Chapter 793

The reason why Huang Shiping wanted to bring back all the people from the Wudao association was that he didn't want the Wudao association to keep in touch with Shen Ze, so he became a force of Shen Ze's side.

This time, the association of martial arts and Taoism followed Shen Ze to attack the enemy country. There was already such a sign.

Huang Shiping didn't want this kind of thing to continue to happen, so that he really lost the power of the martial arts association.

Even if he gets the help of the Wudao Association, Huang Shiping won't let it become Shen Ze's help even if he destroys it.

Therefore, Huang Shiping was very upset that the martial arts association didn't want to go back with him.

"This is my order. You Wudao association must obey it!"

"I don't want to say that for the second time. If you don't follow me back, you're obviously against me."

"When I get back to Yanjing, I'll root out your martial arts association in the name of the State Council!"

Huang Shiping's words were firm, and he didn't mean to joke at all.

Before that, Ouyang Qingfeng led the Wudao association to follow Shen Ze to attack the enemy country and fight against the national court, which was a big crime.

Even if he followed Shen Ze to attack the enemy country, helped the country out of the encirclement and made contributions, these things should happen first and then.

If the court doesn't think that the martial arts association can make up for its mistakes, then the martial arts association can't say anything about it.

After Huang Shiping returned to Yanjing, he convicted the martial arts association in the name of the national court. Then the martial arts association would be doomed and never have a chance to turn over.

Even as Huang Shiping said, the martial arts association has disappeared from the world forever.

Let's not say that Ouyang Qingfeng founded the martial arts association. He doesn't want the martial arts association, which he has spent half his life building, to disappear.

Before that, he changed his mind and wanted to follow Shen Ze to attack the enemy country against the will of the national court. He lobbied members of the martial arts association to let everyone choose to follow him to attack the enemy country.

Now that everyone has chosen to believe him, he can't ignore the life and death of the members of the association.

If he takes the lead in doing this, it is necessary for him to keep everyone safe and even get some benefits.

Let Huang Shiping convict the martial arts association in the name of the national court, and let the national court punish the members of the martial arts association. This is not what Ouyang Qingfeng wants to see.

After pondering for a moment, Ouyang Qingfeng finally gave in and said, "well, we Wudao Association will follow Huang back to Yanjing."

Huang Shiping heard the speech and snorted coldly, saying, "you know something good or bad this time."

Immediately, Huang Shiping opened his mouth and said, "now go and ask the people of the martial arts association to clean up. We'll leave for Yanjing later."


Ouyang Qingfeng heard the speech and nodded heavily.

Huang Shiping then waved to Ouyang Qingfeng.

Ouyang Qingfeng understood and turned away.

After coming out of Shuai Fu, Ouyang Qingfeng went back to the residence of the members of Wudao Association.

"Mr. Huang insisted that our Wudao Association follow him back to Yanjing. We can't refuse this. We can only follow him back."

After calling all the people together, Ouyang Qingfeng said.

After listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, people's faces showed a touch of worry.

What does Huang Shiping want them to go back with him?

Can't it be because of what happened before that they can be punished only after they go back?

Someone said anxiously, "president, Mr. Huang insists that we follow him back to Yanjing. What does he want to do to us?"

"Yes, we didn't listen to him before, and we fought against the national court. It's a big crime. If he punished us, we'd come to no good end!"

"I'm also very worried that Mr. Huang will deal with us. After all, he called us to the Northern War Zone before. We not only didn't help him restrict Shen Diaolong, but also helped Shen Diaolong to attack the enemy country. In any case, Mr. Huang has no reason to let us go."

"Although I don't want to think about it carefully, this is really the case. If we are Huang Lao, we will do the same thing and deal with us."

"I always feel that there won't be anything good going back this time."

"Can we not go back?"

"I don't want to go back, either."

"I feel it's safe to stay in the northern theater now."

"We followed Shen Diaolong to attack the enemy this time. We followed Shen Diaolong through life and death. We stayed in the Northern War Zone. He should protect us."

"It's really the best option for us to stay in the northern theater."

All the words you say and I say are expressions of worry and anxiety. Most people do not want to go back to Yanjing, but stay in the Northern War Zone.

"President, can we not follow Mr. Huang back to Yanjing?"

"I don't think we have any good fruit to eat as soon as we go back. It's better not to go back."

"Yes, President, do you want to talk to Mr. Huang again and fight for an opportunity to stay in the Northern War Zone?"

"I think we can ask Shen Diaolong to help us in this matter. If Shen Diaolong knows our needs, he will certainly help us."

"We followed Shen Diaolong this time and helped him a lot. He had no reason not to help us."

Ouyang Qingfeng naturally wants what we are worried about.

Seeing that you and I kept talking, Ouyang Qingfeng waved his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing this, they closed their mouths and said nothing more.

Ouyang Qingfeng glanced at the crowd, then said with a very serious look: "I'm the one who leads this time. Even if something goes wrong, I'll take it on my own."

"I've brought you all. I won't let you have an accident. Even if there is an accident, it's my responsibility."

"I don't know what Mr. Huang's plan is or what he means, but I can generally know that he doesn't mean to punish our Martial Arts Association."

"If we don't follow him back to Yanjing, he is likely to punish our Wudao Association. That's what he told me before, and it's very clear."

"If we don't follow him back to Yanjing, he will convict us in the name of the national court."

After listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, everyone frowned and his face became a little dignified.

If Huang Shiping really wants to convict them in the name of the national court, then they really have no chance to turn over.

The final outcome will not be good. After all, what they did before is similar to the big crime of beheading in the court.

"In that case, it seems that we can only go back with Huang Lao."

"Yes, if Mr. Huang convicts us in the name of the national court, we will fall into the abyss and have no chance to turn over."