Chapter 533

Seeing that Shen Yu didn't make a sound and still didn't realize his mistake, Shen Yuan was angry and angry.

"I don't know how to repent, I'm stubborn!"

In anger, Shen Yuan raised his hand and slapped Shen Yu.


Shen Yuan's hand was very heavy. With this slap, half of Shen Yu's face burst with blood.

"Shen Yu, do you know? If you don't know your mistake, I can't protect you!"

Shen Yuan looked at Shen Yu with a kind of hate iron but not steel eyes, angry and angry.

Shen Yu said coldly, "I don't need you to protect me."

"If I die, I can go down there and apologize to Ruoyun as soon as possible."

Since Zhang Ruoyun died, Shen Yu's heart has been half dead.

If it wasn't for Shen Ze, he would have wanted to go with Zhang Ruoyun.

Over the years, Shen Yu has focused on Shen Ze and his career.

Because Shen Ze was born out of wedlock, he didn't enter Shen's genealogy, so he had no family background.

Therefore, Shen Yu is determined to give Shen Ze better conditions.

Later, Shen Hong asked for someone to assassinate Shen Ze, which strengthened Shen Yu's desire to take over the power of the Shen royal family, not only to protect Shen Ze, but also to vent his anger.

Now, Shen Ze has become the Dragon kingdom. Of course, Shen Yu has not wanted to die directly.

Because, he still has one thing to do, that is, he has not yet been forgiven by Shen Ze, and he will make up with Shen Ze's father and son.

If he died today, it would be a pity in Shen Yu's heart.

Listening to Shen Yu's tone, Shen Yuan knew that he was not joking or breaking the pot.

But it really doesn't matter about life and death, even if it's dead.

Does Shen Yu really want to die?

Thinking of these, Shen Yuan's eyebrows twisted into a line, and his face became very ugly.

Because a woman wants to die and live, it's so hopeless!

At this moment, Shen Yuan suddenly felt that Shen Yu was a useless waste.

It's ridiculous that a woman delays her life!

"How could Shen Yuan give birth to a son like you? It's an insult to me."

Shen Yuan said angrily, "it's no use taking such a thing as you. I don't care about you!"

Shen Yu is noncommittal about Shen Yuan's words.

He laughed and said, "yes, you have a useless son."

Then, Shen Yu's tone was full of pride and pride, and said word by word: "however, my son is very good, very, very good!"

Shen Yuan naturally knew that Shen Yu was talking about Shen Ze.

Although it was very wrong, Shen Yuan had to admit that Shen Yu really had a good son.

Such as Shen Ze's peerless arrogance, can really be called the dragon and Phoenix in people.

Young, civil and military, not only with far more than ordinary talent, will be trained to master the military realm.

In just four years, he has grown from a nobody to the number one general and the number one God of war.

It is the most brilliant star in this era, and it will be famous in the future!

Such Shen Ze is not only very good?

Let anyone see, obviously will feel that Shen Ze is not generally good.

Even though Shen Yuan hates Shen Ze very much now, he still has to admit that Shen Ze is the most famous person in the world!

After a long time, Shen Yuan seemed to sigh with emotion and said in a somewhat complicated tone: "you really gave birth to a good son!"

Shen Yu seems to see the general, tone full of free and easy meaning: "I was born a good son, even if now died, this life has no regrets."

Seeing Shen Yu's indifferent attitude towards life and death, Shen Yuan was very unhappy.

In Shen Yuan's view, Shen Yu's lack of will to survive is a very useless performance, which makes him feel a shame.

"Since you want to die, I won't talk nonsense to you."

After Shen Yuan said this, he didn't mean to continue talking.

Shen Yu didn't want to talk to Shen Yuan any more. They both fell into silence.

At this time, the sun rises to the East, and the golden sun shines into the ancestral hall.

After a while, as the people of Shen clan had breakfast, they came to the group ancestral hall one after another.

Shen Yuan said that he wanted Shen Yu to confess one night in front of the tablets of all the ancestors.

Now, one night later, it's time for liquidation.

As time goes on, there are more and more people in the ancestral hall.

Finally, all the Shen people came to the ancestral hall.

"Patriarch, it's time for liquidation." The old man in black, named Shen bin, suggested again.

The old man of the Shen family seems to have a huge anger in his heart. If he doesn't find a scapegoat to vent his anger, he will not stop.

"Patriarch, it's time for liquidation!"

"Yes, patriarch, it's time to deal with Shen Yu."

"If he doesn't know how to repent, let him go underground and make amends to the ancestors!"

Everyone's words and deeds are in agreement with Shen Bin's meaning, quite a sense of excitement.

In the face of public criticism, Shen Yu has no fluctuation in his heart, and even wants to laugh.

He had been disappointed with the people of Shen clan for a long time, so he didn't care what they thought of him.

As for what the Shen clan thought of him, he didn't care at all.

At this moment, Shen Yu's heart is calm.

He had already guessed what he was going to face next. He was very calm, not afraid, not afraid. He had a kind of demeanor that Mount Tai would collapse in front of him.

To face life and death calmly, Shen Yu is a big man!

Shen Yuan's face was gloomy. He turned his back to the crowd and had no words for a long time.

I don't know how long later, he closed his eyes and said coldly, "Shen Yu doesn't know how to repent. He is unfaithful and unfilial to Shen. He should be punished!"

"According to the rules of the Shen family, Shen Yu will be executed on the spot today!"

In the end, Shen Yuan's tone was trembling.

It is not easy for anyone to execute his own son.

Although Shen Yuan was very disappointed with Shen Yu, he still couldn't bear to execute him.

As a speaker of the Shen family, Shen Yuan's speech is obviously one mouthful of saliva and one mouthful of nail. When he says it, it's a matter of certainty and can't be changed.

"Patriarch, let me execute Shen Yu!" Shen bin suggested.

Shen bin is the one who is close to Shen Tianhua.

At the beginning, when Shen Yu and Shen Tianhua were fighting for the position of home owner, they had conflicts and frictions with Shen bin, and they were very unhappy.

At the moment, Shen bin is planning to take revenge on Shen Yu.

Shen Yuan is ruthless and does it himself. Facing Shen Bin's proposal, he hesitates for a moment, nods and says, "OK, it's up to you to do it."