Chapter 578

For the Dragon Kingdom, Shen Ze could not be the Grand Marshal of the army and the Dragon God, but he could not be the commander of the western war zone.

As we all know, it is because of Shen Ze, the commander-in-chief of the Qinglong army, who was in the age of war that the enemy did not dare to covet the Dragon kingdom.

Shen Ze has formed a powerful deterrent to many foreign people who have ideas, so that those evil spirits dare not act rashly.

If Shen Ze returns to the field, the Dragon kingdom will fall into a situation that is coveted by the enemy.

At the same time, there will be chaos within the Dragon kingdom.

After all, Shen Ze is the commander-in-chief of the western war zone. If he withdraws completely, how can 300000 Qinglong soldiers appease him?

When the time comes, other forces will covet the vacancy left by Shen Ze and fight for it. What should they do?

It can be imagined that if Shen Ze really returns home, the Dragon kingdom will probably have internal and external troubles.

But that kind of situation, is the entire dragon nation's people do not want to see.

After hesitating for a long time, Qin Chao said in a deep voice: "master, if you really return home, I'm afraid there will be a big trouble in the Dragon kingdom!"

Shen Ze Wen Yan, light said: "even if there is a big mess, chaos is not where to go."

Then Shen Ze added: "in recent years, the development of the Dragon Kingdom has been very good, and all aspects have become systematic and regular."

"Even if I return home, I won't make a big trouble for long Guozhen."

"Even if something goes wrong, it should be solved quickly."

Shen Ze was right, but Qin Chao said on the other hand: "however, even if the internal troubles of the Dragon kingdom can be dealt with, what about the external ones?"

"Over the years, some powerful countries and neighboring countries have been afraid to have an idea about the Dragon kingdom because of the master's presence, but once the master completely retreats, there will certainly be a country ready to move."

"At that time, those countries will see civil strife in the Dragon Kingdom and take advantage of the danger of others, which will put the Dragon kingdom in a very bad situation."

As Qin Chao said, Shen Ze naturally thought of these external troubles.

In this regard, he expressed his views.

"Even if there is no commander-in-chief in me, the fifth World War Zone of Longguo still has super combat effectiveness."

"If other countries want to offend the Dragon Kingdom, they will think it over. They don't dare to come."

After a short pause, Shen Ze said again, "the country has brought up many talented people, and the Dragon Kingdom has trained many talented people. Shen Ze is not the only one who can lead the army."

"Master is right, but in my heart, master is always the best leader."

Qin Chao said from the bottom of his heart: "master is the most invincible God of war in the world. No one can lead a battle better than you!"

After a moment's hesitation, Qin Chao said, "you are the peace of mind of the Ministry of war, and also the sea god needle of the Dragon kingdom. If you withdraw, the Dragon kingdom will lose too much!"

Qin Chao still expressed his true thoughts.

"I believe that neither I nor many of the people of the Dragon Kingdom want to see the master retreat completely."

"I think we still hope that the master can continue to be the commander of the Ministry of war and promote the prestige of our country!"

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze fell into silence.

After a while, Shen Ze said calmly: "I still want to step back and have a rest for a while. I'll talk about it later."

Qin Chao smell speech, brow twisted into a line.

He asked in a very low voice: "master, do you really want to go back to the field?"

Shen Ze nodded.

Seeing this, Qin Chao began to cry.

Seeing Qin Chao's appearance, Shen Ze couldn't laugh or cry.

Shen Ze said angrily, "I'm not driving to the West. What are you doing with this sad face?"

Qin Chao said bitterly: "I just feel that the master has come back home, and I feel uncomfortable."

Shen Ze smelt speech, smile, "you say you are a big man, when become so Niang son?"

Qin Chao seemed to be in a little mood. He turned his lips and said, "nothing else will happen. This is the only thing that will happen."

Shen Ze chokes when he hears the words.

He thought it was funny. After laughing for a while, he said faintly, "I don't really want to go home."

Qin Chao smell speech, immediately thick eyebrow a pick, doubt ground asks a way: "master son what meaning?"

Shen Ze light said: "I just want to see, if I really back down, what will happen."

Qin Chao frowned and pondered for a while.

"Master, I'm going to try to find out which monsters are jumping out? It depends on the situation at home as well as abroad. "

Shen Ze nodded, "almost that's what he meant."

Then, Shen Ze added, "by the way, I'd like to see what it's like if I'm really out of office."

"If I am no longer needed in this era, then I will really enjoy the happiness."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao immediately said, "I'm sure this era will definitely need masters!"

Shen Ze said with a smile, "I only know after reading it."

"OK, let's see." Qin Chao nodded.

After learning that Shen Ze didn't really intend to return home, Qin Chao felt much more comfortable, and his mood became much better.

Then, Shen Ze said, "say hello to the western war zone, and let them all stop making trouble."

"In addition, in my name, I would like to release the documents that I want to release."


Without hesitation, Qin Chao immediately took orders to do it.

Qin Chao conveyed Shen Ze's meaning to the western war zone.

Shen Ze has absolute ruling power and influence in the western war zone. No one dares not to follow his orders, and no one will not listen to them.

Although 300000 Qinglong soldiers are still dissatisfied and very angry, they still listen to Shen Ze's advice and make no more trouble. They calm down.

Many people are relieved to see the western war zone calm down.

As we all know, the Qinglong army is the most powerful one among the five major forces of the Dragon kingdom.

If the Qinglong army is dissatisfied with Shen Ze's forced removal from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God, it will do drastic things and lead to some unimaginable things, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

It's a foregone conclusion. Many people are worried that something will happen in the western war zone led by Shen Ze.

Now that the western war zone has calmed down, everyone is naturally relieved and relieved.

However, one wave has just leveled, and another has risen.

Shen Ze announced to the outside world that he was going to return to the army and resign as commander-in-chief of the western war zone.

Once the news came out, it ignited the whole dragon Kingdom, and even abroad, it also affected the hot discussion.

Shen Ze is one of the top 100 generals. He is the first God of war in the world. He is famous all over the world, and his every move attracts much attention.

Now the news that he is going to return home has caused a huge sensation and shocked the whole world!