Chapter 710

When the 300000 Xuanwu troops came to Jianmen pass, they knew that Xiong's 300000 elite troops were very difficult to resist. If they wanted to stop Xiong's 300000 elite troops outside Jianmen pass, they would pay a great price.

Every soldier has that kind of high consciousness. For the sake of the country and the people, they can give their lives.

For every soldier, he has already made psychological preparations for sacrifice, and death in battle may be a good destination for every soldier.

Of course, other people think that the best destination for every soldier is to return triumphantly, but it may not be the same for the soldier himself.

For the 300000 Xuanwu troops, they were ready to sacrifice before they came to Jianmen pass.

After all, Xiong Guo's 300000 elite troops are really terrible and hard to resist. At least there is a gap in their strength.

Therefore, before we came here, we were ready to sacrifice.

Every soldier has the consciousness of sacrifice and the courage to die.

Even if you know that you will die if you rush up, you will rush up without hesitation.

Before he came to Jianmen pass, Li Guangrong, commander in chief of the Northern War Zone, issued a military order that he must block Jianmen pass and prevent Xiong's troops from crossing it.

Even if the defense is not strong enough to let Xiong's troops cross the Jianmen pass, they can't let Xiong's troops rush into the territory of Longguo and expand the battlefield.

Even if they rush over, they should let Xiong's troops stay here at Jianmen pass, instead of rushing into the territory of Longguo, causing other unnecessary casualties.

For every soldier, military orders should not be violated. Even if they have to sacrifice, they can not retreat and escape. This is the belief of every soldier.

So at this moment, even if the firepower is not as fierce as the opposite, the basaltic army still rushes forward one after another, and always stops Xiong's soldiers at Jianmen pass.

Of course, the basaltic army also sacrificed a lot of people, but it was worth it, because it was for the sake of the nation and the people.

The soldiers of the state of dragon all know that once the troops of the state of bear rush into the territory of the state of dragon, the civilians of the state of dragon will be slaughtered by the soldiers of the state of bear, and the property of the state will also be damaged.

As soldiers of the people's children, such things will never be allowed to happen.

The 300000 basaltic troops were fearless of death and tried their best to resist the attack of the 300000 elite troops of Xiong state.

The flames of war are growing.

Of course, there will be casualties in the basaltic army, and so will the soldiers of Xiong.

Because Xiong's troops are on the charge side, their casualties are not small, almost equal to those of the basaltic army.

It was only half an hour since the war began, and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed.

At the gate of Jianmen pass, bloody bodies lie on the ground. It looks like purgatory. The scene is very terrible.

This will reflect the cruelty of the war incisively and vividly.

This is not over, the fighting is still going on, and the casualties on both sides will continue to rise.

No one knows when the war will end and what the outcome will be.

However, no matter what the final result is, it is a war of great consumption for both Xiong and long, which is very unfavorable to both countries.


With the passage of time, Shen Ze's hand is more and more powerless.

His own consumption is very large, and it is difficult to support him to continue to control the purple dragon sword and kill Xiong soldiers.

Seeing that it didn't play a big role, Shen Ze gave up controlling the purple dragon sword to kill Xiong Guo's soldiers.

And because of this, coupled with the resistance of the basaltic army is getting worse and worse, Xiong's armored vehicles across the Jianmen pass is more and more impressive.

The more armored vehicles that cross the Jianmen pass, the more fighting power Xiong's troops will gather and become stronger.

In this way, the resistance of the basaltic army became more irritated.

In the end, Xiong's troops moved forward step by step and attacked the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, so the battlefield continued to expand.

Xiong's soldiers are equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world today, and their firepower is very fierce. If they are hard faced, the Xuanwu army will not be able to withstand.

Even though they were ready to sacrifice, they didn't die mindlessly. After knowing that they couldn't resist Xiong's firepower, the basaltic Army started guerrilla warfare and didn't fight with Xiong's troops. Instead, they fought and retreated, using all kinds of familiar forms to block Xiong's troops.

JIANMENGUAN to the hinterland of the Dragon Kingdom, is also a high and low mountains, these terrain are not very good through.

The Xuanwu army used these terrain to encircle, chase and intercept the Xiong troops, so that they could not easily enter the hinterland of the Dragon kingdom.

Because they were not familiar with the terrain, the Xiong troops suffered a lot from it.

However, xiongguo was not stupid either. They knew that there was no basaltic army familiar with the terrain, so they concentrated their forces to make a living road with their strong fighting capacity.

Under absolute force, everything else is a cloud.

Xiong's army, relying on its powerful firepower, is able to fight a bloody road, which can't be resisted by the basaltic army.

However, even if they could not resist, the basaltic army still tried its best to resist.


Shen Ze has no habit of watching battles. He also wants to join the battlefield and fight side by side with the basaltic army.

Although Shen Ze used a lot of force to block Xiong's armored motorcade and control the purple dragon sword, it didn't prevent him from killing people.

However, just when Shen Ze wanted to come down from the sword gate, a middle-aged man with grey hair came to Xiong Guo.

This gray hair middle-aged man is able to fly in the air, its speed is extremely fast, but a few breathing is to come to Shen Ze's near, will Shen Ze's breath to lock.

The appearance of the other side surprised Shen Ze.

Shen Ze raised his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man with grey hair.

In his heart, he had a judgment. The other side was a martial arts master.

It turned out that when Xiong Guo saw Shen Ze guarding Jianmen pass, they had already prepared to send a middle-aged man with grey hair to stop Shen Ze.

It has to be said that Xiong has made a lot of preparations.

Previously, after learning that Shen Ze had come to the Northern War Zone, Xiong found the middle-aged man with grey hair, a martial arts master.

Xiong knows that Shen Ze is a top Wufu, and in order to deal with Shen Ze well, Xiong also finds a top Wufu, which is obviously reasonable.

Obviously, Xiong's preparation is very good. Now Shen Ze is ready to let the grey haired middle-aged man stop Shen Ze.

The middle-aged man with grey hair had a cold, expressionless face.

He stood ten feet away from Shen Ze, and then he fixed his sharp eyes on Shen Ze, with a posture of looking at Shen Ze to death.