Chapter 450

Qin Chao stood in the same place and watched Hu Chen and they left in ashes.

"It's a good feeling to be forced!"

With a smile, Qin Chao happily weighs the identity card in his hand.

Then, he put away the identity card, turned and walked towards the Zhang family compound.

Zhang Ting doesn't have Shen Ze's heart. She can ignore Qin Chao's safety.

The little girl is very worried, ready to go out to see whether Qin Chao has been arrested to take away.

Qin Chao went inside the door, while Zhang Ting went outside.

Because Zhang Ting is in a hurry and runs all the way, she is very fast.

Unfortunately, in this way, Zhang Ting bumped into Qin Chao.

Qin Chao was a little confused for the first time.

And Zhang Ting is like a frightened fawn. Her body is unstable, wobbly, and she falls to one side.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Qin Chao recovered, quickly stretched out a big hand and held Zhang Ting's waist, but didn't let Zhang Ting fall.

Then, Qin Chao subconsciously pulls Zhang Ting to her arms.

In this way, Zhang Ting's head is on Qin Chao's chest.

Because of the shock, Zhang Ting's brain is a little confused.

So, for a moment, she didn't move, just nestled in Qin Chao's arms.

Qin Chao didn't know what Zhang Ting was like, and he didn't dare to move. He could only let the little girl lean on her.

They were in such a posture that they froze for a while.

It's Qin Chao's first time to have such close contact with a girl.

Although he is very thick skinned, he is still very embarrassed at this time.

His heart, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

As Zhang Ting's head is on Qin Chao's chest, she can hear Qin Chao's heart beating louder and louder.

Before long, she finally recovered.

Aware of the situation at the moment, the little girl just like an electric shock, suddenly and Qin Chao opened the distance.

Then, Zhang Ting's face turned red.

Her neck and ears were all dyed red.

Zhang Ting felt like she was on fire, boiling hot.

Thinking that she had just nestled in Qin Chao's arms, Zhang Ting was very embarrassed. She hung her head down and clubbed in the same place without making a sound, showing her little girl's posture.

At the moment, Qin Chao is also very embarrassed.

However, as a man, he has a thick skin.


Qin Chao coughed, then asked in a low voice, "are you OK, sister Tingting?"

Even Qin Chao didn't know that his tone and voice became much more gentle.

Zhang Ting smell speech, voice as thin as a mosquito back to a: "nothing."

In order to avoid further embarrassment, Qin Chao then asked: "sister Tingting, what did you just run so fast for?"

Zhang Ting still bowed her head and replied in a low voice, "I want to run out and see if you have been taken away by the patrol."

Is this about yourself?

After listening to Zhang Ting's reply, Qin Chao's face suddenly showed a happy smile.

Qin Chao giggled for a while, and then said, "I have a special identity. They won't catch me."

"I just made it clear to the patrolmen, and then they let me go."

After listening to Qin Chao's reply, Zhang Ting was slightly surprised.

Elder brother Qin has a special identity. Can the inspector not catch him?

Before, Zhang Ting still had some doubts about this, but after this, she suddenly believed it.

If Qin Chaozhen didn't have a special identity, how could the inspector let him go?

As long as you're not stupid, you can figure out the truth.

At the moment, out of curiosity, Zhang Ting, regardless of herself or blushing, raised her head and stared at Qin Chao without blinking: "brother Qin, what's your special identity?"

At the moment, a small face of Zhang Ting is as red as an apple. She looks very cute and has a unique flavor.

Looking at this kind of Zhang Ting, Qin Chao was stunned for the first time, staring directly at Zhang Ting.

Two people four eyes opposite, big eyes stare small eyes.

Zhang Ting sees Qin Chao's eyes staring at her, frowning. What's the situation?

The girl was shy. After looking at each other for a moment, Zhang Ting looked away and said, "brother Qin, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Hearing this, Qin Chao suddenly regained his mind.

This brave man, who is not afraid of everything, has a square and honest face, which turns red like a monkey's ass.

Qin Chao scratched his head awkwardly and hesitated for a long time.

Just staring at other people's girls, it's a shame.

Qin Chao was very embarrassed and twisted like a little girl.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became very awkward.

In order to break this embarrassment, Zhang Ting took the initiative to help Qin Chao out of the siege and changed the topic: "brother Qin, you haven't answered my question just now."

"What is your special identity?"

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he immediately gathered his embarrassed look on his face.

Then, he pondered for a while, smirked mysteriously, and said, "the secret can't be revealed."


See Qin Chao dawdle for a long time, Zhang Ting thought he wanted to say what flower.

After listening to Qin Chao's answer, the little girl rolled her eyes and looked contemptuous.

Zhang Ting said plaintively: "brother Qin, you said that when did not say."

Qin Chao said with a smile: "sister Tingting, if I have a chance, I will tell you that I really can't do it now."

Seeing that she couldn't ask why, Zhang Ting gave up the idea.

Zhang Ting sighed and said, "OK, if you don't tell me, you can tell me later."

Qin Chao said gratefully, "thank you for your understanding."

"Don't be so polite. Don't flatter me."

Zhang Ting waved her hand and said, "no, let's go back!"


Qin Chao nodded.

Then, the two walked side by side toward the room.

As for what just happened at the door, both of them didn't mention it, but it still reverberated in their minds, and they couldn't get rid of it for a while.

Do not know why, two people stay together, there is always a strange feeling.

And this kind of feeling makes both of them feel a little embarrassed.

"I'll go to zego."

Girl thin skinned, in order to avoid this embarrassment, into the house, Zhang Ting went to the kitchen.

Qin Chao wanted to go with him, but he hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't do so.

What happened at the door just now, Qin Chao always felt that he had done something bad. He was a little guilty and didn't dare to get close to Zhang Ting.

When Zhang Ting went to the kitchen, Shen zegang just finished cleaning up and was taking off her apron.

"Zege, you're right. Brother Qin is all right. He was put back directly."

Zhang Ting went to Shen Ze and said.

Shen Ze didn't feel surprised. He nodded and said nothing.

Zhang Ting wanted to ask Qin Chao's special identity from Shen Ze, but after thinking about it, she gave up the idea.

After all, in her opinion, Shen Ze and Qin Chao are both mysterious and secretive.

Want to ask something from two people, really impossible, there is no need to be thankless.