Chapter 674

"To help Longguo, we might as well develop ourselves. I don't support helping Longguo either."

"Yes, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom have always been enemies. We have no reason to help the Dragon kingdom. Let the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom bring down the Dragon kingdom!"

"When the Dragon Kingdom falls down, we can also act as predators to seize the interests of the Dragon Kingdom and get a piece of it."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the development of the Dragon kingdom in recent years has caught up with and surpassed that of the rat kingdom. If the rat Kingdom wants to further develop, the stumbling block of the Dragon Kingdom has fallen down, which is a good thing for the rat Kingdom. There is no reason to help."

"We'd better not get involved in this matter, so that we won't get any benefits and get into trouble."

"Let's just sit on the wall and watch how the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom deal with the Dragon kingdom."

"In fact, the Dragon kingdom is not a weak country that has no fighting power. Even if the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom impose sanctions on the Dragon Kingdom, they can't directly destroy the Dragon kingdom. Moreover, whether it's a hot war or an economic war, it can't end in a short time."

"The rat kingdom can take advantage of the opportunity when the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom punish the Dragon kingdom to seek its own development and strive for further development."

"Yes, I also want to say this. We rat country can take this opportunity to develop well."

"The Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom can't get rid of the Dragon kingdom for a while. The battle between them will last for a long time. It's really a good time for the development of our rat kingdom. We should make good use of it."

"Generally speaking, let's let the bear and Eagle countries punish the dragon country, and let them fight as fiercely as possible. It can not only clear some obstacles for us, but also let us seize the opportunity to develop well. Let's not listen to the dragon country and help the dragon country."

After the heated discussion, most of Xiong's leaders agreed that they would not help Longguo and seize this opportunity to seek development.

Of course, it's just a discussion. We can't make a final decision yet.

After listening to the suggestions, the highest leader of rat country nodded with approval, but he still had other things to say.

"I know that your consideration is very good, your suggestions are also very good, what you said is true, and what you said is very reasonable, but there is one thing you didn't think of."

"That is, what Xiong and Ying are doing now is that they don't want other countries to grow up, threaten their status and encroach on their interests."

"It is precisely because the rise of the Dragon Kingdom threatens the status of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom and encroaches on the interests of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom take these measures to suppress and punish the Dragon kingdom."

"And have you ever thought about it, if the Dragon kingdom is defeated by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, who will be the target of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom after that?"

"As we all know, after the Dragon Kingdom, our rat kingdom is the most powerful. In order not to let our rat Kingdom threaten them, will bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom suppress our rat Kingdom, and will our rat Kingdom become the target of Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom?"

"All of you know that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are powerful. Even though the rat kingdom is developing vigorously during the period when the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom beat down the Dragon Kingdom, do you think that at that time, we will be able to hold up and cope with the joint crackdown of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom?"

After listening to the words of the supreme leader of the rat Kingdom, all the members present were very solemn and thoughtful.

Obviously, the remarks made by the supreme leader of Xiong state are very consistent with the truth, convincing and without doubt.

The questions raised by the supreme leader of the rat kingdom are obviously very worthy of our deep thinking.

All the people present are not fools. They all know that what Xiong and Ying have done is to suppress the Dragon Kingdom on the surface, but actually to consolidate the status of their own country for the benefit of their own country.

And after Xiong and Ying lay down the Dragon Kingdom and make the Dragon Kingdom non threatening, who will they point at?

No need to think about it. It must be rat country.

Because the rat kingdom is behind the Dragon Kingdom, or on a par with the Dragon kingdom.

It's very normal to deal with the Dragon Kingdom, Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom and then deal with the rat kingdom.

After pondering for a while, the leader of rat Kingdom saw that everyone seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem, and then he spoke again.

"We all know that the world is very cruel. For the sake of their own national interests, bear and eagle will never let other countries rise again. Therefore, if rat wants to develop and go further, it will definitely become the target of suppression of bear and eagle."

"Moreover, as far as the present situation is concerned, maybe even if our rat kingdom does not further develop, when the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom bring down the Dragon Kingdom, they will extend their magic claws to our rat kingdom!"

"In my opinion, whether we help the Dragon kingdom or not, we will face the day when the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will attack us!"

After listening to the words of the highest leader of the rat Kingdom, everyone on the scene nodded in agreement.

The world is cruel. Some things are not controlled by ourselves.

As the supreme leader of the rat kingdom said, no matter what happens in the future, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will fight against the rat kingdom. The truth is that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have suppressed and targeted the rat kingdom before.

Therefore, all this is doomed, doomed.

After drinking a mouthful of water, the top leader of rat kingdom said, "in fact, in my opinion, if dragon kingdom does not fall, it may be a better choice for rat kingdom."

"After all, there is the Dragon Kingdom ahead. The main attention of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will be on the Dragon Kingdom, not our rat kingdom."

"With the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon kingdom can block a lot of firepower for our rat kingdom. In fact, if you think about it carefully, maybe our rat kingdom can develop better."

"Therefore, I am optimistic about Huang Shiping's coming to talk to me and saying that he wants to sign a gentleman's agreement with our country, unite together, resist the suppression of bear and eagle, and seek development together."

"I think if you think about it carefully, you may come to the same conclusion as me. I hope you can think about it well."

After listening to the words of the highest leader of the rat Kingdom, we all seriously thought about it.

After a while, someone said, "I think the leader's words are quite reasonable. When we think about it carefully, it seems that we really need to help the Dragon Kingdom, so that the Dragon kingdom will not be destroyed by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom!"

"Maybe we can sign a gentleman's agreement with the Dragon kingdom to seek common development!"