Chapter 639

Zhao Xinghua led a hundred thousand Kirin troops to invade the territory of rat kingdom. Huang Shiping and other people in the court were completely unaware of this.

The court only ordered Zhao Xinghua to take 100000 Kirin troops to support the western war zone.

But the court never ordered Zhao Xinghua to lead a hundred thousand Kirin troops into the territory of rat kingdom. How could this happen now?

Huang Shiping and other members of the imperial court were very confused, surprised and angry.

Why do you think Qilin army doesn't follow the instructions of the court?

Do you think Zhao Xinghua can do whatever he wants?

"Find out what's going on as soon as possible!"

Huang Shiping is so angry that he gives his subordinates an order to investigate Zhao Xinghua's attack on the rat kingdom.

Of course, because Zhao Xinghua has already taken 100000 Kirin troops into the territory of rat Kingdom, and has already started fighting, it is impossible to stop and recover.

What the court can do now is to investigate things clearly and not let such things happen again.

After Huang Shiping gave the order, the court arranged for the Imperial Envoys to go to the western war zone to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Shen Ze had long thought that he would disaffect Huang Shiping's imperial court by sending troops to invade the rat kingdom without authorization.

However, he did not care about these.

If you don't do something, I'll do it.

As for all the consequences, it's up to me!

Shen Ze guessed that the National People's court would arrange the imperial envoy to investigate the affairs in the western war zone. So when the imperial envoy came to the western war zone, Shen Ze found a random reason and put the imperial envoy under house arrest.

Shen Zexian put aside the affairs of the Imperial Envoys and put all his mind on the confrontation with the state of rat.

Since Zhao Xinghua led 100000 Kirin troops into rat Kingdom, fierce conflicts broke out at the border between rat Kingdom and dragon Kingdom, as if small-scale battles broke out everywhere.

Because the forces are relatively dispersed, the scale of these battles is not very large.

The most fierce fighting, of course, was the fight between the 100000 Kirin troops led by Zhao Xinghua and the enemy troops.

Shen Ze's planned route is very good. Zhao Xinghua chose to kill them at the border where the deployment of troops in rat kingdom is the weakest.

Because of the large number of people and fierce firepower, the enemy could not resist Zhao Xinghua.

After rushing into the territory of rat Kingdom, 100000 Kirin troops leveled three small cities in succession and killed thousands of enemy soldiers.

Obviously, the state of rat won't let Zhao Xinghua kill them wantonly in the territory of the state of rat. The state of rat is to dispatch the surrounding troops to encircle and suppress Zhao Xinghua.

Because there are 300000 Qinglong troops along the road to defend and block, the troops sent by the rat country to the border are unable to encircle and suppress Zhao Xinghua at the first time.

Rat country can only send troops from other parts of the country to encircle and suppress Zhao Xinghua, and it obviously takes time to do so, and it can't be so timely.

In this period of time, Zhao Xinghua and his colleagues can obviously do a lot of things.

One hundred thousand Kirin troops are irresistible, so that all the enemy soldiers of rat country who come to stop them will bleed on the spot.

In half a day's time, the 100000 Kirin army leveled five cities in rat Kingdom and killed tens of thousands of enemies.

Of course, there were casualties in the Kirin army, but it was much better than the enemy.

In the ruins of a city on the border of rat Kingdom, the Qilin army led by Zhao Xinghua is resting.

On top of the tallest building in the center of the city, Zhao Xinghua and Qin Chao stood side by side, smoking separately.

Zhao Xinghua looked sharp at the inside of the rat. He took a deep breath of smoke, and then said with a strong sense of War: "I really want to continue to fight inside and go straight to the capital of the rat kingdom!"

Qin Chao grinned at the speech.

After smoking a cigarette, he said seriously, "we can't fight any more. If we fight any more, we won't be able to go back!"

Qin Chao is obviously telling the truth.

Now, Zhao Xinghua, they are a little deep into the territory of rat country.

Although the troops of the rat kingdom could not be mobilized for a while and could not pose any threat to Zhao Xinghua, it does not mean that there has been no threat.

If the rat kingdom is given enough time to mobilize its main forces, it will be able to encircle and annihilate Zhao Xinghua.

By that time, they will be in a very dangerous situation.

In this regard, Shen Ze has warned and arranged in advance.

Shen Ze said hello to Zhao Xinghua and Qin Chao, asking them to withdraw after a certain distance and time in the rat kingdom.

Zhao Xinghua and Qin Chao both knew that it was time to withdraw.

If we don't withdraw in time, the troops at the border of rat country will gather around, and the troops inside rat country will arrive. By then, the Kirin army will be in a very difficult situation, and may even be completely destroyed.

After smoking the whole cigarette, Qin Chao threw the cigarette end and said, "let's hurry back to Longguo!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua flashed a trace of unwilling color in his eyes, but he did not hesitate, nodded and said: "OK, withdraw to the Dragon Kingdom immediately."

Later, Zhao Xinghua and Qin Chao jumped directly down the building and came to the ground.

Zhao Xinghua waved his hand at the Qilin army, who was resting in place, and ordered: "the class teacher will return to Korea!"

At Zhao Xinghua's command, the Kirin army all got up, packed up and prepared to leave.

As a soldier with good action and qualified quality, the Kirin army soon finished packing up and began to return.

Of course, the state of rat won't let Zhao Xinghua leave so easily after they have settled down the five cities of the state of rat.

The state of rat also has an intelligence system, and always knows what Zhao Xinghua is doing.

After learning that Zhao Xinghua wanted to withdraw from the Dragon Kingdom, the state of rat suddenly tried its best to mobilize its forces to stop them.

The return of the Kirin army is bound to be accompanied by a bloodbath.

It took Zhao Xinghua almost half a day for them to step down the five cities of rat kingdom. They wanted to return to the territory of dragon kingdom. Although it didn't take them half a day, it was almost as much. After all, rat Congress sent out troops to intercept them.

Under the full mobilization of rat country, several troops of rat country went to intercept Zhao Xinghua.

Although the number of these troops is not large, they still have a strong fighting capacity, causing great trouble to Zhao Xinghua.

This also led to Zhao Xinghua's delay in withdrawing from the rat Kingdom and returning to the Dragon kingdom.

In the evening of that day, Zhao Xinghua and his family came out of the siege and came to a small town near the border of the Dragon kingdom.

Because of all kinds of encirclement, the Qilin army led by Zhao Xinghua was trapped in the small city, and nearly 150000 rats surrounded the small city.