Chapter 618

Because Ouyang Qingfeng has changed his mind and will not rush to fight Shen Ze. Instead, he will wait until Shen Ze's injury is healed and his martial arts strength returns to its peak.

Shen Ze knows that Ouyang Qingfeng is a man who does what he says. Since Ouyang Qingfeng said so, he will do it.

For a while, there was no trouble with Shen Ze.

Therefore, Shen Ze plans to set out to return to Hangzhou Fengxiang village.

That night, Shen Ze took Qin Chao and Zhang Che back to Hangzhou by special plane.

Although Shen Ze has no public office and is just an idle person, he is still the object of close attention from all parties.

As soon as Shen Zeyi left Yanjing, all conveniences received the news.

Before that, although Shen Ze was removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God by the national court, and he himself was removed from the position of commander in chief of the western war zone, all parties still felt that Shen Ze was the kind of person who stood in the cloud and could influence the situation of the Dragon kingdom.

Shen Ze's stay in Yanjing makes the powerful people in Yanjing dare not take it lightly.

After all, Shen Ze is notorious and perverse. His mind is completely incomprehensible.

Before that, Shen Ze first destroyed the Shen family, and then killed Wang Tianyuan in front of Huang Shiping.

These things are great things for others, and Shen Ze just said and did it.

The dignitaries in Yanjing don't know what else Shen Ze will do, so if Shen Ze doesn't leave Yanjing one day, they can't be at ease one day.

Now, Shen Ze has left Yanjing.

Although I don't know where Shen Ze has gone, as long as he leaves Yanjing, the dignitaries in Yanjing are a little relieved.

When Shen Ze left Yanjing, some people suddenly felt that Shen Ze was relieved to go back to the field. Some people could not help but have other thoughts.

As soon as Shen Zeyi left Yanjing, it was a calm Yanjing. Suddenly, the undercurrent began to surge and became restless.

Shen Ze's importance to the Dragon kingdom is self-evident. The influence of his return to the land is lasting.

Even after a period of time, it is still a hot topic in the world, and the momentum is still growing.

After all, it's really not a small thing.

Because the influence of Shen Ze's return is too great, not only the undercurrent is turbulent at home, but also the overseas is not calm.

There has been some movement on the western and northern borders of Longguo, which has been quiet for several years.

The neighboring countries in the West and north of the Dragon kingdom are all big and powerful countries. Obviously, they always have ideas about the Dragon kingdom.

Today, Shen Ze has become an idle person. Many countries are ready to move, and the border friction begins.

Of course, these are small frictions, not big ones, but there is still the possibility that conflicts will intensify.

After all, when something happens, there are uncontrollable risks.

Longguo has developed for several years, and now it can be regarded as a powerful country. These small frictions can be easily handled.

However, these frictions are not good things for the people of the state of dragon who have enjoyed a long and stable life. They have caused some panic.

Once there is a panic, things will become a little serious. After all, people are the most difficult to control.

As soon as these things come out, Huang Shiping, the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom, is under great pressure and worries him a lot.

At the same time, he has to deal with these things. Every day he is very busy, and his mood is very irritable.

There is a big reason why these things happen because of Shen Ze.

For this, Huang Shiping hated Shen Ze very much and cursed Shen Ze in his heart.

"It's time to send that boy Shen Diaolong to see Yama!"

Huang Shiping thinks that Shen Ze is responsible for all the bad things in the Long Parliament, and he blames Shen Ze for all the crimes.

Huang Shiping became angry with Shen Ze again.

However, Huang Shiping couldn't put his mind on Shen Ze for a while, because he had a lot of things to deal with. He didn't care about it, so he could only sulk.

Of course, Huang did not forget to urge Ouyang Qingfeng to fight Shen Ze as soon as possible.

Although Huang Shiping is a strong demand, Ouyang Qingfeng has made plans and will not fight Shen Ze ahead of time.

Moreover, even if he wants to fight Shen Ze in advance, he can't, because Shen Ze deliberately hid information after he left Yanjing. He can't find Shen Ze at all. How can he fight Shen Ze?

Of course, Ouyang Qingfeng is not worried about Shen Ze's disappearance.

After all, people like Shen Ze, since they have promised to fight, will certainly do what they say and will not go back on their words.

Ouyang Qingfeng closed his door and prepared for the war with Shen Ze. He was not moved by foreign things.

Therefore, Ouyang Qingfeng did not pay attention to Huang Shiping's request, nor did he make any response.

Being ignored by Ouyang Qingfeng, Huang Shiping is very upset and adds gas.

But no matter Ouyang Qingfeng or Shen Ze, Huang Shiping couldn't clean up for a moment. He was very frustrated, but he had nothing to do.


When Shen Ze returned to Fengxiang village in Hangzhou, he didn't hear outside the window.

No matter how noisy the outside world, or what happened, he did not care, but continued to live his leisure life.

Zhang Tao's family, only Zhang Zilan knows Shen Ze's identity.

Shen Ze's dismissal has caused a stir, and Zhang Zilan knows it.

Zhang Zilan is worried about this.

Because these things in her view, Shen Ze is because of the accident, that is why these things happen.

"Aze, what's the matter with you recently? How did the imperial court remove the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God? "

"What's more, how did you take the initiative to step down as commander-in-chief of the Western Theater later?"

Zhang Zilan was worried when he asked these words.

For Shen Ze's affairs, Zhang Zilan is very concerned, and care is chaotic, she is so nervous and worried.

Seeing that Zhang Zilan was very worried, Shen Ze said with a smile, "little aunt, nothing happened to me. You don't have to worry so much."

"Isn't that a big deal? What's the big deal? "

Zhang Zilan said anxiously: "because of your affairs, now the whole dragon kingdom is in a state of uneasiness. How can it be a trivial matter?"

Zhang Zilan stares at Shen Ze tightly and says word by word: "you should be honest with me. What's the matter with you?"

Seeing Zhang Zilan's serious appearance, Shen Ze couldn't smile bitterly, "aunt, I really don't have anything to do."

"It's very normal for the imperial court to remove the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God."