Chapter 574

With the promotion of people with a heart, public opinion has become a one-sided situation.

It seems that everyone has reached a consensus that they all support sending Shen Ze to the military court for adjudication.

When Huang Shiping saw this situation, he immediately took advantage of the situation and stood up to speak out, which probably meant that he would comply with the public opinion and deal with this matter strictly and fairly.

Of course, the most important thing is that he will arrange to send Shen Ze to the military court.

After the fermentation, Huang Shiping struck while the iron was hot and asked people to give Shen Ze a notice.

The content of the notice is to let Shen Ze go to the military court to accept the verdict and trial.

Huang Shiping knew that Shen Ze was in the central war zone, so he sent the notice to the central war zone.

"Huang Shiping is really naive. He really wants to send his master to the military court."

Seeing the notice, Qin Chao said indignantly, "who dares to judge as the master? He's really whimsical and ridiculous

Shen Ze is not interested in reading the notice at all.

Of course, he didn't mean to pay any attention at all.

You can send the notice. It's up to me whether I accept it or not.

Qin Chao knew that Shen Ze would not go to the military court, so he immediately tore up the notice.

"Master, do you want to do something?"

Qin Chao said angrily, "you can't just let Huang Shiping go further and continue to act recklessly."

In Shen Ze's opinion, these are all minor disturbances, and there is no need to pay attention to them.

So he shook his head and said, "never mind."

Then, Shen Ze said, "if you reply to the military court, I'll say that I've been ill recently and I can't get there."

Shen Ze found a reason to prevaricate.

However, because he was punched by the old man in black, he is not in good health recently.

"Yes." Qin Chao nodded.

Later, Qin Chao replied to the military court that Shen Ze was ill and could not pass.

As long as it's not a fool, we all know that Shen Ze has casually found a reason to fool him.

Of course, Huang Shiping also knows.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't listen to the court's arrangement and went to the military court to accept the verdict, Huang Shiping was out of breath.

He was very angry, but he had nothing to do with Shen Ze. He could only sulk.

Shen Ze is not only the Grand Marshal of the army, but also the supreme Dragon God.

If he doesn't take the initiative to go to the military court, who can help him?

Of course, Shen Ze does not go to the military court, which can take coercive measures.

But who dares to be strong against Shen Ze?

In the whole world, few people dare to do so.

Therefore, Shen Ze doesn't take the initiative to go to the military court. The military court has no way to take Shen Ze.

And even Huang Shiping, the first power holder of the Dragon Kingdom, has no good way, so he can only stare.

Of course, Huang Shiping didn't give up. He worked hard on public opinion.

Huang Shiping once again stood up in person and denounced Shen Zemu for not being able to discipline. He regarded the military court as nothing, did not comply with the court's arrangement, and deliberately evaded things. It was really lawless and unforgivable.

There were many people who did not support Shen Ze before. When Huang Shiping made his voice, everyone began to blame Shen Ze.

"Shen Diaolong is really a bit lawless. Relying on his own identity and status, he even directly ignored the national court and the military court. It's too shameful!"

"I think Shen Diaolong's ambition is completely inflated. He takes the Dragon kingdom as his back garden and thinks he can cover the sky with one hand and do whatever he wants."

"There's no attitude at all. Shen Diaolong is really gone with the wind!"

"If Shen Diaolong's ambition continues to expand, he may really bring disaster to the country and the people!"

"No, we can't let Shen Diaolong continue to be so lawless, otherwise we can't clean up."

"It's only a month before and after that, Shen Diaolong first destroyed the Shen royal family, and now he executed Wang Tianyuan privately. Things are more and more serious. If he goes on like this, I really don't know what shocking things he will do."

"Sure enough, no one can withstand the temptation of power."

"After all, Shen Diaolong is just a young man in his twenties. He is not old enough to be steady. When he gets too much power, he will inevitably expand."

"Shen Diaolong must be severely punished this time, or he will not be ruled by law in the future."

"Yes, we must cure Shen Diaolong this time. We can't let him be really lawless!"

Before that, the public opinion was very unfavorable to Shen Ze. After the incident that he didn't go to the military court came out, the public opinion was even more unfavorable to him.

There are many voices dissatisfied with Shen Ze, and there are also many voices that want to treat Shen Ze's crime. For a moment, Shen Ze seems to have come to a very bad situation.

However, no matter how much noise there is outside, Shen Ze doesn't even care. It's like nothing happened.

Despite the flood, I am still.

Shen Ze is very calm and calm.

However, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry.

Seeing public opinion boiling is very bad for Shen Ze. Qin Chao is anxious and unhappy.

Qin Chao can't help but suggest to Shen Ze: "master, you really need to take some actions, otherwise you will be completely discredited."

In Qin Chao's view, Shen Ze won the battle for the Dragon Kingdom, and created the present peaceful and prosperous times. He has achieved great achievements and glory.

Shen Ze should enjoy the love and praise of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, not belittle and discredit.

Qin Chao can't see what's happening now and can't accept it.

"Master, you should not be insulted. You can't let the world say that about you."

Qin Chao insisted on persuading Shen Ze: "take some actions to control public opinion."

"I don't need to explain to others or care about other people's opinions."

Shen Ze did not mean to take action to control public opinion.

"The mouth is on others. They can say whatever they want. I don't want to take care of it."

"No matter what they say, it doesn't affect me."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao was very anxious, but he had no choice.

Shen Ze doesn't have such an idea. No matter how much he says, it's useless.

Qin Chao sighed in his heart and could only give up the idea of persuading Shen Ze to take action.

Because Shen Ze didn't stop it, the public opinion fermented, and finally formed a scene of denouncing Shen Ze.

Shen Ze, however, has always been like a "shrinking head turtle". He has neither made public appearances nor made public his voice, and let the situation develop.

Of course, this has a great negative impact on Shen Ze.

However, there are still many people who believe in Shen Ze unconditionally. They believe that Shen Ze is still dedicated to serving the country and the people, the God of the sea and the patron saint of the Dragon kingdom.

Recognize Shen Ze's achievements and all he has done.

Some people lose their faith and have no God in their heart, while others still insist on what they believe and have God in their heart.

In many people's hearts, Shen Ze still exists like a god!