Chapter 479

Qin Chao was really afraid of Yan Hong's identity, so he didn't shoot at the first time.

But Shen Ze made a speech, and he obviously would not hesitate.

With Shen Ze's identity and status, he is fully qualified to execute Yan Hong.

So, Qin Chao listened to Shen Ze's idea and shot Yan Hong.


Qin Chao this shot down, Yan Hong's forehead suddenly emerged a blood hole.

Yan Hong's eyes widened and his face was full of unbelievable words.

At the moment of his death, he didn't expect that Qin Chao actually shot him!


Yan Hong vomited blood, whimpered twice, and then fell to the ground with no movement.


The body fell in front of Yan Hua.

Looking at Yan Hong eyes round stare, a face of blood, Yan Hua directly scared to cry out, peed pants.

As if he had seen a ghost, he knelt down and stepped back.

And the people who witnessed Qin Chao's shooting down Yan Hong were all wide eyed, and their faces were full of fear.

This boy really shot Yan Hong!

They were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Yan Hong was a real deputy mayor of Hangzhou City, an official of longguowen Academy.

This boy really dares to shoot Yan Hong.

Are you really not afraid of being liquidated afterwards?

Murder is a crime, but death.

The target of the killing is still the official staff of the Academy of Arts, which is even more different in nature.

This boy is so bold that he doesn't know what to do!

After returning to God, the Yan family were all extremely indignant.

They gnash their teeth and stare at Qin Chao with hatred.

Had it not been for Qin Chao's force and Wuzi in his hand, they would have rushed to break Qin Chao apart and avenged Yan Hong.

Yan Family people dare to be angry, dare not speak, very subdued.

After Yan Hong was shot, Qin Chao felt much better.

He didn't look at the dead body on the ground as if nothing had happened.

Qin Chao turned around and asked Zhang Ting in a soft voice: "sister Tingting, are you satisfied?"

"If you're not satisfied, I'll shoot this kid, too."

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Chao pointed to Yan Hua, who was on the ground.

Yan Hua a listen to Qin Chao words, immediately scared buttock urine flow.

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me..."

Yan Hua witnessed Qin Chao shoot Yan Hong, he obviously did not dare to doubt Qin Chao is bragging.

He was afraid that Qin Chao would shoot him, so he immediately kowtowed and cried for mercy.


Hearing Yan Hua calling there, Qin Chao said displeased, "shut up, or I'll kill you now."

Qin Chao this words, Yan Huadun immediately bite the teeth, dare not make any sound.

Yan Hua's heart is full of fear.

He was on the ground, shivering and silent.

At the moment, Yan Hua impressively prays that Zhang Ting will be satisfied, so as not to let Qin Chao shoot him.

Just after Qin Chao shot Yan Hong, Zhang Ting stood near and saw all this.

The little girl had never seen such a bloody picture before. She was so scared that she lost her face and her brain fell into the blank.

Zhang Ting is like lost soul, Leng in situ, motionless.

After hearing Qin Chao's words, she came back to herself.

Eyes touched the dead body on the ground, Zhang Ting screamed in a low voice, and then ran behind Qin Chao.

Subconsciously, the little girl reached for Qin Chao's arm.

Looking at Zhang Ting like a frightened rabbit, Qin Chao couldn't help laughing.

Of course, he did not forget to appease Zhang Ting.

"Sister Tingting, don't be afraid."

"If you're really scared, don't look at the ground."

Qin Chao is a rough man, usually careless, very rough.

But at the moment, when comforting Zhang Ting, he whispered and looked gentle.

There is a kind of iron man tenderness.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Zhang Ting's fright calmed down a lot.

Seeing that Zhang Ting's mood was stabilized, Qin Chao asked in a soft voice, "sister Tingting, I've put that old thing in the right place. Are you satisfied?"

Zhang Ting Wen Yan, gently nodded: "satisfied."

In fact, Zhang Ting doesn't want to see this kind of blood type.

She just wants Yan Hong to admit her mistake, apologize to her, and return her achievements to her.

As for Yan Hong's life, Zhang Ting did not think about it at all.

Now, Qin Chao has shot Yan Hong.

Zhang Ting is naturally satisfied.

Of course, part of the reason is that she doesn't want to see dead people again.

If she doesn't say she's satisfied, Qin Chao will probably kill Yan Hua, too.

It's not what she wants to see happen again.

Although Zhang Ting was very angry because of the replacement of her achievements, she didn't think it was serious enough to cause death.

Although, now there has been a human death, and Yan Hong, the vice mayor of Hangzhou, is still dead. The situation has become a bit serious.

"OK, since you are satisfied, I won't kill this boy."

Listen to Zhang Ting said satisfied, Qin Chao did not plan to kill Yan Hua.

As soon as the words fell, he put Uzzi away.

See Qin Chao did not want to kill their own meaning, Yan Hua hanging in the heart of the big stone fell down.

He breathed a sigh of relief, the whole person is like exhausted, paralyzed on the ground.

Yan Hua did not move, just like an old dog, looking very embarrassed.

Qin Chao ignored Yan Hua. He said to Zhang Ting, "kill the people who should be killed. The anger is out. Let's go!"


Zhang Ting has no objection to this, cleverly nodded.

Then, Qin Chao and Zhang Ting walked side by side toward Shen Ze.

Seeing Qin Chao leave, everyone on the scene dare not stop them.

Even if the Yan Family on the scene wanted to bring Qin Chao to justice immediately, they didn't have the courage to stop him.

In the face of death, these rich children obviously do not have such backbone.

Although they are unwilling, they can only watch Qin Chao and they just leave.

Qin Chao and Zhang Ting come to Shen Ze's heel.

Qin Chao said: "brother, let's go!"

Yan Hong, the culprit, is dead. There is nothing else to do.

Shen Ze also wanted to leave, so he nodded and stood up.

Just then, a clang of footsteps came from the door of the hall.

When they heard the news, they all subconsciously looked at the door of the hall.

The crowd was surprised to see a patrol team with weapons in hand. They came in in a hurry.

See this patrol team, Yan Family people like to see the light of hope, eyes suddenly bright.

When the patrol comes, the murderer can't run away!

"Patrol, that boy killed deputy mayor Yan and caught him!" Someone pointed at Qin Chao and said loudly to the patrolmen.

"Get him!"

"Get him!"

"Catch him..."

Some people took the lead, others followed.

They all point at Qin Chao and shout, and the crowd is excited.