Chapter 645

Because it was Shen Ze who came to rescue Zhao Xinghua with 100000 green dragon soldiers, the soldiers of rat kingdom were in awe and did not dare to stop Shen Ze.

The reason why the soldiers of the rat kingdom are like this is that Shen Ze is too tough and cruel.

Shen Ze is famous for his evil reputation. Any enemy will be scared when they see him. It's not only the soldiers of rat country, but also the soldiers of other countries.

Of course, because Shen Ze has been dealing with the soldiers of rat country, the soldiers of rat country are most afraid of him, reaching a degree of fear.

In the eyes of the soldiers of rat Kingdom, Shen Ze seems to be a devil, which makes them fear and fear.

For a moment, because of Shen Ze's appearance, the soldiers of rat Kingdom did not dare to come near to stop them. They stood in place one by one with fear on their faces.

"Bang Bang..."

The more than 1000 soldiers of rat Kingdom, swept by the powerful storm released by Shen Ze, either died or rolled back like sandbags and fell heavily to the ground.

The soldiers who fell to the ground all fell to pieces. Their bones and heads seemed to fall apart. The pain was unbearable and they had no fighting power.

Shen Ze waved his hand, but in a twinkling of an eye, more than a thousand soldiers of rat kingdom were killed or injured. This scene of fear was seen by other soldiers of rat Kingdom, which made them even more afraid and scared.

Damn it, just a wave, you can have this kind of power!

Shen Diaolong is worthy of being the first God of war in the world. He is a top warrior who has killed a martial arts master!

Not to mention other troops, just to say that Shen Diaolong, with such an invincible posture, who can resist?

As soon as Shen Ze came up, he showed his power and awed the soldiers of the rat kingdom.

And when the soldiers of rat kingdom were stunned, 100000 Qinglong soldiers had rushed to the front.

At the same time, Zhao Xinghua came out with the Qilin army.

A fierce battle has just begun!

All kinds of shouts and guns began to sound.

On the battlefield, there is no other choice but to fight or die.

Although deterred by Shen Ze, the soldiers of rat Kingdom still resisted, rather than being slaughtered by the Qinglong army and the Qilin army.

In the face of life and death, others are vain. Only by killing the enemy can we survive!

In order to survive, the soldiers of the rat Kingdom suddenly suppressed their fear and fought with the Qinglong army and the Qilin army.

Shen Ze knew that although he could deter the soldiers of rat Kingdom, he could not make them surrender or flee.

No matter which country's soldiers, sometimes, for soldiers, dying in battle is the best destination.

So, even if they don't know whether they can survive, the soldiers of both countries still spare no effort to fight.

This war is doomed and cannot be stopped.

Shen Zexin knows this.

Therefore, Shen Ze was not idle. In order to reduce the casualties of his own soldiers, he was not idle. He sat and watched the battle, but joined in the battle.

Even though his injury has not yet healed, Shen Ze still uses his strong force to crush and kill the soldiers of rat kingdom.

Of course, the soldiers of rat kingdom were not fools. They knew that they were not Shen Ze's opponents. They tried to avoid him.

Moreover, among the soldiers of the rat Kingdom, they also had the role of strong force, and they conspicuously worked together to stop Shen Ze.

Although they can't kill Shen Ze, or even do no harm to him, it's enough for them as long as they can make Shen Ze kill less soldiers of rat kingdom.

At the same time, the enemy also found a master of martial arts to fight against Shen Ze.

Of course, although the enemy found the master of martial arts to fight against Shen Ze, it didn't mean to do any harm to Shen Ze, but just to stop him.

Shen Ze's injury did not heal, and his martial arts strength did not return to the peak. Facing a martial arts master from the enemy country and several martial arts strongmen, Shen Ze could resist, but he couldn't break the game for a while.

After Shen Ze was dragged down, the other soldiers of the rat Kingdom seemed to see the dawn, and they fought fiercely with the Qinglong army and the Qilin army.

All of a sudden, the war became white hot.

Shen Ze came here just to rescue Zhao Xinghua. He didn't want to fight against the rat kingdom forever.

Of course, he also understood that because of the obstruction of the soldiers of rat Kingdom, he could not save everyone.

When there is war, there will be bloodshed, which is inevitable.

Shen Ze can only save as many people as possible.

Therefore, we can't entangle with the rat troops more.

Because once the delay goes on, the state of rat will transfer other troops to Shen Ze, and then they will be very difficult to leave.

Whether Shen Ze or Zhao Xinghua, as well as the soldiers of the Qinglong army and the Qilin army, they all know very well that the first task is to leave, not to kill the enemy.

Therefore, when Zhao Xinghua and the Kirin army rushed out of the city, Shen Ze was the first to order to fight and withdraw.

After hearing Shen Ze's instructions, all the officers and soldiers were not entangled, and they fought and retreated one after another.

The soldiers of rat country knew Shen Ze's intention to retreat, so they tried to stop them from leaving.

Even if Shen Ze wanted to leave, they couldn't get away for a while.

The fighting between the two sides will continue unavoidably.

Fortunately, because the soldiers of rat kingdom had been encircling the city before, their forces were scattered, and it took time to concentrate, so this gave Shen Ze an opportunity.

Under Shen Ze's command, both the green dragon army and the Qilin army set up their positions. They were like sharp swords, and they fought their way to the periphery of the battlefield.

Shen Ze did not entangle with the martial arts masters of the enemy country and other martial arts strongmen, and he did not intend to kill them.

After pestering with each other for a while, Shen Ze suddenly broke out and got away.

Then, Shen Ze gave an order to everyone to withdraw.

No one dares not to listen to Shen Ze's orders.

Then, all the officers and men of the Qinglong army and the Qilin army followed Shen Ze's instructions. Instead of fighting, they all retreated!

Because the enemy did not gather all of them, they were not strong enough to stop Shen Ze from breaking through.

In this way, Shen Ze rushed out of the encirclement and withdrew to the direction of the Dragon kingdom.

Of course, the state of rat won't let Shen Ze and them withdraw like this. He orders them to pursue them with all his strength.

Then, a fight started.

The soldiers of rat Kingdom chased Shen Ze all the way, but Shen Ze did not turn back. They cleared all the obstacles and retreated back to the Dragon kingdom!