Chapter 767

Due to the blockade of martial arts, the old man in black robe is now an ordinary man. In front of Shen Ze, he is like an ant. He can be killed if he wants to.

For Shen Ze's sudden move and a little bit of energy into his body, the old man in black robe was shocked and angry.

The old man in black robe was afraid that Shen Ze had done something bad to him.

The black robed old man looked at Shen Ze nervously and asked, "what did you do to me?"

Shen Ze took a look at the old man in black robe and said in a flat tone: "don't be nervous. I just imposed an extra seal. I didn't do anything to you."

"When it's done, I'll lift the seal."

"By the way, don't try to break that seal, because that will only blow you to death!"

After listening to Shen Ze's words, the black robed old man's face became very ugly.

There was dissatisfaction and unhappiness in his heart, but he did not dare to attack it.

As for Shen Ze's methods, the old man in black robe had to admire him. He really did everything perfectly.

Shen Ze's imposing this seal on the old man in black robes can ensure that the old man's martial arts strength is blocked. After all, if the old man in black robes only blocks himself, who knows when the old man in black robes will lift the blockade?

With Shen Zejia's seal, we can ensure that this matter is really implemented.

Without Shen Ze's relief, the old man's martial arts strength would not be restored.

Obviously, Shen Ze is very considerate.

"Well, since the martial arts power has been blocked, the next thing will be left to me. Go and have a rest!"

Shen Ze said to Zhang Che and Ouyang Qingfeng.

Zhang Che and Ouyang Qingfeng nodded when they heard the speech. Then they turned into a shadow and went back to their room to have a rest.

After they left, Shen Ze held out a hand and picked up the old man in black robe. He rushed to the commander-in-chief camp where Huang Shiping was.

By this time, Huang Shiping had gone to bed.

Shen Ze with black robed old man, forced into the camp, he directly opened the door, made a lot of noise.

Huang Shiping, who fell into a deep sleep, was awoken.

Huang Shiping was in a bad mood when his dream was disturbed. As he sat up from the bed, he cried discontentedly, "what's the matter? Who's up to it? "

Shen Ze, carrying the old man in black robe, goes straight to Huang Shiping. At the same time, he rings his finger and the light in the room lights up.

As soon as the light came on, Huang Shiping saw Shen Ze and the old man in black robe.

Huang Shiping first glared at the old man in black robe. Then he turned his head and stared at Shen Ze coldly and sharply. He asked angrily, "Shen Diaolong, what are you doing?"

Shen Ze gave Huang Shiping a light look in his eyes, and then said in a flat tone: "I just let him block the martial arts power and make him become an ordinary man, so I personally sent him back to you."

"Blocked Liu Feng's martial arts strength, let him become an ordinary person?"

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Huang Shiping frowned, and his face showed a color of uncertainty.

For Shen Ze's words, Huang Shiping is not very confident.

He turned his head to look at the old man in black robe and asked coldly, "Liu Feng, is your martial arts strength blocked? Now he's an ordinary man? "

The old man in black robe felt that this was a disgraceful thing, so in the face of Huang Shiping's inquiry, he consciously lowered his head in shame, and then gave a gentle hum.

Seeing the black robed old man admit it, Huang Shiping frowned tightly, and a gloomy color appeared on his face.

For Huang Shiping, the old man in black robe is like a life preserver. Now, the old man in black robe's martial arts strength has been blocked, which has no effect on Huang Shiping.

This makes Huang Shiping feel very uneasy.

Of course, Huang Shiping is very suspicious of Shen Ze's motive for blocking the martial arts strength of the old man in black robes.

Huang Shiping impressively thinks that Shen Ze is deliberately doing something, which makes him very unhappy and angry.

Huang Shiping turned his head and glared at Shen Ze angrily. He asked harshly, "Shen Diaolong, what do you want to do when you block Liu Feng's martial arts strength?"

"Are you planning a rebellion?"

At this time, Huang Shiping, who was angry, gave Shen Ze a big hat.

Huang Shiping said that, which is quite reasonable. He did not exaggerate.

As Huang Shiping, the old man in black robe is his personal retinue. Shen Ze blocked the old man in black robe's martial power, which is really like plotting a rebellion.

In the face of Huang Shiping's big hat, Shen Ze didn't care and didn't care.

He gave Huang Shiping a little smile and said, "I want Huang and your valet to be able to be more peaceful when I lead the battle. That's why I did it."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Huang Shiping suddenly raised his eyebrows and showed an angry look.

"Shen Diaolong, do you really want to lead the army?"

"Are you determined to fight me? Don't you listen to me? "

"Shen Diaolong, aren't you afraid that you will end up in disgrace?"

Huang Shiping looks excited, his face is ferocious, and questions Shen Ze harshly.

Shen Ze had already prepared for Huang's questioning. He didn't care. He didn't have any mood swings. He was very calm and indifferent.

Shen Ze said calmly, "there is no turning back. Since I have decided to do this, I will do it to the end."

Shen Ze's tone was flat, just like he was stating a small thing. He took it for granted and made people have no doubt about it.

Huang Shiping is also a person who knows Shen Ze better. After listening to Shen Ze's words, he knows that Shen Ze has made up his mind to do that.

Now, he can't stop it.

However, such a fact is still unacceptable to Huang Shiping, or hard to accept.

Huang Shiping glared at Shen Ze fiercely and asked in a harsh voice: "Shen Diaolong, what do you want to do? What do you want to do with me? "

Knowing that he could not stop Shen Diaolong from leading the battle, Huang Shiping was worried about his safety.

Of course, even if he didn't stop Shen Ze from fighting, he would worry about his own safety, because Huang Shiping was a selfish man.

Seeing that Huang Shiping was extremely worried and nervous, Shen Ze laughed with disdain.

He fixed his eyes on Huang Shiping and didn't speak for a while.

Huang Shiping was dazzled by Shen Ze. He felt dizzy in his heart, and fell into extreme anxiety.

Shen Ze and Huang Shiping are at loggerheads. They have a lot of grudges, which is known to all the people in the Dragon kingdom.

Huang Shiping was terrified that Shen Ze would do drastic things to him because of the enmity between them!