Chapter 784

"Shen Diaolong is really the most brilliant star in this era, and no one's achievements are as high as his."

"If only there were people like Shen Diaolong in our country."

"Shen Diaolong really saved two countries this time. It's crazy."

"Now I worship Shen Diaolong more and more!"

"Shen Diaolong is a monster who can make a superpower like this. He can't think according to common sense."

"Now I'm thinking, there's really nothing that Shen Diaolong can't do."

"Shen Diaolong, a state-owned enterprise, will really rise. I feel that this is an irresistible trend."

"Shen Diaolong helped l country through this difficulty, and then it will soar to the sky. Let's wait and see!"

"Some things have taken shape and cannot be stopped, even by the two superpowers."

"To put it bluntly, it's because of the existence of Shen Diaolong that these things happen. One person affects the situation of the world. We have to say that Shen Diaolong is really a bull!"

"I envy l country. If only our country had a Shen Diaolong."

"Don't daydream. Shen Diaolong, for example, can only produce one for hundreds of years."

"Yes, if there are more like Shen Diaolong, the world will be in chaos."

"The situation in the future needs to be carefully considered. We can't be in the wrong team."

"You can't stand in the wrong line, but it's really hard to choose now."

"If there is a problem with country x, the two superpowers should be able to break hands."

"If two superpowers fight, it must be wonderful."

"In any case, the current situation has changed a lot, and everything has become uncertain."

"I feel that the world is really more and more chaotic, and it will be more and more difficult to live in the future."

People all over the world are talking about Shen Ze and lamenting the current situation.

Shen Ze didn't pay much attention to the outside voices.

After he returned to the Northern War Zone with the remaining 200000 soldiers, he ordered everyone to have a good rest.

To attack the enemy this time, the loss is very large, but it is still within the scope of acceptance. Of course, because the goal has been achieved, it is obviously worthwhile to do so, even if it costs a lot.

Although Huang Shiping was under house arrest, he still knew the outside news.

Knowing that Shen Ze led the troops to invade the enemy's territory, fought in and out, successfully achieved the goal, solved the problem for L country, and never got into trouble again, Huang Shiping's mood became very complicated.

Shen Ze didn't comply with his will, didn't comply with the will of the national court, and completely opposed him, and he was put under house arrest. All this led to Huang Shiping's hatred for Shen Ze, and he wanted to execute Shen Ze.

Now, knowing that Shen Ze had successfully achieved his goal in attacking the enemy country, Huang Shiping's idea became complicated. After all, Shen Ze really solved the problem and saved l country from fire and water.

As Huang Shiping, he naturally wants to see l country return to normal and develop well.

Shen Ze has done such a thing that he can't turn a blind eye to it.

For Shen Ze to do such a thing, Huang Shiping is still a little jealous.

In Huang Shiping's mind, it should be him who comes to save the country and let him be praised by the people, rather than Shen Ze who does these things and enjoys them.

As a result, Huang Shiping is very jealous of Shen Ze. He is jealous that Shen Ze has done all this, but he has not.

Of course, Shen Ze's success shows that both he and the court are wrong. At the beginning, they should support Shen Ze in doing so, not deny it and try their best to stop it.

Nowadays, the national court led by Huang Shiping is like a joke, which makes people criticize and laugh.

And the biggest joke is Huang Shiping.

From now on, how can he command the national court and sit in the present position?

Huang Shiping is very upset with Shen Ze, because he thinks that all this is caused by Shen Ze. It's Shen Ze who makes him lose face and embarrasses him, not from himself.

"Even without you, Shen Diaolong, to do these things, I can solve all the problems and lead l country out of the predicament."

Huang Shiping seems to be a little bewildered. He wants to deny Shen Ze's credit and stubbornly think that what he has done is right. According to his idea, he can achieve the present effect.

Of course, all this is Huang Shiping's wishful thinking and his personal thoughts.

Now, everyone praises Shen Ze for what he has done. Huang Shiping is very jealous of Shen Ze. At the same time, he is more sure that Shen Ze is a great threat to him.

Shen Ze is now impressively having the kind of meaning of being a great master.

This makes Huang Shiping feel the crisis.

"Shen Diaolong, even if you can make amends, I won't give up on your house arrest!"

Obviously, Huang also wants to punish Shen Ze.

After Shen Ze returned to the Northern War Zone, he did not have the heart to keep Huang Shiping under house arrest.

That night, Shen Ze came to Huang Shiping's mansion.

When Huang Shiping saw Shen Ze, he showed a look of anger and displeasure, and put up his face in front of Shen Ze.

Shen Ze knows that Huang Shiping is very dissatisfied with him. He doesn't care about Huang Shiping's hostility and unhappiness.

"Mr. Huang should be OK these days?" Shen Ze looked at Huang Shiping faintly and said softly.

Huang Shiping snorted coldly and said angrily, "Shen Diaolong, don't think you've solved the dilemma for L country. I'll be open to you and forget about your house arrest."

"Even if you make a great contribution, I will punish you severely if you make a mistake first."

Huang Shiping didn't joke, but said it from the heart. He wanted to punish Shen Ze severely.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, the corners of Shen Ze's mouth turned up a radian of disdain.

He looked at Huang Shiping with sarcastic eyes and said, "Huang Shiping, I won't give you such an opportunity. You don't want to punish me severely."

Huang Shiping heard the speech and frowned. He looked at Shen Ze suspiciously and asked in a cold voice: "Shen Diaolong, what do you mean?"

Shen Ze also didn't hide, directly expressed his views, very directly said: "you are not suitable to sit in the present position, you should abdicate."

After listening to Shen Ze's reply, Huang Shiping was just like a cat with its tail trampled on. He suddenly blew up his hair.

"Shen Diaolong, you are not qualified to judge whether I am suitable to sit in the present position."

"What do you mean by that, to rebel?"

As soon as the words are finished, Huang Shiping stares at Shen Ze with a very angry look.

Shen Ze face unchanged, light said: "I just tell the truth, of course, will pay practical action, I will praise the right person to sit in that position."