Chapter 507

In Shen Ze's opinion, if his mother Zhang Ruoyun is not allowed to be the head of Shen's family, then there is no need for Shen's family to exist.

He's very strong and overbearing, and doesn't give Shen any room.

You can either take Zhang Ruoyun as the head of your family or let Shen no longer exist!

For the Shen family, they had no choice but to choose the late Fengzhang Ruoyun as the home owner.

After all, if Shen no longer exists, what choice do they have?

Shen Ze's decision, once again in front of the public, incisively and vividly reflects his strength and hegemony.

Don't be afraid not to follow!

Dare not, a word, die!

Facing the two choices given by Shen Ze, the people of Shen clan feel like they have been watered with a basin of cold water, and they have come to a deep cold.

Shen Ze's meaning is very obvious.

Either take Zhang Ruoyun as the head of the family, or die!

What's the choice?

No one wants to die, so Shen's people can only choose the former.

However, if Zhang Ruoyun, the late man, is really allowed to be the head of Shen's family, then Shen's royal family will become a big joke.

And they will become a laughing stock and can't look up in front of others.

It's like being nailed to the pillar of shame, suffering from humiliation and ridicule all the time.

That kind of situation, for all the Shen people who have always been above and respected, is like coming from heaven to hell. It's really hard to accept!

But what if it's unacceptable?

Is it difficult for Shen Ze to disobey Shen Ze's idea and be killed by him?

Shen's people are very clear in their hearts that this powerful young man really has the strength and capital to destroy Shen's family!

Even if this process is not simple, but the result has been doomed!

When Shen's family was silent one after another, it seemed that they chose Shen Ze's decision by default. He knelt down on the stage, and the dejected Shen Tianhua suddenly woke up.

Shen Tianhua raises his head and stares at Shen Ze with his bloodshot eyes.

He looks ferocious, very angry toward Shen Ze roared: "Shi can kill, not disgrace!"

"I won't agree to let the dead woman be the head of Shen's family."

For Shen Tianhua, it is the limit that he can accept to cut his son in person today.

It is unacceptable for him to abdicate as the head of Shen's family and let Zhang Ruoyun, who has been dead for many years, be the head of Shen's family.

It's not easy to sit in the position of the head of Shen's family. It's not so beautiful. How can we lose it like this?

He has lost his beloved son. If he lost his position as the head of Shen's family again, it would be like killing him.

Can't accept, can't accept!

Shen Tianhua was very emotional, and then he said angrily, "Shen Ze, my son did do something I'm sorry for you. He really deserved his death today."

"But if you let your mother, who has been dead for many years, be the head of Shen's family, you are deliberately picking up trouble and insulting Shen!"

"As one of the four royal families, my Shen family has its own character and will never be bullied by others!"

"If you really push my Shen family to the end, I'll fight you to the end. It's a big deal."

Shen Tianhua's words are sonorous and forceful, which means breaking the pot.

However, it is worth mentioning that what he said can really play an inspiring role.

As if to show his determination and attitude, Shen Tianhua stood up from the ground.

Shen Tianhua straightened out his waist.

As he stood on the high platform, he looked down at Shen Ze.

After standing up, Shen Tianhua seems to have regained his looks, and he has a strong momentum.

He stares at Shen Ze, word by word, opens his mouth and roars: "those Shen people who would rather live standing than die kneeling, all stand up!"

In this world, there are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and there are also people who are brave and not afraid of death.

Naturally, some of these Shen people are afraid of death, while others are not.

Although people have the bad root of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, as a royal family, and also a family of generals, most of the Shen people are still more backbone.

Many people can't accept that Shen Ze let his dead mother be the head of Shen's family.

With Shen Tianhua shaking his arms and shouting, other Shen people stood up.

One by one, but for a moment, almost two-thirds of the Shen people stood up.

This also shows that most of the Shen people prefer to compete with Shen Ze rather than accept Zhang Ruoyun as the head of Shen's family, even if they end up in a bad end.

And the meaning of most people shows the will of the whole Shen family.

Shen Shi does not agree, does not accept, does not comply with Shen Ze's meaning!

Seeing that most of the Shen people stood up, the small group of Shen people who hesitated or hesitated or did not want to stand up finally stood up one by one.

Forced by the situation, these people have no choice.

Even if they don't stand up, the conflict between Shen Shi and Shen Ze is inevitable.

Then he simply stood up.

Shen Yuan was the last one to stand up.

The old prince, who has worked hard for the Shen family and is determined to make the Shen family better, does not want to fight against Shen Ze from the beginning to the end.

Of course, Shen Ze did not agree or accept that his mother Zhang Ruoyun should be the head of Shen's family.

However, he has always been steadfast, and did not express his views at the first time. Instead, he thought about countermeasures to make Shen Ze change his mind in a peaceful way.

Before he came up with a solution, Shen Tianhua angrily raised his voice, raised his arms and let all the Shen people stand up, so as to strongly oppose Shen Ze's idea.

This makes Shen Yuan very helpless and headache.

Of course, he had no choice but to stand up from the ground after a long sigh.

From this, all the Shen people on the scene stood up!

After they stood up, they all looked at Shen Ze, either angry, or awed, or tough. Their attitude was very clear!

The Shen clan stood up, while the guests were still kneeling on the ground, holding a respectful posture.

However, after all the Shen people stood up, a non Shen figure also stood up.

This is an old man in Tang costume. He is the old prince of the Qin family, Qin Xiong!

After Qin Xiong stood up, he said in a loud voice, "I support the Shen family, and you are against injustice!"

Qin Xiong's words caused an uproar.

"What's going on? How can Mr. Qin stand up and support Shen? "

"Isn't it obvious that Mr. Qin is doing this against the Dragon God? Is he not afraid of the Dragon God's anger on the Qin family? "

"Even if there is some friendship between the Qin family and the Shen family, it's not as good as letting the old prince of Qin do such a thing, is it?"

Both the Shen clan and the guests present were shocked and surprised by Qin Xiong's coming forward to speak for Shen.

Qin Xiong will certainly offend Shen Ze by doing so, which is obviously a thankless thing.

Everyone was very confused and couldn't figure out why Qin Xiong did this!