Chapter 459

Who the hell is not good to catch? We have to catch the little aunt of Dragon God. Isn't it playing lanterns and looking for excrement in the toilet?

I'm dead now!

No matter Ma Teng or Liu Dongqiang, as well as the young people in black suits, they all feel that there is no place for them to die.

After all, just offending the Dragon God is a capital crime.

It's hard to escape death if we catch the little aunt of Dragon God.

Marten took the roller coaster again.

Previously, he thought he could escape, but because Liu Dongqiang captured Zhang Zilan, all this was broken.

Ma Teng is in the heart, the ancestor of Liu Dongqiang eighteen generations to give greetings again.

This guy who can't succeed but can't fail is such a brain wreck!

Ma Teng was furious and cursed in his heart.

Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit are in despair.

The two of them are the people who go to catch Zhang Zilan, which is equivalent to the assailants. This nature is obviously different.

As an assailant, it's not too much to be executed on the spot.

At the moment, Liu Dongqiang is very sorry.

If he knew that Shen Diaolong was the Dragon God, he would not do anything according to Ma Teng's idea.

I just quit and leave. I'm not involved.

After that, he would not deliberately pick things up because he was angry with Ma Tengxin.

If he had known that Zhang Zilan was the aunt of Dragon God, he would not dare to catch the latter.

Now, is the real kick to the iron plate, dying!

Both Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit feel that they will die in the next moment, and their hearts are full of fear and uneasiness.

Of course, in the role of the desire to survive, the two still do not forget to beg for mercy.

"Lord Dragon God, we don't want to catch your aunt. Ma Teng told us to do all this."

"He is the boss, we have no choice but to listen to him, and we hope that the Dragon God will see clearly."

Liu Dongqiang's brain is very smart. At this time, he is trying his best to put the responsibility on Ma Teng and try his best to get rid of the relationship.

"Yes, manager Liu is right. It's all ordered by the chairman of the board. We are subordinates. We can only follow his will."

Man is not for himself.

When it comes to life and death, the young man in black suit agrees with Liu Dongqiang and puts the responsibility on Ma Teng.

"Please forgive me, Lord dragon."

After that, Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit all kowtowed.

Shen Ze looked at Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit indifferently and said nothing.

Qin Chao sarcastically said: "you two help the tyrant and commit crimes. Do you want to plead here? Isn't that ridiculous? "

After listening to Qin Chao's sarcastic words, Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit were speechless.

They both said nothing more, just kowtowed.

Qin Chao stares at Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit coldly. Then he looks back at Ma Teng in his hand.

"You told them to catch my aunt?" Qin Chao asked harshly.

Marten didn't know how to answer.

He dawdled for a while, then replied, "no," faltering

At this time, Ma Teng obviously does not want to share the responsibility.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to Liu Dongqiang, defending himself: "this man proposed to me to catch Zhang's family. He planned all this!"

For Liu Dongqiang and black suit will be the responsibility to him, Ma Teng heart is very angry.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to blame Liu Dongqiang.

Hearing Ma Teng say that he had planned everything, Liu Dongqiang couldn't help but open his mouth and defend himself.

"Lord Dragon God, I'm just a subordinate. I always follow orders."

"I would never have been able to make a decision without marten."

"Liu Dongqiang, you originally suggested that Zhang's family should be arrested. What are you arguing about here?"

Ma Teng glared at Liu Dongqiang angrily, showing a look of eager to swallow the latter alive.

"Mr. Ma, it's all your decision. You can't put the blame on me in order to get rid of the relationship."

"You fart, don't talk nonsense here!"

In order to survive, Ma Teng and Liu Dongqiang suddenly shirk their responsibilities from each other, so they quarrel with each other.

It's a dog bite dog game!

Shen Ze doesn't want to stay to see Ma Teng and Liu Dongqiang bite each other.

He turned his head and gave Qin Chao a look. Then he raised his feet and walked to Zhang Zilan.

"Auntie, let's go out first!" Shen Ze said softly to Zhang Zilan.

Zhang Zilan has been staring at Shen Ze without blinking, just like he is in a trance.

Hearing Shen Ze's voice, Zhang Zilan came back.


Zhang Zilan took a deep look at Shen Ze and nodded.

"Let's go!"

Shen Ze said softly, and then took the lead to lift his feet and walk out of the office.

Zhang Zilan kept up with Shen Ze without saying a word.

One in front of the other, they walked out of the office.

After Shen Ze and Zhang Zilan left.

Qin Chao glanced coldly at Ma Teng, and then said coldly, "how do you want to die?"

Ma Teng's body trembled when he heard the words.

"I don't want to die, my Lord, spare my life!"

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

Ma Teng begs for mercy, while Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit kowtow at the same time.

"It's too late to beg for mercy now!"

When Qin chaoleng opened his mouth, a strong killing opportunity appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, Qin Chao grabs Ma Teng's hand around his neck with a force.

Just click.

Marten's neck is broken.

Ma Teng didn't even scream. His mouth was bleeding, his head was crooked, and he died in a twinkling of an eye.


After learning about Ma Teng, Qin Chao immediately threw the former on the ground like a litter.

Ma Teng's eyes widened and he couldn't close his eyes!

Kneeling on the ground, Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit raised their heads subconsciously to see what was going on.

The two men were surprised to see Ma Teng's body lying on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Dongqiang was scared to urinate, his fat body shook violently, and his face turned pale and bloodless.

The young man in black suit was also shivering with fright.

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit are desperate to beg for mercy, for fear that Qin Chao will also send them on the road.

"It's not good to provoke anyone, but you've come to provoke the Dragon God. You deserve to die!"

Qin Chao was indifferent to Liu Dongqiang's plea for mercy. He didn't mean to be soft hearted.

Shen Ze's eyes indicated him before he left.

All the people present will be killed!

Ma Teng is dead, so are Liu Dongqiang and the young man in black suit!