Chapter 560

Who is Shen Ze?

The first powerful minister of the Dragon Kingdom and the first God of war in the world.

Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, all the soldiers and horses in the world listen to the orders!

Powerful, powerful, half human and half god!

Let's not say whether we can kill Shen Ze, but who dares to kill Shen Ze? Who dares to kill Shen Ze?

How many people can we find?

To kill Shen Ze is a bold and crazy thing!

No one would do that except for those who don't want to die.

Wang Tianyuan was blinded by hatred and lost his sense, so he gave the order to kill Shen Ze.

And his three retinues, obviously, did not dare to respond.

I'm joking. I don't know if they can kill Shen Ze, but I just say that doing this is enough to make them doomed!

If they start and kill Shen Ze, what will happen after that?

Because of the great difference of status, they have committed a great crime against Shen Ze, which will destroy the whole family!

Even if Wang Tianyuan is their master, he will protect them, but it is almost impossible to protect them.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, it is a very unwise choice and a very bad thing for them to kill Shen Ze.

It's really all harm but no benefit!

No one wants to die, no one wants to be destroyed.

Therefore, the three retinues resisted Wang Tianyuan's orders.

They didn't say anything, they didn't respond.

Huang Shiping and the old man in black robe didn't understand Wang Tianyuan's order to kill Shen Ze.

It's good enough not to let Shen Ze kill you. How do you think you have to kill Shen Ze?

Huang Shiping and the old man in black robe both felt that Wang Tianyuan's brain had been pinched by the door and completely lost his reason.

When Wang Tianyuan said this, he forced Shen Ze to kill him?

Shen Ze's intention to kill you is very obvious and firm. You want to kill Shen Ze in turn. Don't you have to make things immortal?

Now, Huang doesn't want to break up with Shen Ze completely, or have an accident with Shen Ze, so as to avoid the whole situation becoming chaotic and hard to clean up.

Huang Shiping is very unhappy about Wang Tianyuan's plan to kill Shen Ze.

I've come out to protect you. You don't know how to advance and retreat, but you have to work with Shen Ze.

What a stupid pig brain!

Huang Shiping couldn't help but scold Wang Tianyuan.

Then, Huang Shiping said in a low voice, "Wang Tianyuan, I don't want to see you fighting endlessly!"

In Huang Shiping's view, whether it is Wang Tianyuan's accident or Shen Ze's accident, it is a bad thing.

Therefore, he made a bold statement to prevent the two people from fighting.

"Some things are almost enough. Don't go too far!" Huang Shiping reminds Wang Tianyuan.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, Wang Tianyuan's face kept changing.

He stares at Shen Ze, his face is still ferocious and crazy.

Wang Tianyuan didn't say anything. He didn't seem to change his mind.

Huang Shiping saw this, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

Then he said in an unquestionable voice, "I order you all to stop!"

Huang Shiping said this to Wang Tianyuan and Shen Ze. As the leader of the Dragon Kingdom, he ordered them to stop fighting.

However, at the moment, Huang's words seem to have no effect.

Neither Wang Tianyuan nor Shen Ze responded to his orders.

Hearing Wang Tianyuan's command to kill himself, Shen Ze was like hearing a joke, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

Shen Ze didn't mean that he could kill him. The three retinues in front of him were not qualified at all!

Instead of having the ability to kill him, he only has the share of being killed by him!

Shen Ze turns his head and looks at Wang Tianyuan. Their eyes are opposite each other. They all look at each other, which is very unpleasant.

Shen Ze's eyes became a little playful, and he said in a neutral tone: "Wang Tianyuan, if you want to kill me so much, do it to me directly, don't call others."

When Shen Ze said this, he had the meaning of mocking Wang Tianyuan.

Of course, the contempt for Wang Tianyuan is also a fruit eater. He insinuates that Wang Tianyuan's strength is not good and his courage is small. He hates him so much that he doesn't dare to attack him.

Just like the last confrontation in Haicheng, Wang Tianyuan sent 10000 guards to encircle Shen Ze, but he didn't dare to attack Shen Ze because he was afraid and worried.

Today, Wang Tianyuan still does not dare to fight Shen Ze himself.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that he knows that he is not Shen Ze's opponent, so he can't help Shen Ze.

In the face of Shen Ze's sarcasm, Wang Tianyuan's face became very ugly.

He glared at Shen Ze, gritted his teeth, and said in an angry voice: "Shen Ze, I would have killed you if I didn't have the strength of martial arts as high as you!"

Wang Tianyuan's words are full of hatred.

Obviously, he wanted to kill Shen Ze very much, and revealed this kind of thought very straight and white.

Shen Ze smelled the words and said with a faint smile: "I can suppress the strength of martial arts to a master's level and fight with you."

"I invite you to fight, do you dare to accept it?" When Shen Ze said this, he had a strong sense of provocation.

Wang Tianyuan's face changed rapidly when he heard the speech, and the color of uncertainty appeared in his eyes.

To tell you the truth, Wang Tianyuan is still very scared to fight Shen Ze.

After all, he knows Shen Ze's ferocity and toughness very well.

Maybe he didn't want to be looked down upon by Shen Ze and other people present. Wang Tianyuan pretended to be tough. He asked Shen Ze, "you're the one who keeps your word. Will you really suppress the strength of martial arts to the level of a master and fight me?"

Wang Tianyuan has been promoted to martial arts master for many years.

In the realm of martial arts masters, Wang Tianyuan is an outstanding one. Although he is invincible in the same realm, he is not far away.

In Wang Tianyuan's view, if Shen zezhen suppresses his martial arts strength to the level of a master, he will never have a chance to kill Shen Ze.

Therefore, Wang Tianyuan was born with the idea of trying.

However, he still wants to make sure that Shen zezhen will suppress his martial arts strength to a master level.

Moreover, although I think so, Wang Tianyuan still has some drumming in his heart.

After all, Shen Ze is a top martial arts man, and his martial arts strength is one level higher than Wang Tianyuan.

Under the master, everything is dregs!

Two different levels of people, even if one side lowered the level, will still be better.

Shen Ze light said: "I Shen Ze a word nine Ding, if you dare to fight, I will suppress the martial arts strength to the master level."

Although he didn't say anything very definite, Shen Ze said so, which means that he will really do so.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Wang Tianyuan had a strong hesitation in his eyes.

Do you want to fight Shen Ze?