Chapter 796

Some things, as long as there are people to talk about, will cause more people to talk about.

When a voice appears, then another voice rings. With more and more voices, a stream of public opinion is formed.

"I also think thunder is more suitable for that position."

"If you want me to say that, it's time to choose a new one and replace it with thunder."

"Since Huang Shiping's leadership, there has been no good development in the state, and even some retrogression. It would be a good thing for the state to replace him."

"Guobang has just been stabilized. I think it's better not to happen this kind of thing. Otherwise, Guobang may fall into a bad situation again."

"Yes, the court of state has just been stabilized. Now it can't be too big."

"No matter when this happens, there will be a lot of turbulence. It's better not to happen."

"Yes, it's better to be safe now. After all, there are still many uncertainties in the future. No one knows whether the two superpowers will make a comeback."

"What we should do now is to develop well and strengthen ourselves."

"Yes, development first, other things later."

Although everyone has the idea of changing Huang Shiping, it's just a discussion.

We all keep our sense and know that the first thing we should do now is to stabilize our country and let it develop well.

After all, it's not clear what happened after that.

Although the two superpowers have now relaxed their repression of the state, and they mean to fight each other, many things are uncertain.

Without a thorough solution to the national crisis, we can not relax for a day.

Such things as changing the head of a state will certainly cause quite a lot of turmoil.

If this kind of thing causes the state to get into trouble again, it is a matter that the gain is not worth the loss. No one wants to see such a thing happen, so we all choose restraint.

Huang Shiping was shocked to hear these voices and see these words.

For Guobang people want to replace him, let leiming sit in his position, Huang Shiping is very upset and angry.

Although he didn't like it very much, Huang Shiping had nothing to do, because he couldn't prevent such things from happening. After all, his mouth was on others and he couldn't control it. Even if he could guide the public opinion, it couldn't have a fundamental effect.

Of course, for the sake of his reputation, Huang Shiping still took some measures to guide and control public opinion, trying to make those adverse voices less.

Even if it does, it will not spread on a large scale.

And the occurrence of this kind of thing, also let Huang Shiping feel a strong sense of crisis.

The people of the nation began to roar towards the thunder. Why didn't he feel flustered and threatened?

In order to keep his position, Huang Shiping can use any means.

He impressively let people dig thunder's black material, try their best to discredit Lei bin, and praise himself as much as possible, and put gold on his face.

However, none of this will make much difference.

Because some things have taken root in people's hearts and can't be changed.

Of course, even if it can't be changed, what should be done will be done.

For Huang Shiping, as long as he can keep his position, he can do anything.

Of course, both Shen Ze and Lei Ming have made preparations against Huang Shiping.

The two sides were fighting secretly.


This time, the martial arts association openly violated Huang Shiping's intention, and fought against the national court, making a bigger mistake.

The court of state has launched the sanctions against the Wudao Association. However, it has the help of thunder. In addition, the Wudao association has made great contributions to the process of attacking the enemy this time.

So in the end, the people of the martial arts association were only educated, and no one was in danger.

Of course, the martial arts association still exists.

But Huang Shiping still thought of all kinds of ways to hold the martial arts association tightly in his hand.

Of course, Huang Shiping wanted the martial arts association to be used by him.

Ouyang Qingfeng is very clear about this, but he can't do anything. He can only choose temporary forbearance to keep the whole martial arts association and keep peace with Huang Shiping.

Huang Shiping was surprised that he didn't give up the idea of killing Shen Ze. He still asked Ouyang Qingfeng to cooperate with the black robed old man to kill Shen Ze.

For this matter, Ouyang Qingfeng can only promise and deal with it first. As for whether to really kill Shen Ze, we'll talk about it later.

Shen Ze hasn't left the Northern War Zone yet. It's obviously not the right time to attack him.

Huang Shiping also understood this and did not rush to do it.


Shen Ze did not intend to leave the Northern War Zone, but continued to guard the Northern War Zone, and the soldiers he brought back still stayed in the Northern War Zone.

The reason why Shen Ze did this was to guard against the retaliatory action of Congress X against the state.

After all, this time, Shen Ze led the invasion into the territory of the enemy country, which made the enemy country suffer great losses.

The whole enemy state has a great hatred for the state, and it is normal to retaliate.

Shen Ze was on guard against this, so he continued to be in the Northern War Zone.

Now, the whole x country really hates l country, and always wants to revenge l country, but there is internal trouble, and it is targeted by another superpower.

There is no way for country x to take retaliation. It can only appease the interior first, and then deal with the attack from another superpower.

Therefore, for a while, country x can't spare itself to deal with country L, which is obviously an opportunity for country l to conserve its energy and develop well.

Both superpowers have reduced their repression and sanctions, which is a very good thing for both L and s countries.

Both countries seized the opportunity to keep a low profile.

Shen Ze can also judge the current situation. Although he knows that country x will not take any action, he still stays in the Northern War Zone. He will not leave until the situation is completely stabilized.

Of course, although he was in the Northern War Zone, Shen Ze knew exactly what happened in Yanjing.

Shen Ze knows all about Huang's actions.

Of course, Shen Ze won't watch Huang Shiping do those actions against him and thunder. He thinks it's necessary. He will strike back or take some counter measures.

There was a turbulent undercurrent in Yanjing.

People from all sides have found Lei Ming and Shen Ze, and have a contest with Huang Shiping.

We can not help but start to stand up, and then formed a two wave camp, fighting against each other, competing against each other.

Of course, both sides are very restrained. On the surface, they still maintain a relatively calm state.