Chapter 712

If you can, Keji really doesn't want to fight Shen Ze, because Shen Ze's prestige is too high.

A few years ago, Shen Ze killed the master of martial arts in the rat kingdom. Not long ago, Shen Ze killed the master of martial arts in the Dragon kingdom. These brilliant achievements are enough for any master of martial arts to be afraid of fighting with Shen Ze easily.

Kirky obviously doesn't want to fight Shen Ze either.

But at this time, Shen Ze took the lead in launching an attack on him, which made him unable to evade, so he had to fight Shen Ze.

In the face of Shen Ze, the world's number one God of war, Keji did not dare to trust him.

He suddenly burst out the whole body momentum to resist Shen Ze's purple dragon sword.


A terrible momentum surged up from kirky's body. He suddenly burst out all the energy in his body.

As a martial arts master, Keji still has his own temper and dignity. Instead of passive defense, he plans to meet Shen Ze once and for all.

After all, Keji is also a well-known martial arts master in the state of Xiong. Under the attention of the soldiers in the state of Xiong, he can't lose face.

At this time, even if you can't compete with Shen Ze, you need to be tough!

If kirky had such an idea, he would not be passive defense.

Under the control of his mind, the momentum swept from his body suddenly turned into a spear.

As soon as the spear came into shape, it roared out and shot at Shen zebiao.


Almost at the next moment, the purple dragon sword collided with the spear.

The two collided, just like two mountains collided together, and the sound of thunder burst out.

At the same time, a wave of terror swept away from the intersection of the two.

This wave is full of destructive power, crushing the air, tearing the space, crushing everything!

Shen Ze and Ke Ji are both on the top of Jianmen pass. Because of this wave, the whole Jianmen pass is shaking, giving people a sense of collapse.

The sky seemed to be cut in half, and the scene looked terrible.

People on the ground can naturally detect such a big noise on the Jianmen pass.

Many people subconsciously looked up into the sky. When they saw that scene, they were shocked and awed.

The fight between the martial arts masters is really terrible!

It's not something that human beings can do. It's really like a fight between immortals. It's not something that mortals can get involved in.

The collision between purple dragon sword and spear did not end in the first time.

Maybe it contains the same strength. After the collision of the powerful spear and the purple dragon sword, they are like the beginning of a similar tug of war. You come and I go, but neither of them has the absolute overwhelming power to show.

Shen Ze is not worried about this at all.

After all, the purple dragon sword is an entity, and the long spear is only transformed by strength. Even if the long spear resists the purple dragon sword for the first time, it will not last long.

As time goes on, the spear will not hold up.

As Shen Ze thought, after a while, the powerful spear couldn't hold.

"Bang Bang..."

The strength is long, the hair is suddenly inch by inch broken, just like the porcelain broken, issued a click sound.

Under the gloomy gaze of corky's eyes, before long, all the energy spears broke away and disappeared.

With the dissipation of the energy spear, there was nothing to resist the purple dragon sword.


The purple dragon sword turned into a purple light again and shot away at Keji.

Koki's face became very gloomy, and a flustered color flashed in his eyes.

At this time, kirky still can't avoid, and there is no time to think.

He could only gnash his teeth and burst out again, forming a mask in front of him.

The mask is like substance. It looks like a thin layer, but it gives people a very hard and thick feeling.

Almost at the same time that Keji condenses the mask, the purple dragon sword arrives.


The purple dragon sword broke out of the air and stabbed the mask of the energy that Keji had gathered. It made a deafening sound, just like two big clocks bumped together.

The mask, which was condensed by Keji's energy, was very hard. The purple dragon sword didn't pierce it for the first time.

The two collided fiercely and were deadlocked for a while.

The sharp point of the purple dragon sword is on the light shield, and the sword body vibrates quickly.

Seeing that the purple dragon sword didn't directly pierce the light shield, kirky stood behind the light shield and breathed a sigh of relief.

But then kirky's face changed because the light shield broke.


The light shield broke like a ceramic, with cracks like cobwebs in it, and then it burst apart.


With the fragmentation of the light shield, the purple dragon sword shot forward. Even though Keji's reaction was very fast, the purple dragon sword still brushed his shoulder and took up a piece of blood donation.

The purple dragon sword suddenly crossed Keji's shoulder, leaving a bloodstain on Keji's shoulder.

Kirky was in pain, with a groan in his mouth and an abnormal pale color on his face.

The purple dragon sword passed through Keji's shoulder, not only scratched his shoulder, but also poured terrible sword Qi into his body, which made his Qi and blood surge up, and his breath became very disordered.


Because he didn't suppress the sword Qi that ran into his body for the first time, Ke Ji continued to grunt in his mouth. At the same time, he staggered back a few steps.

There was a cold sweat on kirky's forehead and a strong pale color on his face.

His physical condition suddenly became a little bad. After he stabilized his figure, he immediately tried his best to suppress and eliminate the sword Qi that ran into his body.

For a moment, it was obvious that kirky could not care about Shen Ze.

"Corky's lost!"

"Shen Diaolong is so terrible that he can beat Ke Ji!"

"Keji is also one of the most powerful martial arts masters in Xiong kingdom. He was hurt by Shen Diaolong's sword!"

"Shen Diaolong is worthy of being Shen Diaolong. His name as the first God of war in the world is not really blown out."

"Keji is not Shen Diaolong's opponent. I'm afraid Xiong can't find one who can compete with Shen Diaolong."

"Shen Diaolong is so strong that no one can stop him!"

"Before, I didn't believe that Shen Diaolong could kill the martial arts master. Now I see that Shen Diaolong is better than Ke Ji. I believe it."

On the ground, the soldiers of Xiong and long are paying attention to the battle between Shen Ze and Ke Ji.

For them, they all want to see which one is better, Shen Ze or Ke Ji.

Now, the result is remarkable.

Shen Ze wins over kirky!