Chapter 758

After listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, all the people in the martial arts association were puzzled.

The president wants to tell them something important. Why are you so serious?

Everyone was very confused.

Ouyang Qingfeng didn't sell the key either. He said straightforwardly, "I want to lead you to follow Shen Diaolong to attack xiongguo, instead of helping the court to restrict Shen Diaolong."

As soon as Ouyang Qingfeng said this, there was an uproar.

"The president is not going to comply with the meaning of the national court and help the national court to restrict Shen Diaolong?"

"If you disobey the will of the national court, and you still fight against the national court, you will commit a serious crime. You want to kill your head!"

"Is the president joking with us? How could he have such an idea? "

"The president has always been a steady person. He certainly won't speak disorderly. Since he said it in public, he must have made a good decision and plan!"

"In this way, the president really plans to lead everyone and follow Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong state!"

"I didn't expect that the president would have such an idea."

"With such thoughts and plans, the president is not afraid to bring us to the point where we are doomed?"

"If you disobey the meaning of the national court, no one will come to a good end. The president's plan is really too risky. If you are careless, you will fall into the sewer."

"For the sake of everyone's safety, we should not go against the will of the court, nor should we go against the court."

"If you want me to say that the president's ideas and plans are very good, we should follow Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong Kingdom and contribute our own strength to the Dragon kingdom."

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a nation. The Dragon kingdom is in danger now. We should stand up and serve the country."

"The president's intention means that the president believes in Shen Diaolong. Shen Diaolong is a trustworthy person. We should also believe in Shen Diaolong. I support the president's idea of following Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong."

"I don't support it. It's too risky to do so. Without the support of the national court, there is no chance of success in attacking Xiong state except failure. Why do you want to do it when you know it's a failure? Not only should we not do it, but we should also strangle it in the cradle and restrict Shen Diaolong from leading the army to attack Xiong state. "

"The Dragon Kingdom has no good way to solve the problem now. There is really no other way except to launch a war. Shen Diaolong is still determined to launch a war against the will of the national court, so this must be right. We should believe in Shen Diaolong."

"Shen Diaolong is the supreme pride of heaven. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his plan. We should really trust him, support him and follow him to attack the Bear Kingdom."

"No matter what you say, I'm against it!"

"I support it!"

When people heard Ouyang Qingfeng saying that he wanted to go against the national court, and that he wanted to fight against the national court, not to restrict Shen Ze, but to follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong state, they were shocked by the unexpected.

After the shock, there was a heated discussion.

Some people support Ouyang Qingfeng's idea of following Shen Ze to attack Xiong, while others are against it.

For such a result, Ouyang Qingfeng obviously has already expected, no surprise, no mood swings.

After a while's argument, Ouyang Qingfeng said, "please be calm."

Although the scene is very noisy, but this word is still accurate to all the ears.

Ouyang Qingfeng is the president of the martial arts association and the leader of the martial arts circle. Obviously, you still have to listen to his words.

Therefore, after listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, everyone felt that they closed their mouths and didn't make any more sound.

This is a noisy place, and it is quiet again.

After everyone calmed down, Ouyang Qingfeng said: "I know that some people want to do it, some people don't want to do it, and I won't force you to do it. If you want to do it, you can do it, and if you don't want to do it, you can forget it."

"But because I brought this up, I still want to say a few more words."

Ouyang Qingfeng calm tone, slowly said: "this matter, I am not a whim, a sudden decision, but after careful consideration, is to choose to do so."

"As long as you have no problem in your mind, you should think that the current situation of Longguo is very bad, and there is no good way to solve the current predicament. There is really no other choice but to fight and initiate war."

"What kind of person is Shen Diaolong? We are familiar with his deeds. Since Shen Diaolong is determined to attack Xiong Kingdom, why can't we believe him? Follow him to attack the Bear Kingdom? "

"We all know that Shen Diaolong killed two of my disciples. There is a lot of resentment between Shen Diaolong and me, but now I still abandon the past and follow Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong."

"Therefore, I hope that we can consider this matter carefully before making a decision."

After what should be said, Ouyang Qingfeng didn't talk any more nonsense.

"Now, those who are willing to follow Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong state will stand on my right side, while those who are not willing will stand on my left side."

"Think about it carefully, and then make a decision!"

After saying this, Ouyang Qingfeng said nothing more.

There was no more words in the audience, but they kept quiet and thought about what Ouyang Qingfeng said.

Do you want to follow Shen Diaolong to attack Xiong?

It's really a difficult choice.

As everyone knows, once you follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong state, it is obvious that you are against the court. This is obviously not allowed by the court, and the result is almost the same as the crime of beheading.

No matter what the final result is, just doing so means committing a serious crime and there is a risk of beheading.

No one is afraid of death, and everyone present is no exception.

Everyone is afraid of death and doesn't want to follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong Guo at the risk of beheading him.

But there are some things to do and some not to do.

If attacking xiongguo can really solve the current problems of Longguo and save Longguo from its predicament, we should do it even at the risk of beheading.

Of course, people who want to do this must have a lot of courage and courage, not the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Xu Xiao is the first to stand up when people are struggling to follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong.

Xu Xiao stands on Ouyang Qingfeng's right hand and says that he will follow Shen Ze to attack Xiong.

When other people saw Xu Xiao's attitude, they all showed a thoughtful look.