Chapter 672

Although the people of Xiong state have a strong sense of fighting, it is not a small matter to use force against long state after all.

The common people can use their emotions, but the leadership absolutely can't.

Although Xiong is a country that likes to use force, it is not really mindless. Everything is solved by force.

Even though the people have a strong sense of fighting, after calm thinking, the leadership decided to increase sanctions against Longguo instead of using direct force.

After the discussion, as soon as the meeting was over, Xiong's Court issued an order to increase the sanctions against Longguo, which were mainly economic sanctions.

Before that, both Xiong and Ying had imposed economic sanctions on Longguo. The domestic economic situation of Longguo has become not very good.

Now, Xiong has increased sanctions, which makes the situation worse for Longguo.

In a modern society, there is either a hot war or an economic war.

I don't know if there is a tacit understanding. When the bear country increases its sanctions, the eagle country also increases its sanctions against the dragon country.

For a moment, the situation of the Dragon kingdom became very difficult.

Sometimes economic war is more terrifying than hot war. The Dragon kingdom is subject to economic sanctions by the two superpowers, Eagle Kingdom and Bear Kingdom. The domestic economy suddenly becomes very bad, and the overall economy becomes very bad.

A large number of enterprises have gone bankrupt, the number of unemployed is rising, and social conflicts are increasing

The unilateral economic war launched by Xiong and Ying against the Dragon Kingdom has a greater impact and involves more people than launching a war.

After all, the overall economy of the Dragon state will be affected, which will affect all the people of the Dragon state.

The behavior of Xiong and Ying countries directly led to the bad life of the people in Longguo.

"Damn, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are trying to make our dragon Kingdom die! How bad it is

"It's shameless and despicable for the bear and the eagle to launch an economic war unilaterally. Hooligans are hooligans. Dogs can't change their way of eating shit!"

"It's very uncomfortable that the two countries have affected all of us and made our lives worse."

"We can't wait to die, just let bear country and Eagle country do this to us. They won't let us have a better time, and we won't let them have a better time!"

"If our dragon Kingdom has been carried on like this by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, it will be very bad in the end. We must resist, or it will be like chronic death, and the end will be very miserable."

"Since both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom don't want to have a good time, we'll fight them to the end and make everyone have a bad time!"

"At this time, we in the Dragon kingdom can't bear any more. If we continue to bear and resist, we will only allow the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to advance an inch and impose more severe sanctions on our dragon kingdom!"

"In this situation, there's really nothing to say. There's no other way except to stand up and fight. After all, even if our dragon Kingdom now admits defeat, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will not let us go."

"Don't be so naive as to think that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle parliament will let us go of the Dragon kingdom or spare us. They are just holding the idea that they will not stop killing our dragon kingdom. Let's recognize the reality and stop dreaming."

"Yes, now we have to work hard with bear country and Eagle country. Our destiny is in our own hands. We can only work out a chance of survival."

"If you don't spell it, you will die. If you spell it, you may be able to spell out a bright blue sky!"

"We'd rather die standing than live kneeling, and we'll fight all our enemies to the end!"

The people of the Dragon kingdom are very angry and unhappy about Xiong's increasing sanctions on the Dragon kingdom.

All the people are full of indignation and want to fight with the state of bear and the state of eagle to the end!

Most of the ordinary people vent their emotions without careful consideration. As the leadership, it is obvious that they can not be so emotional.

Although Huang Shiping and other leaders are also very angry and dissatisfied with the increased sanctions imposed by the bear and Eagle countries on the dragon country, they are not carried away by the anger.

The leadership remained calm and did not make a rash decision.

Of course, it is necessary to discuss this kind of national affairs. Huang Shiping held the Congress for the first time.

"What do you think of the increased sanctions on the Dragon kingdom by the bear and Eagle States?"

"It should be a normal thing for the bear state to increase its sanctions on our dragon state."

"Now it seems that Xiong did not choose to use force against our dragon Kingdom, but chose to fight an economic war."

"It can't be said that the state of Xiong won't use force against our dragon kingdom. It may be that it won't use force against our dragon kingdom for the time being. We can't take it lightly."

"The state of bear has increased the economic sanctions against our dragon state, and the rogue state of Eagle has also increased the sanctions against our dragon state. Now our dragon state is in a very difficult situation, and it's hard to deal with it!"

"In doing so, Xiong and Ying want to destroy the economic system of our dragon country. If our country's economy fails, it will become a weak country."

"If the economic system of Longguo is really damaged, it will certainly be further hit by xiongguo and Yingguo."

"Now we have to worry that when the bear and Eagle countries impose sanctions on our dragon country, they may play other combination cards, such as using force, which we have to guard against."

"Although we don't want to admit it, to tell you the truth, if we can't figure out a way to break the situation, we can only be defeated by bear country and Eagle country in the end!"

"Both bear country and Eagle country are superpowers. They almost control the economic lifeline of the whole world. They launch an economic war against our dragon country at the same time. We are very likely unable to survive. Our dragon country is really in a very dangerous situation now."

"Both Xiong and Ying are economic powers. They launched an economic war against our dragon country at the same time. Now our dragon country can't find a good way to deal with it."

"Now we have to unite with other countries to resist the sanctions of bear and eagle."

"Now in this situation, who dares to unite with our dragon Kingdom under the condition of clearly offending Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom?"

"In order to protect themselves, no one in other countries wants to unite with us."

"For now, I'm afraid only rat country can unite with us."

"Don't mention the rat kingdom. If the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom put enough pressure on us, the rat kingdom would withdraw and choose to protect itself this time. Even worse, the rat kingdom would fall into a trap. When the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom made a terrible mess of the Dragon Kingdom, the rat kingdom would stab us in the back."

"Now don't think rat country can help us. If he doesn't work with bear country and Eagle country, our dragon country will burn high incense."