Chapter 520

After the business car entered the gate, it soon came to the gate of the Great Hall of the national assembly.

After stopping the car, Qin Chao turned around and said in a soft voice, "marshal, here we are."

Shen Ze is wearing a Grand Marshal uniform at the moment. Qin Chao naturally regards Shen Ze as the Grand Marshal of the army, so he calls Shen Ze Grand Marshal.


Shen Ze heard the speech and opened his eyes leisurely.

At this time, Qin Chao got off the car and opened the door for Shen Ze.

Shen Ze got out of the business car.

Standing still, Shen took the lead in walking towards the Great Hall of the national assembly.

Qin Chao followed Shen Ze without saying a word.

At this time, a vote was taking place in the general assembly hall.

The whole hall is quiet except for the sound of paper rubbing.


Suddenly, the door of the hall was violently pushed open from the outside.


Two wooden doors, impact on the wall, ring the ear pounding sound.

Because of the quietness of the great hall, the sound of the crash spread all over the hall.

When people in the hall heard the news, they all turned around and looked at the door of the hall.

Then, everyone was surprised to see that Shen Ze, dressed in a Grand Marshal's uniform, walked into the great hall with no haste.

Here comes Shen Diaolong!

Seeing Shen Ze appear, all the people in the hall look awe inspiring, and their hearts shake uncontrollably.

Doesn't it mean that Shen Diaolong is not on the list of members of the Parliament?

Shen Diaolong came here. Isn't it obvious that he came here to find fault?

As we all know, today's meeting is essentially a meeting specifically for Shen Ze.

Shen Diaolong was not on the list of invitees, so he forced himself into the hall in this way.

Obviously, it's not the right person to come!

The name of man, the shadow of tree.

The horror of Shen Diaolong is well known.

He is not only the leader of all the generals, but also the first God of war in the world. He once killed the enemy country. His whole body of force can be regarded as a thoroughgoing force. Few people can defeat him in the whole world.

Shen Diaolong appeared in the great hall. He hardly knew that he was against Huang Shiping.

As for those who, together with Huang Shiping, stand in line with Huang Shiping and vote for the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and the title of Dragon God, that will obviously become the object of Shen Ze's liquidation.

Today's meeting was planned by Huang Shiping.

Most of the people who came to the meeting today are standing on Huang Shiping's side.

Many people voted for the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal and Dragon God.

Now, when these people see Shen Ze's appearance, they are very alarmed and nervous.

They just voted for it. What should they do if Shen Ze comes to the scene for settlement?

Shen Zeyi's appearance in the great hall immediately caused a stir.

And this vote is obviously not going to go on.

I'm kidding. In front of Shen Ze, the living king of hell, I vote for Shen Ze. Isn't that playing lanterns and looking for excrement in the toilet?

Among all the people in the audience, who doesn't want to see Shen Ze appear most is Huang Shiping.

Seeing Shen Ze walking into the Great Hall in his Grand Marshal's uniform, Huang Shiping frowned and his face became very gloomy.

What do you think of Shen Diaolong breaking into the hall and interrupting the meeting?

As we all know, today's meeting was presided over by Huang Shiping. No one with good sense dares to make trouble.

Shen Ze's intrusion into the great hall is obviously not to give Huang Shiping face. It's like beating Huang Shiping in the face.

How can Huang Shiping be in a good mood?

Because of Shen Ze's presence, the meeting could not go on any more, and the atmosphere became dull and depressed.

The whole hall fell into silence.


Shen Ze was wearing matching black boots on his feet. The boots were on the floor, and the sound of his feet was clear and loud.

The sound of the footstep fell into everyone's ears like thunder. Everyone was trembling, pale and stiff.

Is this the Grand Marshal's momentum?

Just walking, you can have this terrible power!

Sure enough, the first God of war is the first God of war, so terrible!

People become more nervous, the atmosphere did not dare a, silent.

Shen Ze doesn't know what people think, and he doesn't care.

Shen Ze's expressionless face and deep eyes make people unable to see what he is thinking.

After entering the great hall, Shen Ze went straight to the high platform where Huang Shiping was sitting.

Qin Chao also followed Shen Ze into the hall, but he didn't follow Shen Ze to the high platform. Instead, he stayed at the gate of the hall and guarded it like a door god.

Under the attention of the whole audience, Shen Ze went straight to the high stage.

Huang Shiping has been staring at Shen Ze with gloomy eyes. Seeing Shen Ze come to the high platform, he can't help but ask harshly, "Shen Diaolong, what do you want to do when you break into the great hall?"

Shen Ze didn't answer Huang Shiping's question for the first time, and completely ignored the latter.

But to the front, a middle-aged man sitting on the seat, said indifferently: "give me a seat."

Shen Ze's tone is flat, but it gives people a feeling of no doubt.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man raised his head and looked at Shen Ze fearfully.

He was afraid to disobey Shen Ze's meaning. He stood up from his seat and moved aside.

After the middle-aged man gave up his seat, Shen Ze was also impolite and immediately sat down on the seat.

After sitting down, Shen Ze looked ahead and said faintly, "I just came to the meeting and didn't do anything."

Although Shen Ze didn't seem to be joking when he said this, it was very clear in everyone's heart that Shen Ze didn't just come to the meeting as he said.

As everyone knows, the meeting held today is aimed at Shen Ze.

Shen Ze's appearance at the meeting hall is obviously not a simple visit, but a smash.

After all, who dares to vote in the presence of Shen Ze.

Let's not say whether Shen Ze will carry out on-site liquidation or not, let's say that Shen Ze will write down the people who voted for it and settle it after current events.

Before he was removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God, Shen Ze was still the most powerful minister of the Dragon kingdom.

Except for a few people who can protect themselves, who can be safe when they are targeted by Shen Ze?

Everyone present knows what kind of person Shen Ze is. No one dares to take that risk.

Shen Ze did not arrive at the scene, they may dare to vote for it, Shen Ze arrived at the scene, then they did not have the courage!

The voting was interrupted, and the situation was a bit awkward.

Seeing that the meeting could not continue, Huang Shiping's anger burned in his eyes, and his face became extremely ugly just like eating a fly.

This guy Shen Diaolong is obviously here to make trouble. It's disgusting!