Chapter 739

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Li Guangrong was still very worried and could not calm down.

In Li Guangrong's view, it was a very risky thing to take the initiative to launch a war against Xiong.

How can we do this well without the full support of the State Council in advance?

If we do this, even if we get the full support of the national court, there is a high probability of failure.

If they fail in the end, all those who take part in this matter will become the culprits of the Dragon Kingdom and be nailed to the stigma pillar forever.

Such a result is obviously not what Li Guangrong wants.

After pondering for a long time, Li Guangrong proposed to Shen Ze, "Grand Marshal, let's make it clear to the national court."

"Even if we really want to take a very big risk to launch a war against bear state, we must get the full support of the national court, raise the combat effectiveness to the highest level, and prepare everything, so that the probability of success will be greater."

"What you said is reasonable, but if I could get the support of the National People's court, I would not do that," Shen said

"Li Guangrong, don't be so fussy. Since I'm going to do it, I'm sure I will succeed."

"Whether you agree or not, I will do it."

"If I do it, will you just sit back and not support me?"

Hearing the speech, Li Guangrong felt a bitter taste in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "if the Grand Marshal insists on doing it, I will give him my full support."

Now, Li Guangrong has no other choice.

After all, if Shen zezhen led the green dragon army to attack Xiong, he couldn't be watching.

Li Guangrong also knows that it is not easy to succeed without the full support of the National People's court. If the northern war zone does not support it any more, it will be impossible to fight and there is almost no possibility of success.

As a dragon, Li Guangrong naturally does not want to see Shen Ze fail.

Because for the current dragon Kingdom, it must succeed, otherwise everything will become very bad.

"Don't think so much. Just lead the northern theater and cooperate with me." Shen Ze said to Li Guangrong in an indisputable tone.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Li Guangrong didn't hesitate. He nodded his head and said yes.

Li Guangrong still knows something about Shen Ze. He knows that Shen Ze will never change his mind about what he has decided. In this case, if he says anything else, it won't work, he won't say it again.

Shen Ze said, "gather the important members of the Northern War Zone and hold a meeting."

"Good." Li Guangrong nodded.

Then Li Guangrong left and the convenor went.

After a while, Li Guangrong called all the important personnel in the Northern War Zone to the commander-in-chief camp, and held a meeting about launching a war against Xiong.

Ordinary people can imagine that when Shen Ze dispatched the Qinglong army to the Northern War Zone, he meant to use force against Xiong.

People in the northern theater can naturally think of it.

Like Li Guangrong, when he learned that Shen Ze was really planning to use force against Xiong when he transferred the Qinglong army to the northern theater, other important personnel in the northern theater were still a little shocked, which caused quite a stir in his heart.

It's too big to use force against Xiong Guo!

However, for the soldiers on the scene, it is worth doing.

The whole dragon Kingdom knows what's going on now. It's a good way to do it.

Moreover, with Shen Ze taking the lead, there is no reason why we should not follow.

Therefore, after Shen Ze proposed that the northern theater should cooperate with the Qinglong army to launch an attack on Xiong, everyone had no objection, but nodded in favor.

Shen Zekai's meeting is not to say anything specially, but to say hello to everyone in advance, so that everyone has a psychological preparation. Of course, he is also preparing to do it in advance.

Before the green dragon army arrived, we had to make preparations first.

When the green dragon army arrives, a lot of things will start.

To tell the truth, as long as he can be transferred to the Ministry of war, the national court can't stop Shen Ze from doing it.

Therefore, even if the court thought that Shen Ze would attack Xiong state, there was no way to stop him. Except for verbal warning, or giving him some mandatory orders, these had no effect on Shen Ze.

After Shen Ze held a meeting with important members of the northern theater, the matter spread throughout the northern theater.

As for the attack on Xiong Kingdom, everyone was shocked, but they were prepared. The soldiers who had expected these things in advance didn't have much trouble.

Moreover, as a soldier, the basaltic army has an air in their hearts. Many people support Shen Ze's plan to lead the attack on Xiong.

Because we all know what the situation is, and because of the blockade of the bear and Eagle countries, we all want to vent our anger.

Of course, everyone is very angry and unhappy with the country of bear and the country of eagle.

As for the attack on Xiong, we all have no intention of resisting. Instead, we have a supportive attitude.

If we attack the state of Xiong, at least the evil spirit in our hearts will come out.

So, when we heard that we were going to attack bear country, we were still a little excited.

"Damn, it's to attack the Bear Kingdom and let the Bear Kingdom know how powerful we are!"

"This time, we must do our best to let bear know that we are not soft persimmons that can be bullied at will."

"Both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom want to kill the Dragon kingdom. We also want to kill the Bear Kingdom. This time, we'd better go directly to the capital of the Bear Kingdom and destroy the Bear Kingdom."

"There's nothing to say, just fight. It's a big deal to die in battle!"

"There's nothing to think about in Longguo's current situation. If we can't achieve our goal, we'll die in battle. At least we've made efforts."

"No matter how many, as long as you can kill the bandits in Xiong country, everything will be OK."

"Don't be so excited. We're afraid we can't do it without the full support of the National People's court."

"We have to do it without the full support of the national court. I believe our Grand Marshal, since he wants to do it, we're done!"

"The national court has denied the attack on Xiong. If we don't have the full support of the national court, we'll attack Xiong. The probability of success is very small. We may lose our wife and lose our troops in the end, and we'll get nothing."

"These are really problems, but I still believe in Grand Marshal. Since Grand Marshal said he would attack Xiong, there would be no problem. I believe Grand Marshal, and I believe we can successfully accomplish this thing with Grand Marshal."