Chapter 513

Before, Shen Yu never disobeyed Shen Yuan's father's meaning. What Shen Yuan said was what he said.

Because of this, Shen Yu didn't insist on marrying Zhang Ruoyun at the beginning, and even later married a woman she didn't love because of her family marriage.

Now, because of Shen Ze's actions, Shen Yu seems to have a thorough understanding, and no longer complies with Shen Yuan's meaning.

For the first time, he disobeyed Shen Yuan's meaning.

After hanging up, Shen Yu felt very happy.

He laughed twice and went on drinking.

Tonight, Shen Yu is going to have a good drink.

At the same time, in the palace of King Shen.

Hearing the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, Shen Yuan was so angry that his face was livid, and his heart was angry.

"How dare you disobey me and hang up on me! What a shame

In a rage, Shen Yuan threw his mobile phone to the ground.

"Pa", the mobile phone fell to pieces.

Shen Yuan was very angry. He was very angry.

What happened today made Shen Yuan feel very bad.

Shen Yu's disobeying his intention was like lighting up his anger, and suddenly entered a state of rage.

"The Shen family is in danger now. This villain dares to go against Laozi!"

"If this villain is in front of me, I have to slap him to death!"

Shen Yuan has always been strict with his two sons, Shen Tianhua and Shen Yu.

Shen Tianhua and Shen Yu had been strictly disciplined since they were young, so they always followed Shen Yuan's advice.

It is the first and only time that Shen Yu disobeys Shen Yuan's meaning today.

And this, also let Shen Yuan cannot accept, more angry.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that the Shen royal family is in a very bad situation now, and the death of Shen Tianhua and Shen Hong makes Shen Yuan a little grumpy and angry.

Another point is that Shen Yuan asked Shen Yu to go back to Shen Wang's house to discuss something about Shen Ze.

Shen Yu is Shen Ze's biological father.

Shen Yuan wants Shen Yu to deal with it and try to avoid fierce conflict with Shen Ze.

Although Shen Yuan declared war with Shen Ze in public at the banquet, he still resisted it in his heart.

After all, the Shen family can't compete with Shen Ze.

Shen Yuan didn't want any other Shen clan to be hurt, and he didn't want the Shen clan to be destroyed.

Shen Yuan wants Shen Yu, Shen Ze's biological father, to make peace and let Shen Ze give up and continue to deal with the Shen family.

After getting angry for a while, Shen Yuan is ready to find Shen Yu himself.

Shen Yuan called a driver and took him to Shen Yu's residence.

Almost an hour later, Shen Yuan came to the door of Shen Yu's villa.

Shen Yuan didn't knock at the door. As a master of martial arts, he directly looked through the wall and entered the villa.

Shen Yuan came to the balcony while feeling the breath.

Then he saw Shen Yu, who had been drunk to death.

Shen Yu was lying on the couch, his eyes blurred, his face drunk and unconscious.

Shen Yuan was furious when he saw this.

With a fierce look on his face, he stretched out a hand and sucked Shen Yu into his hand.

Then Shen Yuan grabbed Shen Yuan's neck with one hand and slapped Shen Yu with the other.

"Pa pa pa..."

Shen Yuan slapped Shen Yu more than ten times in a row, which made his face bloody.

The sharp pain on Shen Yu's face made him wake up suddenly, and his head became clear all of a sudden.

Shen Yu realized that he was grabbed by Shen Yuan's neck and his face was torn. He was angry and asked, "father, what are you doing?"

"Do you know that Laozi is your father?"

Shen Yuan angrily scolded: "who let you not comply with Laozi's meaning, still dare to hang up Laozi's phone?"

Facing Shen Yuan's question, Shen Yu was silent for a while, and then said indifferently, "I used to comply with what you mean. I've complied enough, but now I don't want to comply."

Shen Yu still expressed his views expressed earlier on the phone. He had a clear attitude, a firm tone, and was not joking at all.

Seeing that Shen Yu was unrepentant, Shen Yuan's face turned blue and red with anger.

"Now you've got hard wings. Don't listen to me!"

"You villain, do you believe I slap you to death?"

Shen Yuan raised his other hand and made a gesture to fan Shen Yu angrily.

Shen Yu stared at Shen Yuan coldly. He didn't say a word or make any resistance.

And his meaning is very obvious, if you want to shoot me, just shoot me.

Naturally, Shen Yuan could understand Shen Yu's meaning. He was more angry. He didn't raise his hand too high and didn't drop it.

Tiger poison does not eat son.

Shen Yuan couldn't do it after all.

Of course, Shen Tianhua was slapped to death by Shen Ze today.

If Shen Yuan slaps Shen Yu to death again, Shen Yuan will become a lonely old man with no children under his knees.

After a short stalemate, Shen Yuan loosened Shen Yu's neck and pushed the latter away.

Shen Yu went back to the couch.

Seeing that Shen Yu was still lying down, Shen Yuan was out of breath.

He glared at Shen Yu fiercely and said angrily, "I have a good son, and you have a good son, too. It's a bloody sin!"

Shen Yuan is angry with Shen Yu, even more angry with Shen Ze!

Shen Yu is not stupid. When Shen Yuan called him before, he guessed that the latter was about Shen Ze, so he asked him to go back to Shen Wang's house to discuss the matter.

Because of this, Shen Yu didn't listen to Shen Yuan and went back to King Shen's house to discuss with him about Shen Ze.

Shen Yuan doesn't want to take care of Shen Ze's affairs.

Of course, he couldn't manage it.

Not to mention the relationship between father and son, which is almost a stranger now, is just the reason for the disparity of status. Shen Yuan can't control Shen Ze either.

As the supreme Dragon God, Shen Ze is the first ruler of the Dragon Kingdom, and he can't control him.

What is his virtue and ability?

Shen Yu didn't seem to hear Shen Yuan's words. He didn't pay attention to the latter, and didn't care about the face that had been beaten to the skin and flesh.

He closed his eyes and didn't move as if he was going to sleep.

Looking at Shen Yu like this, Shen Yuan was so angry that he was very angry.

"Shen Yu, do you know why I came to you?"

Shen Yuan said angrily, "if you still think that you are the descendants of the Shen family, you will go to the good son you gave birth to and intercede with him to let the Shen family go!"

As soon as Shen Yuan's words fell, Shen Yu opened his mouth and said coldly, "I won't go."

In just four words, Shen Yu was firm and resolute.

When Shen Yuan heard the words, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes were wide open, and his body was filled with a strong murderous spirit!

At this moment, Shen Yuan really wants to slap Shen Yu to death!

Shen Yuan fiercely asked: "Shen Yu, do you really want to see the Shen royal family destroyed by the wild seed you gave birth to?"

Hearing the word "wild seed" spit out from Shen Yuan's mouth, Shen Yu felt a strong sense of violence.

He opened his mouth and yelled, "I've been expelled from the Shen family."

"What does it have to do with me whether the Shen family lives or dies?"