Chapter 770

When we attacked the enemy this time, we were all in a state of mind.

Those who are not afraid of death are the most terrible.

So, it's very scary for us to fight.

Under the leadership of Shen Ze's powerful warriors, they broke through Jianmen pass and rushed into the territory of the enemy country.

After the enemy found that Shen Ze had many strong warriors, they were also sent to deal with them.

At the same time, the enemy sent more forces to stop them.

This time, Shen Ze is going to kill the enemy country, so as to give up the blockade and save the dragon country.

Therefore, no matter how many troops are dispatched by the enemy to stop, Shen Ze will not give up and will go forward bravely.

No matter three seven twenty-one, always to the enemy's capital to kill!

Anyway, we have been moving towards this goal, no matter whether we can reach the goal or not, whether we can reach the destination or not!

One go, one go, one go, one go.

It's time for Shen Ze and them to work together, so the enemy can't resist it.

The more enemy troops killed, the more empty they were, while Shen Ze's side killed, the more brave they were.

In this situation, the enemy troops were defeated by Shen Ze.

However, in half a day, Shen Ze killed ten kilometers from the no man's land of Jianmen pass to the enemy's territory, destroying ten cities all the way.

Of course, no matter which side is involved in the war, there will be a lot of casualties, let alone such a large-scale war.

However, even so, Shen Ze did not mean to stop.

Even though they knew that the enemy would send more troops to encircle and suppress the enemy, they would not move forward and fight against the capital of the enemy.

But because Shen Ze and his troops were so powerful that they couldn't resist them at all, so they pushed them all the time.

At the end of the day, they pushed 300 kilometers, leaving only the last 100 kilometers from the enemy's capital.

Of course, they are not gods, but flesh and blood. Since they are human beings, they will be tired.

In the middle of the night, Shen Ze and his family finally stopped, and the army settled down in a mountain depression to rest.

Although the enemy countries made a lot of preparations for this battle, they did not expect that Shen Ze would fight with such determination and toughness.

The mentality of the two sides is quite different.

On Shen Ze's side, they hold the belief that they will win even if they die, while on the other side, they hold a defensive mentality that they will not die if they can.

This kind of mentality difference, lets both sides combat effectiveness have not small difference.

Even though the enemy's weapons are more advanced than Shen Ze's, their combat effectiveness is weaker than Shen Ze's.

In this case, the enemy's victims are more than ever.

At the end of the day, nearly 100000 people were sacrificed by the enemy, while only 50000 people were sacrificed by Shen Ze.

Of course, no matter which side it is, it has paid a great price.

After all, no matter which country or state, as long as it participates in the war, it will pay a lot of costs, in terms of manpower, material resources and various resources.

However, although today's attack has caused more losses to the enemy side, everyone knows that as things continue, Shen Ze and his party will suffer more losses.

After all, it was they who invaded the territory of the enemy country and fought on the territory of the enemy country, which was very disadvantageous to their own side. Whether it was the reinforcement of troops or the supplement of resources, they could not compare with the other side.

This time, Shen Ze made sufficient preparations. He prepared ten days of food and resources supply, but it was still not a lot.

Once in the mire of war, these preparations are obviously not enough.

Of course, Shen Ze intends to end all this in ten days. However, there are unexpected circumstances. Things will not happen exactly as expected. There are many variables in it.

It depends on how you grasp it and whether you can minimize it.

It's night.

Shen Ze's camp is a gathering of generals.

Qin Chaohui reported: "according to statistics, we have sacrificed 50000 people today and nearly 100000 people in the enemy country."

Shen Ze smell speech, the facial expression dignified ground nods, then say: "sacrifice of person all deal with?"

Qin Chao replied, "it's all dealt with."

Shen Ze nodded, then asked: "how about the resources supply?"

"There is no problem," Qin said

Shen Ze smell speech, nodded, did not ask what more.

Shen Ze pondered for a while, then said, "now let's talk about the war."

"This time, I'm going to attack the capital of the enemy."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, the faces of all the people present became very dignified.

Obviously, it is not easy and difficult to attack the capital of an enemy country, and the cost is unimaginable.

And, most of all, it's not necessarily going to work!

After all, it has now entered the territory of the enemy.

As time goes on, there will only be more and more troops to intercept, encircle and suppress, and everyone's situation will get worse and worse.

In this increasingly bad situation, how can we attack the enemy's capital?

Although we all agree and believe in Shen Ze, we still feel that this idea is unrealistic.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Guangrong, commander-in-chief of the Northern War Zone, said, "Grand Marshal, it's very difficult for us to attack the capital of the enemy country. Isn't it a little low in feasibility?"

Shen Ze naturally can think of things that everyone can think of. He thinks it's normal for Li Guangrong to raise such a question, and he doesn't make a fuss.

Facing Li Guangrong's inquiry, Shen Ze pondered for a moment, then said: "it's really very difficult for all of us to attack the capital of the enemy country together, but if only one group of people is allowed to go, there will be some feasibility."

Listen to Shen Ze say so, on everybody's face exposed the color of thinking.

Everyone looked at Shen Ze silently, waiting for Shen Ze's words.

Shen Ze didn't sell the key either. He immediately said, "I'm going to take the people from the martial arts association and the Silver Dragon carving to the capital of the enemy country."

"Others, all stay on the only road leading to the capital of the enemy state, and block any troops that come to reinforce the capital of the enemy state."

After listening to Shen Ze's plan, people's faces became more dignified.

Shen Ze's idea is quite feasible, but it's just too dangerous.

Shen Ze and the others went to the capital of the enemy, while the others stayed behind, which made the pressure on both sides become very heavy.

A little careless, lose all!