Chapter 457

Qin Chao has been on the battlefield for a long time and killed countless enemies.

The murderous spirit released by him is just like the essence. It's so majestic that ordinary people can't bear it.

Ma Teng is just an ordinary man, not a warrior.

In the face of Qin Chao released by the majestic murderous gas, he obviously can not bear.

He was very afraid that he would die suddenly. He was so scared that his brain was confused. He didn't dare to move. He didn't even dare to ask for mercy.

If it goes on like this, Ma Teng may be half dead by Qin Chao's murderous spirit.

In Qin Chao's opinion, Ma Teng's actions are worthy of death.

So, he didn't have the slightest mercy. He really planned to teach Ma Teng a lesson.

As for whether Ma Teng can bear it or not, he doesn't care whether he will die suddenly in the end.

Sitting on the chair, Shen Ze naturally sensed the murderous spirit released by Qin Chao.

However, he pretended to know nothing and did not stop Qin Chao, but acquiesced in the latter's behavior.

As if nothing had happened, he took up his cup and continued to drink tea.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't say anything, Qin Chao naturally became more unscrupulous and continued to release the powerful and terrifying murderous spirit.

As a result, Ma Teng is under more and more pressure.

His body gradually lost consciousness and became numb, while his eyes, nose and ears began to spill blood.

After a while, Ma Teng seems to have become a fierce ghost. He looks ferocious.

Although the body is out of control, marten still has consciousness.

He strongly realized that if he continued to do so, he would really die suddenly!

Ma Teng didn't want to die. Under the strong desire for survival, he wriggled his mouth and uttered intermittent, low-volume words of begging for mercy.

"Lord Dragon God... Please... Please... Spare your life..."

"I don't want to die... Lord Dragon God... Please... Spare me..."

Ma Teng said, his eyes bleeding and weeping.

A big man is crying at the moment.

Seeing Ma Teng crying, Qin Chao's mouth curved with sarcasm.

Of course, he is still not soft hearted, but intensified, releasing a more majestic and terrifying murderous atmosphere.


Qin Chao adds a strong way, Ma Teng can't bear it any more. His eyes turn and he faints.

Ma Teng fell to one side, and then there was no movement.

"I passed out without much effort, and this guy is terrible."

Seeing Ma Teng pass out, Qin Chao sneers.

Then he asked Shen Ze, "young master, do you want to wake someone up?"

Shen Ze gave a gentle hum.

Qin Chao immediately stepped forward and came to Ma Teng.

Qin Chao reaches out his right hand, grabs Ma Teng's neck and lifts him up.

Then, he stretched out his left hand and sucked out Marten's big mouth.

"Pa pa pa..."

Qin Chao's action is rough and merciless.

He whipped Ma Teng more than ten big mouths in a row, and the latter's cheek was bloody and the corner of his mouth was broken.

The tingling on his cheek woke Ma Teng up with pain.

As soon as people wake up, Ma Teng cries out.

He was brought up to be a respectable man, and had hardly suffered from flesh and blood.

At the moment, the physical pain, let him completely unbearable, showing a desperate look.

Qin Chao will Ma Teng to lift, let the latter hanging.

Then, he threatened with red fruit: "cry again, I'll break your neck!"

Ma Teng was so scared that he immediately bit his teeth. He didn't dare to make any more pain calls, and he didn't dare to make any more movements.

The office suddenly quieted down, and the atmosphere became a little oppressive again.

Before he knew it, Shen Ze had already drunk a cup of tea.

When the tea is finished, it's time to get down to business.

Shen Ze holds the teacup's hand. With a little effort, the teacup turns into powder and falls to the ground between his fingers.

Qin Chao and Ma Teng both saw this scene.

Qin Chao is not surprised, there are no mood swings.

And Ma Teng is shocked inexplicably stare big pupil, eyeball son seems to stare out the same.

The cup turns into a powder when you hold it at will.

The Dragon God is known as the most capable general, and it really deserves its reputation.

Think of these, Ma Teng impressively is to Shen Ze more awe, at the same time, in the heart also more despair.

Marten was very upset and angry.

He felt that he had fallen eight generations of blood mold, which would provoke Shen Ze.

Of course, he also regretted that he had done those bad things.

After all, there is a saying that if you often walk by the river, you can't get wet shoes.

If you do too much, you will find a ghost one day.

Now, it's not the ghosts who come to us.

Instead, Shen Ze, the living king of hell, came to the door!

Ma Teng knew that he was doomed today. His heart was dead. He was as depressed as a puppet. He had no vitality.

After treating the teacup at will, Shen Ze raises his eyes and looks at Ma Teng faintly.

Ma Teng didn't dare to look at Shen Ze. He noticed Shen Ze's eyes. He dropped his eyes subconsciously, but didn't look at Shen Ze.

Shen Ze didn't say anything about this.

He thin lips slightly open, light said: "today to confess."

Shen Ze has no plan to kill Ma Teng himself.

The Fengyuan Group led by Ma Teng has done a lot of things harmful to people's livelihood in recent years.

Shen Ze wants Fengyuan Group to be tried by local people in Hangzhou.

In this way, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. The way of heaven has its beginning and end, giving the general public an account.

What Shen Ze says now, Ma Teng will agree without hesitation.

Moreover, Ma Teng also heard that Shen Ze didn't mean to kill him.

So how can he not agree?

After the reaction, Ma Teng nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "yes, Lord Dragon God, I will confess my guilt in accordance with your order today."

Although Ma Teng doesn't want to admit his crimes to the official institutions, and he thinks that the Fengyuan Group has violated the law and discipline.

But compared with being executed by Shen Ze now, he is still more willing to choose the former.

If you voluntarily admit your crime and hand over your assets, you may be able to save your life, even if you are in prison.

To be able to save his life is the best outcome for Ma Teng.

Of course, Ma Teng has no choice but to promise.

After all, few people in the world dare to disobey Shen Ze.

In Qin Chao's eyes, Ma Teng is the boss of Fengyuan Group and the controller of this criminal group. His crime is the biggest.

After all, it was all under his control.

In Qin Chao's opinion, Ma Teng should be executed directly.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't mean to kill Ma Teng, Qin Chao couldn't help remonstrating: "master, this old thing is the culprit. I suggest killing it directly!"

On hearing Qin Chao's words, Ma Teng was scared to pee, and his crotch was wet in the twinkling of an eye.