Chapter 775

When Shen Diaolong led the army to attack, the enemy people were very angry and shocked.

They did not expect that Shen Diaolong would really lead the army to attack, even if they knew in advance that Shen Diaolong had dispatched the Qinglong army to the Northern War Zone.

In their view, the current situation of the Dragon kingdom does not support Shen Diaolong's doing so. Shen Diaolong can not lead the army and initiate war on his own initiative.

In their opinion, if Shen Diaolong did so, it would be very likely that the whole dragon kingdom would be ruined.

After all, as a superpower, where can Shen Diaolong attack?

But some things are unexpected.

It never occurred to the people of the enemy that Shen Diaolong really led the attack. After all, he was still advancing all the way to the capital with an irresistible edge.

All the enemy people are in a state of shock and anger, and they feel very angry.

Of course, the enemy was very surprised, and even a little scared, by Shen Ze's fighting power.

Because although the enemy responded quickly and sent troops to intercept Shen Ze for the first time, it did not play much role.

Moreover, the defense line set up by a million troops was easily broken by Shen Ze, and there were more casualties on the enemy side.

As a superpower, they are obviously unable to accept such a result when the armed forces are more powerful and they fight on their own territory.

In this regard, the whole enemy nation was in a state of exasperation. They felt very uncomfortable, helpless and unwilling, because they did not know what to do with Shen Ze for the time being.

Although the Ministry of arms is more powerful and its weaponry is more advanced, its combat effectiveness is not as high as Shen Ze's. it can't fight for a while, which is a headache for the enemy.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't we beat Shen Diaolong and let them do whatever they want in our own territory when they are stronger and equipped with more advanced weapons? "

"The result is just fuckin 'shit. How did it develop like this? In principle, we have sent millions of troops to defend the border. We should be able to defend Jianmen pass. How can Shen Diaolong break it? "

"Our people are becoming more and more useless. They can't even defend well. It's ridiculous to talk about superpowers."

"I think it's a complete failure for us to let Shen Diaolong attack us. Now we are a joke and will be laughed at by others all the time!"

"I really can't accept the fact. It's so annoying. It's a bunch of booze bags!"

"Even if we let others attack us, how can we accept that we can't stop each other and let them continue to commit crimes inside us?"

"I feel that we are more and more useless. There are too many good days. Now we can't fight any more. I feel that we are just pressed on the ground by Shen Diaolong."

"With advantages in all aspects, we not only failed to stop Shen Diaolong, but also had more people than Shen Diaolong, the king of the mountain. It was a shame."

"In any case, we are really nailed to the stigma now!"

"Shen Diaolong leads the troops all the way to our capital. If we can't stop them, we'll be completely defeated by Shen Diaolong."

"Malegobi, we must use all kinds of forces to annihilate Shen Diaolong, or we will not call ourselves a superpower any more."

"This time, we must kill all of them, or we will lose face."

"If Shen Diaolong really thinks he is the first God of war in the world, he can come to us and do whatever he wants. He is so naive. We have to teach him a painful lesson."

"Kill Shen Diaolong and let them die completely!"

"Yes, Shen Diaolong must be killed. They can no longer do whatever they want."

"No matter what the cost, we must solve them all!"

The enemy people were so angry that they all wanted to kill Shen Diaolong immediately.

However, they can only clamor like this and can't really do anything.

Because Shen Ze's strength and spirit are flourishing now. In this case, they are invincible. They are not able to deal with and fight against the enemy.

Of course, even if they knew that they could not be eliminated for a while, the enemy would still do so.

The enemy state is to mobilize all its forces to encircle and suppress them.

After learning that Zhao Xinghua led the Qilin army to support, Shen Ze didn't hide it and told everyone the good news.

After you heard the good news, your morale has improved a lot and your fighting will has become stronger.

It's like a stimulant to make people more effective.

The combat effectiveness of this unit has been very strong, but now it has been improved, and it has obviously become more strengthened.

The next morning, Shen Ze led the people of the martial arts association and the Silver Dragon carving to the enemy capital.

Li Guangrong led others to stay in the only channel leading to the capital of the enemy.

Li Guangrong's any action was to intercept all the troops who came to support the capital of the enemy country.

Shen Ze and their task is to break the enemy's capital, so that the enemy completely feel the pain and threat!

As the capital, the enemy has arranged for troops to be stationed and guarded, but there are not many troops, nearly 100000.

For Shen Ze, the 100000 troops are obviously not a big problem. If there is no accident, they can solve the 100000 troops.

The enemy has been paying close attention to the movements of Shen Ze and their side. When they find that Shen Ze personally took some people to the capital, the enemy side suddenly became very nervous.

The capital is the symbol of a state and the most important place of a state.

No matter which state is concerned, the capital can not be broken or destroyed.

For Shen Ze to lead the troops to kill the capital, the enemy side is surprised and angry, but also some fear and tension.

If Shen Ze is really allowed to conquer the capital, the enemy country will be forever pinned on the pillar of humiliation and become an unforgettable history of humiliation.

This is an unacceptable result for the enemy!

Knowing that Shen Ze was going to attack the capital city, the enemy country, regardless of any resistance, dispatched troops to support the capital city.

When the enemy people living in the capital heard the news of Shen Ze's attack, they were all in a state of panic.

Some people fled the capital and moved outside because of fear. This situation is obviously a great shame to the enemy country. If it is spread, it will become a big joke.