Chapter 786

Shen Ze can roughly figure out what Huang Shiping is thinking.

If Huang Shiping is not willing to take the initiative to step down and Shen Ze insists on pushing thunder up, then there will certainly be conflicts and fights between the two sides.

However, the fighting among people of their rank will cause the whole nation to be in turmoil, and even lead to some uncontrollable situations. No one can say exactly what the consequences will be. However, there will certainly be waves.

Shen Ze can think of all these things.

For the sake of the overall situation, we really should not stir up these incidents at will, but sometimes for the sake of the overall situation, it is necessary to do such things, even if it will cause disputes.

At this time, in Shen Ze's view, it is necessary to do so.

Huang Shiping has no ability and is not suitable for that position.

If Huang Shiping is allowed to continue to sit in that position, it is really unpredictable what will happen to l country.

Moreover, since Huang Shiping took that position, l country is obviously not as good as before.

Shen Ze is to see Huang Shiping sitting in that position, l country is getting worse and worse, so he wants to push thunder up.

There are risks in doing so, but the current situation is not stable. In this case, we can take advantage of this time to exchange blood. After that, we can seize the opportunity and develop well.

After pondering for a while, Shen Ze said to Huang Shiping, "if Mr. Huang really has a conscience and considers the overall situation, he should take the initiative to step down."

Shen Ze then added: "if Huang takes the initiative to step down, maybe he can still keep some dignity for himself. If he doesn't step down, he may lose all his dignity."

Shen Ze is telling the truth.

Because everyone is not a fool, whether Huang Shiping is good or not, we all know.

If there is a better choice, we should all choose the better one instead of Huang Shiping.

If we really fight at that time, and the result is Huang Shiping's failure, then Huang Shiping really has no dignity left.

This situation is very likely to happen.

After all, there is a saying that those who win the hearts of the people will win the world. If they lose the hearts of the people, they will not be able to continue to sit in that position.

Huang Shiping is almost like this now.

Moreover, Lei Ming is the second most important figure in the imperial court. He played a very important role in Shen Ze's attack on the enemy, which is equivalent to making great contributions. Under such circumstances, it is normal for Lei Ming to get everyone's support.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, thunder has a better chance than Huang Shiping.

Now, leiming has soft power. With the support of Shen Ze, it has hard power. The opportunity to combine the two is really great.

Huang Shiping is not a man without brain. Naturally, he can think of these things.

And think of these, impressively let his brow twist into a line, the face becomes very ugly.

After pondering for a while, Huang Shiping still said reluctantly: "I will not take the initiative to step down, even if I get ruined in the end, I will go on."

Shen Ze smell speech, gave eight words of evaluation: "stubborn, stubborn."

Huang Shiping was in a bad mood. After Shen Ze said that, he was in a worse mood.

"Shen Diaolong, don't talk to me here."

Huang Shiping said angrily, "if you really want to push thunder up, then you are the culprit of everything. You will become the culprit of our country, and you will be infamous forever."

Huang Shiping, like a broken pot, said, "if you want to fight, I'll fight with you to the end. I won't give in."

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, Shen Ze didn't take it seriously. He said faintly, "as long as it's something I think is right, I will do it. As for what happens after that, I don't care."

"It's normal that you don't give up and you're not reconciled. I won't say anything about you. I'll explain everything with practical actions. At that time, I believe you will take the initiative to step down."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Huang Shiping knew that Shen Ze didn't change his mind at all, and his face became very gloomy.

"Shen Diaolong, we'll see!" Huang Shiping made a cruel remark.

Shen Ze smell speech, light a smile, didn't say what.

Shen Ze didn't mean to talk to Huang Shiping any more. He said to the black robed old man standing by: "now I can lift the ban for you."

After hearing this, the old man in black robe took a deep look at Shen Ze and said, "please, Grand Marshal."

"You're welcome."

Shen Ze lightly responded, and then he waved to the old man in black robe.

With this action, a breath came out of the old man's body, and then dissipated in the air.

Shen Ze suddenly lifted the ban on the old man in black robe.

After Shen Ze lifted the ban, the old man in black robe immediately regained his martial arts strength, but in a moment, his martial arts strength was restored as before.

"It's OK. I'll go first."

Then Shen Ze turned and left.

Huang Shiping stares at Shen Ze's left figure with indignant eyes, and only when Shen Ze's figure completely disappears in his sight can he take back his eyes.

"This Shen Diaolong is so rampant. He's clearly going to revolt!"

Huang Shiping's face was livid and said angrily, "do you really want to bully me? It's too much to dare to ride on my head and bully me

"It's tolerable, but it's not."

"Since Shen Diaolong has made it clear that he is going to fight against me, I will not talk nonsense with him. He is not benevolent, so don't blame me for being unjust."

If the previous conflict just made Huang Shiping unable to tolerate Shen Ze, but now he really wants to kill Shen Ze and doesn't want him to live in this world.

The more Huang Shiping said, the more excited he was. He said in a murderous way, "I'll kill Shen Diaolong, so that he can't do anything more."

"No one else can take my place!"

To put it bluntly, Shen Ze picked out the matter and wanted to shake Huang Shiping's position, which made Huang Shiping unable to accept, so he had a bad heart for Shen Zesheng.

In Huang Shiping's opinion, as long as Shen Ze is killed, everything can be solved.

Even if Lei Ming has a further idea, he can't do it without Shen Ze's help.

Therefore, Huang Shiping now holds a certain attitude towards Shen Ze.

Just now Huang Shiping and Shen Ze's conversation, the old man in black robe heard clearly. He knew the matter, and obviously understood that Huang Shiping wanted to kill Shen Ze.

Of course, understanding belongs to understanding, but the old man in black robe doesn't agree with it, because killing Shen Ze has a great influence!