really helped me. Don't be angry with him."

Shen Ze didn't say clearly that Qin Chao naturally understood and didn't tell Zhang Ting the specific things clearly.

He can only persuade Zhang Ting not to be angry with Shen Ze.

Seeing Qin Chao's insistence on this, Zhang Ting couldn't help it. She snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Seeing the little girl showing a sullen look, Qin Chao had no choice but to smile and didn't persuade the former.

"I didn't expect that the people of Fengyuan Group would dare to come to us. They really don't know what to do."

"This time, I gave them a little blood light, which should give them a long memory." Qin Chao changed the topic.

Hearing Qin Chao talking about these things, Zhang Ting suddenly became curious and couldn't help asking Qin Chao, "brother Qin, how did you deal with those people in Fengyuan Group?"

Qin Chao, with a grin, said, "I killed their leader, and everyone else was afraid. They were all so scared that their buttocks urinated and ran away."

"Kill their leader?"

Zhang Ting picked to pick eyebrow, then some dare not confirm ground small voice ask a way: "elder brother Qin, you are to kill that middle-aged big man?"

Zhang Ting was surprised to know that the middle-aged man was the leader of the group.

In the face of Zhang Ting's inquiry, Qin Chao didn't want to cheat the former, so he nodded and told the truth: "yes, I killed the bald head."

Hearing the speech, Zhang Ting widened her pupils and opened her mouth.

Do you really kill people?

Is this too extreme?

In Zhang Ting's view, homicide is a major crime, ranging from imprisonment to death.

How can Qin Chao kill people? Don't you know it's going to be a big deal?

Zhang Ting was very confused, and saw Qin Chao as if nothing had happened, calm and even complacent.

Zhang Ting's Three Outlooks have been strongly impacted.

It's killing people. How can you be so indifferent when you become a murderer?

After calming down a little, Zhang Ting fixed her eyes on Qin Chao and said, "brother Qin, how did you kill someone?"

"Do you know that murder is a serious crime, which is against the law?"

"You killed people, and now you're a murderer, and you'll be arrested, or you'll be put in prison, or you'll be shot!"

At this moment, the emperor is in no hurry, the eunuch is in no hurry.

For Qin Chao's current situation, Zhang Ting is very worried and anxious.

Although Qin Chao didn't conflict with the middle-aged men completely because of her, there were still some reasons for her.

She doesn't want to see Qin Chao get into trouble or even lose the rest of her life.

And now the situation is obviously still very serious, because Qin Chao killed the middle-aged man.

It's important for people to die. Once people die, their nature will be totally different!

Seeing Zhang Ting worried, Qin Chao smiles and says, "Tingting, you don't have to worry."

"I'm just killing a piece of trash that's a crime. It won't happen."

After relief, Qin Chao did not forget to boast about himself.

"I hate men who bully women. That guy dares to hurt you and deserves to die."

"If I kill him, I'll give you a bad breath."

Looking at Qin Chao's disapproval, Zhang Ting frowned.

The little girl said in silence: "brother Qin, killing is a big thing, not a small thing. Why don't you worry at all?"

Qin Chao said with a smile, "because I can solve it."

Even without relying on Shen Ze, Qin Chao could solve the problem of killing a middle-aged man with his own identity.

"Can you really solve it?" Zhang Ting inquired in disbelief.

Qin Chao nodded: "really can."

Seeing that Qin Chao didn't seem to be joking, Zhang Ting nodded: "OK, since you say you can solve it, I'm too lazy to worry about it."

Qin Chao said with a smile, "well, you don't have to worry at all."

Zhang Ting rolled her eyes and said nothing more.

Then she looked at Qin Chao and Shen Ze with a kind of scanning eyes.

Looking at the suspicious look of the little girl, Qin Chao asked with a smile, "Tingting, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Ting said thoughtfully, "what secrets are hidden in you? I didn't find out. "

Qin Chao smelled the speech and laughed cunningly: "we don't have any secrets!"

"There must be a secret in you!"

Zhang Ting first expressed her views in a positive tone, then reached out to Shen Ze and Qin Chao.

As a teacher, Zhang Ting is just as serious as she is in educating her students. In an indisputable tone, she solemnly said, "what secrets do you have, please tell me honestly!"