Chapter 496

"Mr. Shen, if you insist on this and don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Qin Chao opened his mouth coldly and his eyes twinkled.

When Shen Yu heard the speech, he didn't make a sound or do anything else.

Seeing that Shen Yu didn't want to get out of the way, Qin Chao's eyes suddenly flashed.

He took out Uzi he was carrying with him, then raised Uzi and aimed the muzzle of the gun at Shen Yu's forehead.

"Mr. Shen, don't make me shoot."

Qin Chao said harshly that the threat in his words was very strong.

Shen Yu was calm and calm when he was pointed at his head with a gun.

As for what Qin Chao said, he didn't pay attention to it. He was not afraid of Qin Chao shooting at him.

Shen Yu did not move, but the young men in black suits he brought with him did.

These young men in black suits took out their pistols, then raised their guns and pointed to Qin Chao's head.

As a result, the atmosphere of the field suddenly became very depressed, and a gunfight was imminent!

Seeing several young men in black suits all point their guns at their heads, Qin Chao's face becomes a little ugly.

It's obvious that the other side is well prepared and hard to deal with.

If the other side is not armed, he may be able to deal with Uzzi.

But when the other side took out his weapon, he had no good idea.

After all, he has not yet broken through to the realm of martial arts masters and has no ability to turn the situation around.

Qin Chao can only rely on Shen Ze's help.

Sitting in the car, Shen Ze seems to have guessed Qin Chao's idea, but he has an action.

Shen Ze didn't make any big moves. He just waved his hand.

As he made the gesture of waving, a wonderful and strange breath poured out from his fingers.

Almost in an instant, this breath came to Qin Chao.

When Qin Chao felt this breath.

The pistols in the hands of several young men in black suits were all very strange. They broke into pieces, turned into powder and floated in the air.

Seeing this scene, in addition to Qin Chao and Shen Yu's ability to keep calm, several young men in black suits all looked as if they had gone to hell. They were all staring at each other, and there was a strong color of panic on their faces.

They all staggered back a few strides with fright.

After stabilizing their figure, they looked around in panic and did not dare to do anything else.

Seeing a few young men in black suits, Qin Chao was terrified and laughed with pride.

At this time, Shen Yu's eyes were fixed on the business car. His face was reflective, and his eyes flickered with consternation.

As a martial arts master, Shen Yu's martial arts strength is not bad.

Several young men in black suits didn't know what the situation was, but he obviously did.

Just now that wonderful, let a few black suit in the hands of young people's guns into the smell of powder, it is from the business car!

Shen Yu can't see who is sitting in the business car, but he can detect that the other person is Shen Ze.

And this also means that Shen Ze just sent out that wonderful breath.

It means that Shen Ze's martial arts strength is at least at the master level.

Shen Yu knew that Shen Ze had a great talent for practicing martial arts.

But after only a few years, Shen Ze reached the master level, which surprised Shen Yu.

After all, he has practiced martial arts for decades, but now he can reach the master level.

However, although a little surprised that Shen Ze's martial arts strength reached the level of a master, Shen Yu still did not give up to prevent Shen Ze from going to Shen Wang Fu.

After all, Lord Shen's mansion is guarded by a master of martial arts.

If Shen Ze only reaches the master level, he still can't see it.

Run to Lord Shen's house, still looking for death!

Just as Shen Yu had various ideas in his mind, Qin Chao spoke.

"Mr. Shen, get out of the way, or the young master will give you a hand later, that's not good!"

Qin Chao's tone is euphemistic, but his words are sonorous and powerful.

Shen Yu was unmoved by the speech.

This elegant middle-aged man, with deep eyes staring at the business car, said in a loud voice: "aze, if you can beat me, I'll get out of the way."

Just after Shen Yu's words, a wonderful breath swept out of the business car again.

This breath is divided into two parts, one wrapped Shen Yu, the other wrapped two black Mercedes Benz cars.

After being wrapped by breath, Shen Yu could not move as if he had been cast the skill of body immobilization.

And the two black Mercedes Benz cars, as if they were swept by a strong wind, rolled back to the side.

As a result, the road is clear.


Then, a faint voice came out of the business car.

When Qin Chao heard the news, he took a look at the motionless Shen Yu, then turned around and got on the business bus.

Then Qin Chao started the engine and drove away.

Shen Yu couldn't move and naturally couldn't open his mouth. He could only watch the business car leave.

As for a few young men in black suits on one side, they were all frightened and did not dare to stop them.

As a result, they left smoothly.

When the business car is a long way away, the breath that envelops Shen Yu will dissipate.

Shen Yu regained his freedom.

However, Shen Yu seems to have collapsed.

As soon as he regained his freedom, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face suddenly turned pale. At the same time, his body collapsed and he fell on his knees.

The reason why Shen Yu was like this was that he wanted to rely on his own force to resist the breath when he was just wrapped by the breath and couldn't move.

Shen Yu's struggle with that breath not only failed to dispel it, but also met with a backlash.

At the moment, Shen Yu's Qi and blood were churning and disordered.

It seems to be OK on the surface, but actually it's internal injury.

"Mr. Shen, are you all right?"

Two young men in black suits came forward and helped Shen Yu up from the ground. Then they helped him to sit in the back of Mercedes Benz.

"How do you feel, Mr. Shen? Do you want to go to the hospital? "

Seeing Shen Yu's dispirited breath, several young men in black suits all frowned and looked dignified.

While they were worried about Shen Yu's safety, they had ups and downs in their hearts and could not be calm for a long time.

Who is the man in the business car?

It's so easy to hurt Shen Yu as a martial arts master!

Let the pistol turn into powder, make Shen Yu unable to move, and let the Mercedes Benz fly away.

All of these all show that the other side is an extremely powerful existence!

Several young men in black suits were shocked to think that if the other side could use this method, it must be a martial arts master!

They run to block a martial arts master's way. It's a bit ungrateful. It's just like trying to kill themselves!

Think of these, a few young men in black suits are palpitating, after a while afraid.