Chapter 596

"I don't believe our deputy curator is dead!"

After a long silence, the young man said excitedly, "I want to see what's in this sack!"

As soon as the words fell, the young male warrior walked towards Qin Chao in a hurry.

Seeing this, the other two fighters did not stop, but did not follow. Instead, they kept silent and stood in the same place.

Seeing that the young male warrior wanted to see what was in the sack, Qin Chao laughed and didn't stop him.

These three guys don't cry when they don't see the coffin. Let them have a look.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the young man went to the sack.

He stared at the sack for a while, as if he had summoned up courage. After taking a deep breath, he trembled and stretched out his hand and slowly opened the opening of the sack.

With the opening of the sack, Jiang Feng's head suddenly showed.

Jiang Feng's eyes widened and his face turned pale. He looked terrible.

Seeing this scene, the young martial arts man turned pale with fright. He staggered back a few steps, and then fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity.

"The deputy curator is really dead!"

The young martial arts man looked frightened as if he had seen a ghost. He opened his eyes and showed a look of shock.

"The deputy curator is dead!"

Just as the young male warrior went to lift the sack, the other two were also staring at him.

Although it was just a quick glance, they saw that the corpse in the sack was Jiang Feng!

Confirm Jiang Feng dead, these two martial arts also face gloomy, heavy heart, the heart seems to be blocked, stuffy panic.

How did the deputy curator suddenly die?

Who killed the deputy curator?

The three warriors were very confused.

After a while, the young man stood up from the ground.

Then he stared at Qin Chao with fierce eyes and asked in a cold voice: "boy, did you kill our deputy curator?"

Qin Chao sent Jiang Feng's body back. The young male warrior naturally suspected that Qin Chao had killed Jiang Feng.

When the young man asked, the other two suddenly raised their eyes and looked at Qin Chao.

All three are waiting for Qin Chao's answer.

Qin Chao glanced at the three people and said with a smile, "how can I harm your deputy curator who is so powerful?"

Listen to Qin Chao say so, three martial arts naturally understand, Qin Chao denied killed Jiang Feng.

It wasn't Qin Chao who killed Jiang Feng. Who killed him?

The young martial arts man did not give up. Then he asked harshly, "who killed our deputy curator?"

Qin Chao smell speech, coldly stare at the young man, and then he said with disdain: "you have no qualification to know who killed Jiang Feng!"

When the three warriors heard the speech, they all frowned, and a strong color of anger appeared on their faces.

"Boy, tell me the truth quickly!" The middle-aged warrior yelled.

Qin Chao raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth. He said coldly, "I said you are not qualified enough."

"I want to see Ouyang Qingfeng. Please call him quickly."

Qin Chao's tone is not salty: "I specially sent Jiang Feng's body to him. If he doesn't come, it's meaningless."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, the faces of the three warriors became very ugly.

They want to know who killed Jiang Feng, but Qin Chao doesn't say. They can't do anything with Qin Chao.

After all, they are not Qin Chao's rivals, and they can't even add up to Qin Chao.

Just after confirming that Jiang Feng was really dead, the middle-aged warrior sent a message to Xu Xiao, the director of the martial arts school.

At this time, Xu Xiao was on his way.

But at the moment, hear Qin Chao specially is to send Jiang Feng's corpse to Ouyang Qingfeng, the eyes of three martial arts all become startled and uncertain.

Do you want to contact the president?

Ouyang Qingfeng, as the leader of the martial arts circle and the president of the martial arts association, has an unusual status.

It's not something anyone wants to see.

However, Qin Chao wanted to see Ouyang Qingfeng by name, and he was carrying Jiang Feng's body, which made them have to think about it carefully.

However, in their capacity, there is no contact information for Ouyang Qingfeng. We can only wait for the curator Xu Xiao to come.

"Boy, we can't get in touch with the president. We can't ask him to come."

The middle-aged warrior said to Qin Chao in a deep voice, "I have just contacted the curator. He is on his way. He can contact the president. When he comes, you can tell him."

The middle-aged martial arts man is very careful.

He did not contact Xu Xiao again. Instead, he asked Qin Chao to wait for Xu Xiao to come, and then he talked about contacting Ouyang Qingfeng.

The reason why the middle-aged warrior said this was that he wanted to keep Qin Chao and not let him leave.

Qin Chao is not a fool. The middle-aged warrior thinks carefully about what he can guess.

In this regard, he just disdained to smile, did not expose, because he did not care about these.

No matter who you call, it's ok as long as you can see Ouyang Qingfeng.

Qin Chao held his chest in both hands and said in a bored way: "I don't have much time. You'd better ask your curator to hurry up!"

Seeing Qin Chao's unbridled and reckless manner, the three middle-aged warriors are itching, but they can't help it. Who can't beat Qin Chao?

The three middle-aged warriors dare to be angry, but they can only stare at Qin Chao.

At noon, Xu Xiao went out to eat. He was not far from the martial arts school.

After receiving a call from Wu zhe at noon and knowing that Jiang Feng had been killed, Xu Xiao rushed back to the museum as quickly as possible.

After a while, Xu Xiao went back to the museum.

Seeing Xu Xiao coming in, the three middle-aged warriors suddenly said excitedly, "curator, you are back at last!"

"Come and deal with this boy!"

"The boy broke into the martial arts school, injured a librarian, and took the body of the Deputy librarian with him. He had evil intentions."

Xu Xiao didn't pay attention to the three middle-aged warriors. He walked in without expression and went straight to Qin Chao.

Xu Xiao first looks at Qin Chao with sharp eyes, then his eyes fall on the sack.

Xu Xiao said in a very low voice, "is there Jiang Feng's body in it?"

Qin Chao took a look at Xu Xiao, and then said in a neutral tone: "yes."

Xu Xiaowen said, frowning tightly together.

He didn't open the sack to see if Jiang Feng's body was in it. As a top martial artist, he was able to detect it.

In addition, Qin Chao said that, there is no need to see it again.

Xu Xiao then raised his head and looked at Qin Chao coldly. He opened his lips slightly and asked in a deep voice, "who killed Jiang Feng?"

Qin Chao sniffed the words and gave a cold smile. "You should ask Ouyang Qingfeng, the president of the martial arts association."

Xu Xiaowen said, as if suddenly thought of something, face suddenly become unprecedented dignified!