Chapter 705

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao nodded heavily.

"Our Xuanwu army is not vegetarian either. With full defense and Jianmen pass, I don't believe Xiong's troops can easily break through Jianmen pass and enter the territory of dragon kingdom!" Qin Chao said firmly.

When Shen Ze heard the speech, his eyes became more deep, and he didn't say anything more.

The Xuanwu army has been paying close attention to the xiongguo army. As soon as the xiongguo army moves, the Xuanwu army will notice.

The Xuanwu army was led by Li Guangrong, the commander of the Northern War Zone.

Aware of the movement of Xiong's troops, Li Guangrong was the first time to order that everyone be ready for defense.


"Marshal, I want to go down and have a look." Qin Chao said.

Qin Chao impressively wants to personally go to the front of Jianmen pass below and take part in resisting Xiong Guo's troops.

Shen Ze understood Qin Chao's meaning. After listening to the latter's words, he immediately nodded and said, "go if you want. Pay attention to safety."


Qin Chao nodded.

After a salute to Shen Ze, Qin Chao turns around and jumps off the mountain.

Today, Qin Chao has become a master of martial arts. He obviously has the ability to fly on the eaves and walk on the wall.

Qin Chao, like a spirit ape, rushed down the mountain rapidly and got to the ground.

Qin Chao was the commander of the vanguard battalion of the Qinglong army. He knew how to take the lead, so he went to the front line, cooperated with the vanguard battalion of the basaltic army, and bore the brunt of the battle against Xiong Guo.

After the movement, Xiong's troops suddenly gathered together, and then launched a charge against Jianmen pass, which was defended by the Xuanwu army.

This time, Xiong sent 300000 elite troops, all of them very brave.

The charge begins!

Three hundred thousand elite soldiers of xiongguo got on the armored chariot one after another. Then, xiongguo's troops rushed to Jianmen pass in the armored chariot.

Tens of thousands of armored vehicles started at the same time, the roar of engines and the sound of various wheels crushing the ground sounded.


It's like tens of thousands of fierce beasts rushing towards the Jianmen pass. They are fierce and powerful.

Shen Ze stands at the top of the mountain. He looks at all the 300000 elite troops of Xiong Kingdom, charging towards Jianmen pass. His face becomes more dignified than ever.

Shen Ze is very clear in his heart that Xiong Guo's three hundred thousand elite troops are charging with all their strength, and the combat effectiveness they have burst out is very terrifying.

Even if the basaltic army can make use of the steep terrain of JIANMENGUAN to defend, it will pay a great price, and even may not be able to resist the impact of Xiong Guo's 300000 elite troops.

"I still can't sit back and watch it!"

Shen Ze murmured to himself in a somewhat complicated tone.

After that, Shen Ze seemed to have made a decision. Then he raised his feet and jumped out.

With superb martial arts strength, Shen Ze is like an eagle, flying directly to the Jianmen pass below.

Shen Ze was flying very fast. Before Xiong's troops arrived at Jianmen pass, he first came to the entrance of Jianmen pass, the front line where Qin Chao was.

Seeing Shen Ze, Qin Chao was surprised and asked, "marshal, why are you here?"

Seeing Shen Ze, not only Qin Chao was surprised, but also other Xuanwu soldiers were very surprised and confused.

In principle, as Shen Ze's identity and status, he does not need to come to the battlefield in person, but should coordinate everything in the camp.

Shen Ze smell speech, saw Qin Chao one eye, then light say: "come to help you guard this son."

When Shen Ze said this, the faces of all the soldiers around him, including Qin Chao, were filled with joy and excitement.

Who is Shen Ze?

The world's number one general, the world's number one God of war, was born a few years ago, invincible, invincible, and never defeated.

He is the existence of half man and half god. He is the blade and cornerstone of the Dragon kingdom. His identity is extraordinary.

Now, Shen Ze says that he wants to guard the pass with everyone. How can he not make people happy and excited?

After all, it's a great honor to be able to fight with such an outstanding person as Shen Ze!

Of course, with Shen Ze, the God of war, you can be more confident to resist Xiong's troops and feel more at ease.

No matter how they look at it, Shen Ze's ability to help is something they should be happy about.

"Marshal, is it inappropriate for you to come?"

Although Qin Chao also wants to fight side by side with Shen Ze, he still thinks that as Shen Ze, he should not come here.

Shen Ze hears speech, stare Qin Chao one eye, did not say what.

Aware of Shen Ze's cold eyes, Qin Chao shrinks his neck in fright. He doesn't dare to say anything more. He can only smile at Shen Ze twice.

"Be serious. It's hard to resist the fierce attack from the opposite side." Shen Ze then said.

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he immediately restrained the smile on his face.

Hearing Shen Ze's words, the faces of the soldiers around also showed a strong dignified color.

Shen Ze all said so, so obviously this is the fact.

Xiong's troops are fierce and hard to resist!

The soldiers around, including Qin Chao, are deeply aware of this.

After all, Shen Ze came here in person and said such words. If it was easy to resist, Shen Ze would not be there in person to fight side by side with everyone.

It is precisely because it is difficult to resist that Shen Ze is here.

Thinking of these, people's faces became more dignified.


Qin Chao spat on his face and said, "no matter how fierce it is, we are more ferocious than them!"

"We all have two shoulders and one head. It's right to see who is more ruthless!"

"If they dare to come, we will kill them all!" Qin Chao's words are very bloody, showing cruelty and ferocity incisively and vividly.

"Yes, we are more ferocious than the soldiers of bear country. If they dare to come, we will kill them all!"

"Yes, no matter what, it's done!"

"Just kill me. I'll be a hero in eighteen years!"

"Fight to death, even if it's death, don't let those bastards of bear country cross this line!"

"Yes, fight to the end!"

The soldiers around are all attached to the vanguard battalion of the basaltic army. The soldiers in the vanguard battalion of each army are very bloody and not afraid of death.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, everyone echoed them one after another. They were all bloody and showed a strong will to fight.

It's probably the kind that, even if you die in battle, you'll be indomitable, courageous and never shrink back.

Just as the crowd cheered each other, Xiong's armored chariot had rushed to the front!