Chapter 744

After the court issued the order, the members of the Martial Arts Association received the news.

As for the fact that the national court asked the Wudao association to go to the Northern War Zone to restrict Shen Ze, it caused a heated discussion within the Wudao Association.

"Shen Diaolong is fighting against the imperial court."

"The court didn't want Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong, but Shen Diaolong wanted to do so!"

"Shen Diaolong is such a bull that he dares to fight against the imperial court!"

"The court asked us to restrict Shen Diaolong, which is really a headache!"

"Yes, we have to listen to the imperial court's orders, but it's really difficult to restrict Shen Diaolong. Who doesn't know that Shen Diaolong is a top martial arts man and has killed a martial arts master, which can be easily restricted."

"What's more, Shen Diaolong's status and status are too high. If we restrict him, even the following crimes are similar to crimes."

"I think it's really hard to deal with. On one hand, it's the imperial court, on the other hand, it's Shen Diaolong. It's not easy to get into trouble on both sides."

"The imperial court is Niubi, but Shen Diaolong is not a vegetarian either. Shen Diaolong has restored his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the status of the Dragon kingdom. Can we provoke him if he is less than one person and more than ten thousand people?"

"We run to restrict Shen Diaolong. If Shen Diaolong is irritated, he will solve us all. We can't find any place to cry."

"With Shen Diaolong's temper, he can really kill us all. After all, we are the first to provoke him."

"Damn, if I can, I don't want to deal with Shen Diaolong."

"To deal with Shen Diaolong is really a very difficult matter. Can we have a good talk with the court and let the court change its mind and not restrict Shen Diaolong?"

"I don't think the imperial court and Shen Diaolong should fight each other like this. The situation of the Dragon kingdom is very bad now. We should talk about everything well instead of fighting and having too much fun."

"If the court and Shen Diaolong have a quarrel, it's really a pain for relatives and a pain for enemies."

"Yes, the imperial court and Shen Diaolong are not happy. They have different opinions. Isn't that what Xiong and Ying want to see?"

"Everyone knows that Shen Diaolong plays a very important role in the Dragon kingdom. If Shen Diaolong is made by the imperial court, it will be a huge loss to the Dragon kingdom."

"Actually, I can't figure out why the imperial court decided to engage in Shen Diaolong. Shouldn't it be to support Shen Diaolong?"

"Now there is no good way to save the Dragon kingdom from fire and water. I think it's right to follow Shen Diaolong's idea. Only by initiating war can we break the current situation. I really can't think of any other way to break the situation."

"In fact, a lot of things will be known after careful consideration. Shen Diaolong would rather risk the world's great injustice than go against the meaning of the national court and lead the troops to attack Xiong state, which shows that this matter has the necessity and value to do."

"Who is Shen Diaolong? It's the supreme pride of heaven and the existence of half man and half god. It's like a demon. Leading the army has always been a strategy, otherwise it would never have been defeated. Shen Diaolong never acted rashly, but carefully considered the decision to attack Xiong kingdom. "

"Shen Diaolong is a man worthy of our trust. Since he has decided to attack xiongguo, we should support him, even if we want to win the whole dragon Kingdom and everyone's life!"

"People in other countries don't know about Shen Diaolong, but we in the Dragon Kingdom know Shen Diaolong very well. Even if we don't have contact with him and only know his deeds, I still believe in him and Shen Diaolong has the ability to solve these problems."

"I also believe in Shen Diaolong, and I think we should support Shen Diaolong."

"Well, even if we support Shen Diaolong, it's useless. If the court doesn't support him, it's very difficult to do this."

"It's really hard for the imperial court to compete with Shen Diaolong. It's even more difficult for us to get in the middle!"

"The meaning of the court can't be ignored. Now it's really hard for us to do it. Shen Diaolong can't do it either."

"We all know that if we don't comply with the court's will, there will be no good end. At this time, we can only listen to the court's will and take a step first."

"Yes, I'd better listen to the court first. Anyway, it's not the time to start. Maybe it will change before we start."

"Yes, let's not think about it any more. Let's do it according to the court's idea first."

Members of the martial arts association feel that it is very difficult for the court to ask members of the martial arts association to go to the Northern War Zone and assist the court to restrict Shen Diaolong.

No matter the court or Shen Diaolong, members of the martial arts association don't want to offend him. Of course, they don't want to restrict Shen Diaolong either. Instead, they support Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong.

Therefore, members of the martial arts association feel a little headache when the national academy makes such a move.

They had no choice but to follow the court's instructions.

As everyone knows the news, it is very convenient for Xu Xiao to mobilize.

If it is to restrict Shen Ze, it is obvious that the martial arts association does not have to go all out. Because it intends to follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong state, it is obviously necessary for the martial arts association to go all out.

Therefore, Xu Xiao was surprised to inform all members of the Wudao association to go on, and let more members of the Wudao association go to the Northern War Zone as far as possible.

Everyone thought it was in response to the call of the National People's court, so they all responded positively and agreed to go to the Northern War Zone.

In the end, nearly 50000 members of the martial arts association decided to go to the Northern War Zone.

The imperial court was in a hurry, so as soon as they got together, they set out for the Northern War Zone.

On the side of Yanjing, Shen Ze has been watched.

The national court asked the Wu Dao association to help him to come to the Northern War Zone to restrict him. He knew it for the first time.

"Are the members of the National Assembly all idiots? How could they want to do such a thing? Huang Shiping is really unworthy of being the supreme leader of the National People's court! "

When Ning Yansong learned about this, he became more and more dissatisfied with Huang Shiping's imperial court. Of course, he was even more dissatisfied with Huang Shiping himself.

"If you don't support us to attack Xiong Kingdom, it's really ridiculous that you still want to do something and run to stop us. Now the national court is really bad!"

Ning Yansong is very angry and reproaches.

"As early as I knew today, I didn't take the initiative to step down and let Huang Shiping not take the first place in the Dragon kingdom. It's really getting worse every day when the Dragon kingdom is handed over to him!"

"Now I also think that Huang Shiping should be brought down to prevent him from harming the Dragon Kingdom and taking the Dragon kingdom in a bad direction!"