Chapter 606

After confirming that the person behind Ouyang Qingfeng is Huang Shiping, Xu Xiao's face becomes extremely dignified.

If this is really a game between Huang Shiping and Shen Diaolong, then things will be too big!

Xu Xiao thinks that what he and Fang Ling are worried about is likely to happen.

Seeing Xu Xiao's face changing, Ouyang Qingfeng's face became extremely dignified.

I don't know how long after that, Ouyang Qingfeng stared at Xu Xiao and asked in a deep voice, "how do you guess that there is someone behind me, and that the person behind me is Huang Lao?"

Xu Xiaowen speech, raised eyes, meet Ouyang Qingfeng line of sight, he calmly said: "think of these is not very difficult."

Xu Xiao seemed to suddenly think of something, and then he said, "I can think of it, and Shen Diaolong can probably think of it."

After listening to Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng's brows were tightly wrinkled together, and his face became a little gloomy.

"Can Shen Diaolong imagine that there is someone behind me, and that the person behind me is Huang Lao?" Ouyang Qingfeng asked in a dubious way.

Xu Xiao nodded and said, "Shen Diaolong is not an ordinary person. I can think of it, and he can certainly think of it."

Listen to Xu Xiao say so, Ouyang Qingfeng is surprised to believe.

Because Xu Xiao is telling the truth, and it is well known that Shen Diaolong is a demon, extraordinary and refined.

What Xu Xiao can think of, Shen Diaolong can really think of!

Ouyang Qingfeng pondered for a while, cold voice said: "even if he can think of how, he has no evidence, can't grasp what handle."

When Xu Xiao heard the speech, he frowned.

He looked serious and said, "master, it's not a matter of control now."

"I want to say that although you are going to deal with Shen Diaolong this time, it is actually a game between Huang Lao and Shen Diaolong, which is very different in nature."

"Once the two sides fight, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Xu Xiao said solemnly: "master, I think you can think of the most powerful one."

"If you really kill Shen Diaolong this time, it means that the fight between Huang Lao and Shen Diaolong has really started. It will be a fuse. It's hard to predict how terrible things will be involved."

After hearing Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng's face became very dignified.

Obviously, he also knows the power of it.

After all, people like Huang Shiping and Shen Diaolong can shake the Dragon kingdom by shaking their feet.

If the two sides fight, it will really cause extremely terrible influence, and it is very likely that there will be turmoil in the Dragon kingdom.

After saying the worst, Xu Xiaojin said, "master, no matter how well prepared we are, we are not absolutely sure that we can kill Shen Diaolong."

"What's more, even if you kill Shen Diaolong with all your life, you will be in great trouble after that!"

After Xu Xiaodun, he said irreverently: "master, this is a game between two big men. Gods fight and mortals suffer. You may become cannon fodder for sacrifice."

In order to let Ouyang Qingfeng recognize the reality, Xu Xiao was so irreverent that he said what he should have said.

After hearing Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng's brow twisted into a line, and his face became very ugly.

Although he doesn't want to be cannon fodder, Xu Xiao's words are true, which makes him unable to refute.

Huang Shiping fights with Shen Diaolong. He may become cannon fodder.

It's like if he really kills Shen Diaolong, because he can't succeed, he is regarded by Shen Diaolong as a must.

At that time, Shen Diaolong will fight. For the sake of the overall situation, Huang Shiping is likely to abandon the soldier and guard the commander, regardless of his life or death.

Even if he killed Shen Diaolong, it would cause anger and resentment. Huang Shiping might also lift him out to block bullets and dispose of him, so as to calm the anger of all parties.

Reality is sometimes so bloody!

From these to think, Ouyang Qingfeng also realized that he really should not do these things.

"Master, you really can't kill Shen Diaolong."

"No matter from all aspects, you should not do such a thing," Xu Xiaoyu said

"Your life is important, and so is the stability of the Dragon kingdom."

Ouyang Qingfeng frowned and was silent for a long time. His tone was a little complicated and he said, "people are in the river and lake. They can't help themselves."

"There are things that I can't do if I don't want to."

After pondering for a while, Ouyang Qingfeng then said, "Huang Shiping is my noble man. The reason why I can develop the martial arts association to the present situation is that I have Huang Shiping's support."

"If it were not for Huang Shiping, I would not have achieved what I have achieved today, and I would not have the status and status I have now. At most, I would be a famous martial arts man."

"When the spring returns the kindness of dripping water, I have to repay Huang Shiping's kindness to me."

Ouyang Qingfeng's face showed a trace of helplessness: "I really don't want to kill Shen Diaolong, but this is what Huang Shiping strongly demands. On the one hand, he is kind to me, and on the other hand, he is the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, so I can't refuse."

"If I don't allow him to kill Shen Diaolong, it's not only unjust, but also offending him. I'm not human at both ends."

After listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's helpless words, Xu Xiao sighed in his heart.

What Ouyang Qingfeng said was true, and he didn't know what to say.

Of course, he will not give up like this.

Xu Xiaochen said in a deep voice, "master, you can go and persuade Huang Lao to change his mind."

Ouyang Qingfeng said in a somewhat pessimistic tone: "the decisions made by people of his level are carefully considered. It's not so easy for him to change his mind."

Xu Xiao said, "we have to try before we know."

"If you don't try, how do you know if you will succeed?"

Ouyang Qingfeng smell speech, nodded, said: "OK, I'll try it!"

Xu Xiao nodded and said nothing more.

After pondering for a moment, Ouyang Qingfeng takes out his mobile phone and dials Huang Shiping.

After a while, the phone got through.

"Mr. Huang, I'm Ouyang Qingfeng." As soon as the call was made, Ouyang Qingfeng reported his identity.

Huang Shiping's voice came over immediately: "you call me. What can I do for you?"

Ouyang Qingfeng took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Huang, I'm afraid it's not easy to kill Shen Diaolong."

Hearing the speech, Huang Shiping's tone became much colder: "why is it hard to kill?"

"Isn't he injured now, and his force hasn't returned to its peak?"

"With your martial arts strength, I think you should be able to kill Shen Diaolong."

"Mr. Huang, I'm not absolutely sure I can kill Shen Diaolong."

After a pause, Ouyang Qingfeng said what he really thought: "Mr. Huang, I want to advise you not to kill Shen Diaolong."