Chapter 548

Wang Tianyuan said: "this time, the commanders of the other three war zones all support the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department. The success rate will be very high!"

Huang Shiping smell speech, nodded, but he is not so optimistic.

"The last time Shen Ze was removed from the post of Grand Marshal of the military department and the position of Dragon God, Shen Ze showed resistance and echoed every voice, making things unsuccessful."

Huang Shiping said with a dignified look and a deep voice: "this time when Shen Ze is removed from the post of Grand Marshal of the military department, he will certainly not wait to die. Things will not go so smoothly."

Wang Tianyuan looked up and took a sip of wine, and then said, "Mr. Huang has a point, but this time is different from last time."

"This time, the commanders of several other war zones are on our side. Shen Ze, even the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, can't cover the sky with one hand."

"The commanders of several of our war zones support the removal of his position as Grand Marshal of the military department, so he can not stay in that position any longer."

What Wang Tianyuan said is true.

If only one or two war zone commanders support the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department, it will not help much.

But if the commanders of other war zones, except Shen Ze, the commander of Qinglong army, support the removal of Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department, the nature will be completely different.

In principle, Shen Ze is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, which is his back garden and base camp.

If there is a fire in the back garden and there is a defection in the base camp, it proves that this matter has reached a very serious point.

As long as a certain effect of public opinion is achieved, then Huang Shiping will be able to stand up and preside over the overall situation with a fair and just attitude, and will be able to remove Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department.

Huang Shiping can give some high sounding reasons, for example, to maintain the stability of the military.

Now, there are several other war zone commanders who are against Shen Ze's leadership. In order to avoid civil strife in the Ministry of war, it is right to remove Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

"Now the wind has been released, just add fuel to the fire and make it more prosperous."

Wang Tianyuan said: "when there is a voice, Huang can stand up and take charge of the overall situation, and easily remove Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department."

Huang Shiping pondered for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it's not so simple. Shen Ze will definitely fight back."

"I don't think Shen Ze can think of any good way to solve this problem now," Wang said

"Although Shen Ze is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, the five war zones have always been divided and ruled. Not only me, but the commanders of the other three war zones will not completely obey Shen Ze's orders."

"Now it's a certainty that Shen Ze can't change it."

Wang Tianyuan thought for a moment, and then suggested: "not for the sake of insurance, I suggest that Mr. Huang once again lead the official staff of the National People's court to build momentum for this matter."

Huang Shiping agreed and nodded: "it can be done."

Wang Tianyuan nodded and didn't say it again.

Then he raised his glass and said, "Mr. Huang, have a drink."

Huang Shiping immediately raised his glass and touched Wang Tianyuan.

After drinking for a while and eating for a while.

It seems that Wang Tianyuan suddenly thought of something and asked Huang Shiping, "Mr. Huang, when the time comes, he will withdraw the position of Grand Marshal of Shen Zebing's department. Do you have any further plans?"

When Wang Tianyuan said this, he was obviously full of confidence. He felt that the removal of Shen Zebing's position as Grand Marshal had become a matter of certainty.

After listening to Wang Tianyuan's inquiry, Huang Shiping's eyes flickered a few times.

Huang Shiping is an old fox. He suddenly guessed what Wang Tianyuan thought, but he pretended to know nothing.

Huang Shiping pretended to be puzzled and asked: "what's the plan?"

Wang Tianyuan didn't say anything for the first time, but looked at Huang Shiping for a while.

Then, he said: "Mr. Huang, I think we need to press Shen Ze to the end to deal with him. We can't give Shen Ze another chance to turn over."

"As you know, Shen Ze's influence in the Dragon Kingdom now, even if he removed his position as Grand Marshal of the army, he still has the honor of the green dragon army and the Dragon God."

"If Shen Ze resents this and does some radical things, it will not be a good ending."

Although Wang Tianyuan has the suspicion meaning, but said also quite conforms to the truth.

If Shen Ze doesn't want to and doesn't agree to be removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, and under the leadership of Huang Shiping, the National People's court forcibly removes Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, it will make Shen Ze dissatisfied.

In his anger, Shen Ze would not have done something rebellious.

And the most important thing is that Shen Ze has such capital to change the situation of the DPRK, and even let the state of dragon change its day.

After listening to Wang Tianyuan's words, Huang Shiping suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. He frowned and his face became very dignified.

Huang Shiping frowned and pondered for a while. Then he raised his eyes, looked at Wang Tianyuan tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Marshal Wang, what's his good idea?"

Wang Tianyuan pondered for a moment, then his eyes flashed fiercely, implying a murderous way to say: "Mr. Huang, we should either do nothing or not, and directly let Shen Ze disappear from the world, so as to completely avoid future trouble!"

After hearing Wang Tianyuan's words, Huang Shiping's face became more dignified.

It's obviously a big deal to kill Shen Ze!

Huang Shiping really has the idea of killing Shen Ze and completely preventing future trouble.

But it's not easy to implement!

First, it is very difficult. Second, it will have a great impact.

The removal of Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department is enough to cause great influence, let alone kill him.

Shen Ze's death, not to mention whether there will be chaos, is that Shen Ze's 300000 Qinglong army will not agree, let alone let Shen Ze die in vain!

As we all know, the green dragon army is the most fierce among the five legions of the Dragon kingdom.

If the green dragon army revolts, who can resist it?

At that time, chaos together, it is likely to lead to the country will be defeated!

For Huang Shiping, he wants to be the first in the Dragon Kingdom and enjoy the peak power all the time.

And if the state of dragon is unstable and there is turmoil, what's the point of his sitting in this position?

Because of the hatred of killing his son, Wang Tianyuan wanted to kill Shen Ze and let Shen Ze see the king of hell.

But Huang Shiping is obviously not so keen on killing Shen Ze.

After pondering for a long time, Huang Shiping seemed to have made up his mind. He said in a deep voice, "now I'll remove Shen Zebing's position as Grand Marshal of the military department first. As for the rest, I'll talk about it later."

After hearing Huang Shiping's words, Wang Tianyuan knew that the former didn't want to kill Shen Ze for the time being, so he just nodded and didn't say anything about it.